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You sat in silence, your mind racing. Did you make the right choice? At this point you didn't know. You are angry and upset, words were said, you let that horrible girl get under your skin, you pushed Hiccup away when he tried to fix the rip. You felt like an absolute idiot. It was Stephanie's plan all along, to set this rift between you an Hiccup, pushing you both apart.
The gentle sound of rain tapping against the window filled the room, you'd been hiding away for two days, all you did was sleep and cry even though you knew it was stupid but you couldn't help it. You felt like the world was crumbling around you, no matter how hard you tried to think of Hiccup and the happy moments you couldn't push away how bad you felt for what you said to him, packing your things, him begging you to stay. Your stupid stubbornness overshadowing everything else. You were broken, even shutting the door on Mystique, your best friend. The one who would always be there for you. But you couldn't face anyone to see you in this state, your eyes were red and puffy, hair a complete mess, you hadn't really spoken so you knew your voice was croaky and horrible too.

A very faint knock on the door alerts you, through the crack at the bottom of the door you see the shadow of someone's legs standing there. You knew who's they were, but you didn't want to talk to anyone, not even the people you did trust.
The door creaks open, you look up but you can't move, frozen in your thoughts. There he was. Concern plastered all over his face, as his bright eyes fall onto you he feels his chest tighten seeing you there, vulnerable and mentally defeated.
He steps into the room, closing the door behind him, you hear him swallow loudly as he steps closer, you squeeze your eyes shut, the bed shifts as he sits beside you, finally speaking.

"Please talk to me, tell me what happened."

His voice was soft and calming, your mind was screaming at you to say something, you could feel the words trying to come out but all you could manage was a squeak. what was the point of explaining it? No one believed you then, what's changed? You look at him, his focus glued onto you, waiting. Clearing your throat you finally speak.

"The girl, she attacked me." As you spoke, you curled up into a tighter ball, not wanting to say her name, she made you sick "I didn't do anything wrong, she threatened me then suddenly had a cut on her leg, blaming it on me, it hurt. I tried to defend myself but it's was useless, That girl had all the power....she had the grip"

Hiccup gulps again. Yes, after what Astrid said you decided to stay at Berk. She was right, and you knew disappearing for a few days wasn't going to fix it, Hiccup would spend the whole time running his brain dry of what he could do and no doubt end up chasing after you. He messed up believing Stephanie over you, he promised to leave you alone for a while as long as you promised him you would stay here, be safe and let the two of you talk it out, which you obliged.

"Honey...." you gaze into his green eyes "I can't express enough how sorry I am for immediately jumping onto Steph....her side. I don't know what came over me. She's a good actress I guess." He says "you should have seen the smirk on her stupid face as we yelled at each other, just what she wanted." You scoff "well, she's gone now. And I've made sure she never comes back. She hurt you...I hurt you." As he speaks his voice gets lower, you unwrap yourself from your cocoon and shuffle closer.
"But why did you believe her?"
"Everyone seemed to hate her from the minute she got here but she seemed lovely to me, in my eyes she was just a nice girl looking for a dragon and I always want visitors here to feel welcome, not come crying to me with a large cut on their leg claiming they got attacked."
"You knew I would never do that, yet you still accused me."
"I know, I'm an idiot. I'm supposed to protect you...not push you away and hurt you like this."
You sigh softly, staring at his hand, you slowly rest yours on top, he doesn't take his eyes off you for a moment, watching you. Trying to figure out what you were thinking "Hiccup, I love you. I'm sorry for everything I said." You whisper, voice cracking again as you start to cry once more.
Without a second thought Hiccup grabs you, pulling you into his arms, holding onto you tightly as you sobbed "you have nothing to apologise for. I'm the one who's sorry." He holds you for what felt like hours, shushing soothingly into your ear, stroking you hair, kissing your red hot cheek "I'm not going anywhere, ever."
His words repeated in your mind as you both sat in now silence for a moment until he breaks it "third times the charm?" he asks, trying to lighten the situation, holding the ring in between his fingers, you finally show a small smile holding your hand out, he slides the ring onto your finger once again "I never want to have this ring leave your finger ever again."
"Honestly, throwing it on the bed was a bit dramatic." You mumble "you were angry, could have been worse though, you could have chucked it at my face, that would have hurt." He chuckles.
"Hiccup, no matter how angry I get at you, I could never hurt you."
He smiles at you, his truly happy smile, it made you melt, he had that power over you, from first meeting him, blocking him out, refusing to let him break down the ice wall around your heart for months, never believing you deserved love, he never gave up, he was gentle and patient. His warmth slowly melting the wall away along with the numbness and despite everything, that warmth has never left. As you gazed once again into his forest green eyes you think to yourself "I'm so lucky." And as if he could read your mind, he leans in closer, his lips brushing against yours whispering the exact same thing "I'm so lucky."


