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Toothless lands near the cave entrance and slowly walks in, immediately stopping when his eyes fall onto you, confused by the sight in front of him "(y/n)?" You continue to stare at the ceiling "oh my god!" You hear Hiccup scramble off Toothless and run to your side "you're injured!"
"I noticed."
"Bu...what? When?"
Hiccup examines the cut on your thigh "that looks nasty." He says "it's not too bad. I'm just levitating my leg so the blood gravitates down and the cut has a chance to scab a bit so no more can escape out." You explain, finally rolling your head to the side to look at him "Astrid told me where you two went, she didn't however mention this!" He gestures to your thigh "she doesn't know, that's why."
Hiccup sighs softly and takes a bandage out from a bag attatched to his saddle "were you being stubborn again?" You roll your eyes "no, I just don't need babying over a simple cut."
"Simple? It's pretty deep! I can see under your skin!"
"Ok, lovely thank you." You mutter, he wipes the wound carefully then dries it before wrapping the bandage around your thigh, when he was done you lower your leg, sit up and shuffle next to him.

"When did you get hit?" He then asks "just as we were about to leave, we'd freed the dragons and knocked the hunters out, one of them came to and charged for us. Just before Mystique took off he swung and got me." You reply, he reaches over, tucking some hair behind your ear "from what Astrid told me. You two did an amazing job." He says, you nod "although initially, Astrid was hesitant that we could fight them just the two of us."
"Well two against a bigger group is dangerous."
You don't reply, tucking your knees up to your chest, looking at the floor, a mixture of the winter air and heat of the fire brushing against your body, Hiccup then speaks up "but you did it, and amazingly on that note. But on a different topic, you need to rest that leg, let's go home." He stands up and holds his hand out, you just stare at it, he tilts his head "what's wrong?" You ignore him pushing his hand away, trying to stand up but you immediately fall back down, he quickly grabs you and hoists you up, you curse under your breath as your leg trembles with your weight on it, you shoo Hiccup away only to fall down again with a huff "(y/n) come on. You can't walk properly on it. Let me help you." He says calmly "I don't want help." You mutter, he sighs crouching in front of you "your leg is going to be tender and wobbly, it's to be expected." You go go speak but he beats you to it "and no, you can't just hop around on one leg all day." You close your mouth, a pout forming on your lips, Hiccup chuckles "come on, moody." He wraps an arm around your waist helping you stand and mount Mystique.

You fall onto the sofa and groan "my leg is so pathetic!" Hiccup let's out a small laugh,"it's just tender, give it time." He drapes the blanket over your shoulders then sits down, you gaze at him, soft smile on his face, he cups your cheek and leans in slowly, just as your lips were about to touch a knock on the door freezes you both. Hiccup sucks air the through his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut, dropping his head down, you lean back, gesturing him to get the door. He sighs and walks over, opening it. After a few seconds of talking he closes it again and walks back to you "everything alright?" You ask, he nods "I've to go out again for a while." You could tell by his face he wasn't best pleased "a chiefs gotta do what a chiefs gotta do." You giggle, he rolls his eyes with a smile "I'll send one of the gang over to help you to the hall for dinner later, and keep you company."
"I'm sure Mystique can manage that." You say, he shakes his head "stubborn." You stick your tongue out at him, he laughs again, kissing your cheek before leaving.

Not long later you were still sat by the fire, stroking Mystiques head slowly deep in thought. The front door suddenly flies open making you jump "ahoy! We have arrived!" Snotlout bellows "ever heard of knocking?" You question, glaring at him "I told him that." You see Astrid appear behind him flicking his ear. She then takes a seat next to you "why didn't you mention your leg?" You shrug "I didn't want to cause a fuss. It's fine now. Just sore."
"Might need to chop it off, then you and Hiccup will be the same." Snotlout laughs, you throw a book in his direction, he quickly ducks "I'm kidding, geez!"

