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A sudden, harsh contact with a cold hard surface forces you to open your eyes. You can feel the Screaming Death's long tail slowly unwrap itself from around you. It moves away before turning to face you again. It's piercing red eyes shooting fear throughout your body. What did it want with you?
You shakily stand to your feet, it watching you intently. It wasn't threatening, or being defensive, it was simply watching every move you made. Gulping loudly, you slowly lower your head, Bowing down to it, in hope of gaining some trust. Tilting its large head, it slithers towards you, soon it was only a few inches away from you. It had the perfect opportunity to snap you up in one gulp, but it didn't. It's growls gradually got quieter. You hastily reach your hand out, still looking down, it sniffs you curiously but doesn't move. You finally look up. It was terrifying, some of its teeth alone were probably the same length as you.
"I won't hurt you, I promise." You whisper, it finally closes its eyes pressing its snout to your hand, you almost collapsed in shock, it trusted you. "Why did you bring me here?" You ask, it opens its eyes and lets out a soft groan. You had no idea what it was trying to say. You kept thinking back go when it was talking to Mystique and Hookfang, wondering what they told it, what made it decide to take you with it. Maybe it needed something.
The Screaming death scoffs and lays down, still starring at you. Honestly it's blood red eyes were terrifying, it reaches its tail towards you wrapping it around your leg, pulling you closer, it's lower jaw vibrating as it grumbled lowly.

"Mystique!" Hiccup yells as the dragon suddenly bolts away, it had suddenly clicked where you were, she followed the faint scent of the Screaming Death. Toothless would eventually catch on but for now, all she cared about was finding you. She knew the Screaming Death had no intention of hurting you. It told her it was looking for help and when she explained that you were her rider and you cared for all dragons the Screaming Death decided to take you in hopes you could help.
Sniffing the air again your scent suddenly gets stronger, focusing her eyes to the ground, she notices a cave, quickly diving down to the entrance. You were in there. She quietly steps through the cave, along the long walkway at the end was a more open area, there you were. She lets out a loud cry bundling towards you, knocking you to the floor, happy to find you safe.
"I'm alright, girl." You whisper, hugging her tightly "we need to fly back to Berk and speak to Gothi, now." You say as you climb onto her back before turning back to the Screaming Death "I'll be back as quickly as possible." You say, the dragon nods, you look down at the baby by her side, your heart aching for it.

Hiccup let's out a long sigh the gang had split up to search more grounds, Hiccup insisted he wanted to go alone, everyone else didn't question him. Toothless suddenly hears a familiar noise, Mystique was flying towards them, with no signs of slowing down, Hiccup calls her but she ignores him, swooping straight past, Hiccups eyes widened when he saw you on her back "(Y/n)!!" He screamed, you heard him but you couldn't stop, you didn't have the time, you lifted your arm gesturing him to follow you.
You arrive at Gothi's hut, disappearing inside, leaving Hiccup outside, questioning what you were doing. He looks down at Mystique who was waiting patiently. After 10 minutes you come back outside, trying to walk past Hiccup but he stops you "hey, what's happening?" He asks, you look up, his face full of worry "I don't have time to explain right now." You reply sternly, he raises his eyebrows "fly on Toothless with me."

You wrap your arms round his waist as Toothless followed Mystique through the clouds "(y/n)" he says softly "the Screaming Death needs my help." You explain "when me and Snotlout found her, she was looking for something. After noticing us, she at first was defensive but seeing Hookfang and Mystique protecting me, it started to communicate with them. I don't know what they were telling her but it seemed to make her think I could help her so that's why she took me, she showed me something and i don't have a lot of time."
Hiccup listened carefully, he felt you move your arms to unwrap a bottle "I needed to get this" You hand it to him "she was attacked by dragon hunters. One of them struck her baby with a poisoned arrow."
Hiccups breath caught in his throat "she still had the arrow, the poison had been smeared onto the top of the blade. I remember you telling me about this green poison, but I didn't know the name so I had to go to Gothi, she's given me an antidote."
"Green." Hiccup mumbles "wait, is it?" He looks back and you nod "it's the slow, painful acting one." Hiccup shudders at your words, clutching the bottle in his hand, you re wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face into his back "I hope we get there in time."

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