The wedding date was set. Just 3 months away. To say you were nervous was an understatement. The lifetime commitment was slowly getting closer, you knew this was what you wanted, Hiccup was the man you wanted to spend your life with, but it was still terrifying.
"Hey, there you are!" Hiccup calls, kissing your cheek, you stay silent "everything okay?" He asks "hm? Oh yes. I'm fine, sorry I was in my own world." You chuckle, taking his hand "Anyway, let's go for a fly!"

After a few hours, you were getting ready to head back when you notice a large ship, surrounded by water dragons attached to chains, seemingly pulling the ship along "you seeing this?" You ask Hiccup, he flies up beside you "weird, we better not get too close, don't want to be seen, we don't know if they're hunters or not."
"Too late." You whisper, noticing some men on the ship pointing to you, scrambling around the deck to large cannons, suddenly shooting nets towards you "we need to get out of here, now!" Hiccup yells, the dragons dodging the nets, you turn around, but as soon as your back is turned, more nets charge at you, wrapping themselves around Toothless and Mystique, both dragons squirming and fighting to get free but the weight of the metal dragged them down, Both plummeting on the grass.
Your head was throbbing as you slid out of Mystiques protective grip, checking she was okay, she groaned softly, licking you. You look over to see Toothless lifting his head, shaking it then unwrapping his wings, Hiccup rolls over, sitting up in confusion.
"Are you two alright?" He asks "yeah, What about you and Toothless?"
He stokes Toothless's snout, to which the Night Fury nuzzles against him "we're good. How do we get out of these nets?"

"You can't."
You both snap your heads to see a man looking down at you "V-Viggo?" Hiccup stutters, shuffling back, the man laughs loudly "sadly no, he was too soft. I'm his cousin. We look rather similar don't you think?" He raises an eyebrow "like twins!" One Hunter calls from behind, the man glares at him before clearing his throat "I've been looking for you, Hiccup. And that precious dragon of yours." He grins, Hiccup scowls at him "now I don't want to deal with bickering on our journeys so." As he finishes his sentence, two men shoot darts into the dragons, making them immediately collapse "what the hell did you just do?" You scream "relax, pretty girl. Just a sedative. Speaking of." He takes a cloth from his pocket, the same two hunters grab Hiccups arms though the net, the man grabs onto his hair, shoving the cloth against his face, he squirms against the tight grips, but it was no good, within seconds you see his eyes roll up into his head as his body goes limp "Hiccup!" You cry, the hunters let him go, he flops to the floor "scream all you want, love. He's out like a fire flame dipped into water, but like I said, sedative. Now." He takes the same cloth, holding you down with his foot forcing the dirty fabric against your nose and mouth, 5the two Hunter holding you down. the smell was intoxicating, burning your eyes, everything around you started to blur as the man leaned down, whispering.

"My name, is Arne. And I am your worst nightmare."


I was originally thinking of somehow magically having Viggo never die, like it was decided at the end of Race to the Edge but that would just be madness! He's dead and I don't want to twist the original story (i mean, I know I've not included pretty much the whole of the third film, but...shhhhhhhhh😅)

Next part will be up soon :)

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