After a few days, despite your leg still being sore, you were able to walk around again without help, much to your relief. Relying on people was not your idea of a life. It was dark and cold as you and Mystique prepared to head back to Berk, you had been searching around for dragons most of the day. You hadn't found anything new, but it was still fascinating to observe them in the wild.
Mystique darts her head up, sniffing the air "what is it girl?" You whisper, she groans softly at you then starts walking away, you follow cautiously. She lets out a call and in the distance a faint reply. She nudges you to get on her back, as soon as you do she bolts towards the trees.
Suddenly she stops. you peer over her head, heart dropping at the sight in front of you. There was a dragon curled up on the floor, groaning weakly. A visible arrow sticking into its chest. You side off Mystiques back and slowly approach, it was a Skrill. Seeing you approach, the dragon grumbles lowly. Mystique quickly cutting in and rubbing against you, showing the Skrill you weren't a danger.
The Skrill stares at you with sad eyes, you slowly reach your hand out and rest it on its snout. It closes its eyes letting out a soft exhale, then lifting its wing to egg?
It must be a mother, you move her wing a bit more to see where the arrow had hit. Your fears were true, it looked like it had struck very close to her heart. The mother looks at her egg and nuzzles it gently before pushing it towards you, tears began falling down your cheeks as you shuffled closer, "let me help you." You whisper. The dragon shakes her head and rests it on top of your legs, she groans softly before closing her eyes and going silent. Mystique nudges the lifeless dragon sadly then looks at you. You let out a shaky sigh, stroking the Skrill's scales one more time before standing up, holding the dark purple egg in your hands, it was engraved with lightning bolts, a static sensation running through your body as your skin touched the shell.
Mystique carries the Skrill to a heavily wooded area, you both dug a deep hole Mystique having to melt the frozen soil, she then gently placed the Skrill into the ground. You stood in silence for a few moments then gave Mystique a nod and she began kicking the dirt into the hole until it was full. "I promise, when spring comes around. I'll plant flowers above you." You say softly as you climb back onto Mystique, clutching onto the egg you had wrapped up in your coat.

You arrive back at Berk, it was late. No doubt everyone was asleep. You quietly walk into the house, the fire still faintly burning. You place the egg down and run outside, grabbing some extra coal and wood, topping up the fire then resting the egg in front of it, Mystique curls up beside it, purring softly. Toothless curiously walks over and lays beside her.
A thick lump formed in your throat as you though back to the mother Skrill. Without a second thought you creep up the stairs and into Hiccup's room.

He was asleep. You climb into the bed behind him, burying your head into his back, holding onto him, salty tears dampening the fabric of his shirt. Your soft sniffles wake him up, he turns round to face you "what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks gently, despite the room being dark you could still make out his worried face. You don't say anything as more tears fall and a louder sob escapes your lips, he pulls you closer, holding you tightly. After a few moments you explain what happened. He sits up quickly taking your hand, the two of you going downstairs.
"I can't believe it." Hiccup whispers, kneeling down, tracing his fingers over the Skrill's egg surface "we can't tell anyone about this...not at least until it's hatched." You say, sitting beside him, he nods "of course. Definitely. You did the right thing." He wraps an arm round your shoulder, you smile softly and kiss him gently "lets get some rest." He stands up, pulling you up gently with him "I don't want to leave the egg," you reply "Mystique will take good care of it tonight, I mean...look at her. You'd think she was the mother." He chuckles.

"Are you going into the spare room again tonight?" Hiccup asks, you bite your lip "can I stay with you?" He smiles warmly "you know you don't have to ask." He pushes some hair from your eyes "I still like to ask." You reply, he doesn't say anything and leads you to his room. He lays down and you curl up against his chest "you're my girlfriend. I love you more than anything. You've needed space the last few months and that's okay. Don't feel bad. I've learnt that's just how you cope with things. It doesn't change my feelings for you. Nothing could change them." Hiccup says softly as his hand gently strokes up and down your back, his other hand resting on his chest next to yours, playing with your fingers. "I love you, Hiccup." You sigh contently and close your eyes.
"I love you too, (y/n)" he whispers tiredly, falling asleep within minutes. You stay awake for a bit longer. The Skrill still running through your mind. Mystique was keeping the egg safe downstairs but the memory of holding the mother as she took her last breath sent shivers down your spine. You push the images out of your mind, trying to picture happier memories. You eventually fall asleep to the sound of Hiccup's soft breathing and all the good times with him.

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