It burns

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Description says "short story." Hahahah whoops! 32 chapters in 😅


Smoke quickly surrounded you. The flames engulfing the wood, you were trapped, pushed into the corner, covering your mouth with your arm as the smoke increased in strength. The heat was unbearable, it was slowly getting harder to breathe, your lungs felt like they were on fire. You knew you had to try and stay calm but panic quickly overtook any logical thinking. As the toxic smoke continued to invade your airways asll you could do was take small gasps as every breath was unbareable, everything around you was dark grey, the sound of the raging flames rung in your ears. You curled up as tight as you could, squeezing your eyes shut. Your head felt like it was spinning, your body starting to go limp as the effects of lack of oxygen began taking over.
Pushing everything else out of your mind. You focused on Hiccup, wishing he was here, there was no way anyone would be able to find you, they'd fly past and assume it was just a random fire made by a dragon, they'd never know you were down here.
You took one final gasp, pushing past the burning sensation, feeling like a hot knife was slicing through your throat, repeating Hiccups name in your mind as everything went quiet, the pain vanishing, along with your consciousness.

"Ok chief, I think we now need to-" Gobber was cut off by a loud screech, Hiccup spins round just as Bolt flies right into him, knocking him onto the ground "haha nice shot!" Snotlout snickers, Astrid glares at him "good lord!" Gobber quickly helps Hiccup back up who then looks down at the exhausted baby dragon in his arms "Bolt? What's wrong? Why aren't you with (y/n)?" Bolt starts wailing and looking back at the direction he came from "what's up with him?" Gobber asks "I...think he's trying to tell me something, he seems pretty upset." Toothless then walks over, after a few seconds of listening, his eyes widen and he looks at Hiccup, gesturing him to get on his back.

Toothless sniffs the air as he speeds through the sky, trying to pick up on either yours or Mystiques scent "so, Bolt is freaked out about something and now Toothless is determined to find (y/n)....why is he suddenly so worried?" Snotlout asks "I don't know, but Toothless wouldn't act like this for no reason, Bolt must have told him something." Hiccup replies, squinting his eyes, scanning the area around him. "I'm sure she's fiiinne! Bolt is a baby, he probably just got scared!" Snotlout sighs, Astrid leans over, smacking his arm and Hookfang snarls underneath him "what? You too? Come on Hooky!"

"Look, over there!" Hiccup points to an island with a large smoke cloud emerging from the forest, Bolt starts wailing again, Toothless picks up Mystiques scent then spots a ship, and some men dragging a dragon towards it "oh my god, it's mystique!" Hiccup yells "quick Snotlout, Astrid we need to free her! You two know what to do, I'm going to find (y/n)!" Hiccup and Toothless quickly dive down towards the smoke cloud, Hiccup jumps off Toothless's back and begins calling for you. Toothless runs into a nearby bush and comes out with your axe "she was here...what if those men got her?" He clutches the handle tightly, he was about to climb back onto Toothless but noticed him starring at the pit of fire "Toothless?" the dragon doesn't respond, he sniffs then whimpers and takes a few steps back before stretching his wings then running towards the ditch and diving down, smashing into the burning trees "Toothless!"
Seconds later he emerges, clinging onto something....someone, gently placing them on the floor and hovering over. "Is that...(y/n)!" Hiccup quickly runs over, Toothless was licking your face, trying to wake you up. Hiccup rests his head against your chest, relief flushing through his body as the sound of your heartbeat fills his ears, but you weren't moving "Toothless, go get the others." The dragon nods and runs off. Bolt stumbles towards you, nudging your cheek with his tiny snout, whimpering "(y/n) can you hear me?" Hiccup asks, tears stinging his eyes, he leans down again, kissing you softly then pressing his head against yours, Stromfly squawks as she lands, Hookfang behind her, gently lowering Mystique down "is Mystique okay?" Hiccup asks "yes, she's just drowsy. I think she got sedated but...oh my god!" Astrids eyes fall onto you and she runs over "where was she?"
"In that ditch...those hunters must have pushed her in and set it alight." Hiccup holds onto you tightly "I'll meet you all back at Berk, take Mystique home to my mum."

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