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He presses his lips gently against yours, you feel like your heart is going to explode, his eyes were shut. You stare at him for a few seconds before relaxing letting your eyes close. He shuffles closer, if that was even possible. There were sparks in both of your chests. Hiccup didn't know what had come over him but he couldn't hold himself back. He pulls away slowly staring into your eyes, he was lost in them, he strokes your cheek slowly "something so special." He whispers as he pulls you into his chest.
"Are you sure you'll be able to work the tail?" Hiccup asks, watching you climb onto his dragons back "I'll figure it out, I did promise him, didn't I bud?" You coo at him, scratching his ear, he lets out a happy noise, mystique scoffs "oh don't be jealous." You giggle at her. Hiccup gets onto Mystique, staring at her blue scales "she's really unique. Just breathtaking." He says. You look over at him "she's a special girl. My girl."
You take off into the air, controlling the tail was pretty easy, you'd never ridden on another dragon before, even though Toothless and Mystique were the same species, they flew slightly differently, Toothless was a lot smoother.
As you arrive back at Berk, Valka comes running out wrapping you into a warm hug "I'm so glad you're back." She sobs you hug back awkwardly, Hiccup leans against Toothless smiling "now come on in, you must be hungry." She guides you into the house "uh mum." Hiccup runs after you "don't worry I'm not cooking, son. You are." She chuckles. Hiccup sighs.
"This is good." You beam "you finished that quick." Valka says "I'm not too bad, eh?" Hiccup boasts, you look at him "it was edible." You stick your tongue out at him. He pouts. You go upstairs back to the spare room and sit on the bed. You couldn't quite believe you were back. Last night replays in your mind, the kiss. You were falling for him. But you couldn't. You had to push those feelings away.
Hiccup knocks on the door and walks in sitting beside you "welcome back." He smiles "thanks." You mumble "you alright?" He asks resting his hand on yours but you quickly move it away "look...I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Last night." You sigh "I was the one who kissed you." He replies "and I don't regret it. My head is just...not in the right place." You look down at the floor "so what's wrong?" He asks shuffling closer to you. You take a deep breath.
"I don't really know. I guess I'm scared. I've never felt love like this, from you or your mum. I'm terrified." You look up at him "your mum acts like the mother figure I never had. After what happened with the saddle I engraved into my head that I didn't belong here. You've done so much for me. Welcoming me to your village. I'm grateful for that. I'm just so used to being alone. I need time to figure myself out."
Hiccup takes your hand again "you'll never be alone again. I promise." You gaze down at his hand "I'm sure your girlfriend would kill me if she found out." You say with a gulp "actually she's my ex. Everyone is trying to get us back together but....ahh I duno about it." He says scratching the back of his head "she seems very into you."
"We did date for 5 years." He chuckles "it actually ended on a really heated argument. My dad had recently passed away, I'd just become chief, I wasn't coping. I told her I needed time to get my head around things. We've been getting close again but we aren't actually together." He explains "I'm not going to get in the way of that. I think she really cares for you." You whisper, Hiccup looks away "I don't know if I feel the same." He sighs "you sound just as lost as me." You say, he nods "you're a good friend, Hiccup. Thank you." You hug him gently, he hugs back biting his lip.
He was torn. He had feelings growing for you. But you were pushing him out. Not letting him in. Astrid on the other hand still loved him. Should he go back to her? Did he still love her the same? He just didn't know.

2 weeks pass. You had kept yourself to yourself. You'd been talking to the others but still isolated yourself most of the time. Fishlegs and Hiccup tried to get you to join in with group activities but you would always decline. Astrid didn't talk to you much but she was civil when she did. You spent a lot of time practicing your sword skills or flying Mystique. Still using Hiccups old saddle but you didn't mind. He was persistent about you using it, he had no use for it anyway.
Whenever Hiccup had time off, he'd spend it with you. Going through his map, books, talking about his time at the edge when he was 18. Wanting to take you there one day. You two had gotten closer but you kept treating him like he was just a friend. You had feelings but you couldn't tell him. He'd place his hand on your shoulder and you'd awkwardly shuffle him off. He'd walk you to your room, say goodnight every night and greet you every morning. Leave breakfast for you if he had to leave early. Always sit with you at the great hall, smile as he passed you by. Come see you when you would actually socialise and help Gobber in his shop.
"Well I've gotta go, see you later (y/n)" Hiccup smiles widely at you, you stop hammering a sword "see ya." You reply quietly "no goodbye for me?" Gobber asks, pretending to be insulted "goodbye sir Gobber." Hiccup laughs and bows while walking backwards, Gobber rolls his eyes and mutters "that boy."
"He's doing alright though." You say as you place the sword into the barrel of water "he's been a lot happier lately. I wonder why that is eh?" He peers over at you "Gobber. No." You point the sword at him. He raises his arms "ay, don't stab me, just pointing out the obvious." He chuckles and walks away. You sigh staring at your reflection in the water, what did Hiccup honestly see in you?

"Cheers for the help today, (y/n) it's very much appreciated." Gobber beams "no problem." You reply, waving as you leave. You gaze around debating where to go. You decided to wonder around. You pass near the forest, two familiar voices catch your attention. You didn't want to eve-strop but curiosity was getting the better of  you. You hide behind a wall.

"Just tell me the truth." Astrid yells, pacing back and forth "Astrid, will you stop pacing, please." Hiccup sighs, she stops and faces him "it's (y/n) isn't it? She's the reason you're stood here right now telling me we can't get back together." Astrid spoke with anger, you felt your body tremble, Hiccup doesn't say anything, he looks down at the floor "I'm not stupid, Hiccup. Be a man, a chief in fact and speak to me!" She snaps.
"I don't know what to say." Hiccup whispers, Astrid crosses her arms, then her face softens "I get it." She says, Hiccup snaps his head up "you're not mad?" She shakes her head "I knew it was coming. I guess I was in denial." She scuffs her boots against the dirt "it's been obvious for a while that you like her." She sighs "obvious?
"Hiccup, you are the most obvious person on this planet." She takes a few steps closer to him "the way you look at her, how much time you spend together, the smiles on your face, every time she walks past your eyes follow her like magnets. My grandpa could probably see it and he's almost completely blind." She says, Hiccup looks away awkwardly "and I'll admit. I've not been the nicest to her, and I will apologise to her for that. I was being bitter and childish. But we are adults. And I do want to be her friend." She stops for a moment then takes Hiccups hands in hers "I'll always love you, Hiccup. But I know I'm not who your heart truly wants. And yeah it hurts but that's life, just promise me something." She lifts his head, they stare at each other "please never stop being my friend." She whispers, sadness in her voice. Hiccup pulls her into a tight hug "I'll never ever stop."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise, no matter what happens,"
Astrid clutches him tightly, guilt building up throughout her body, she couldn't tell him.
"Well I need to go, I'll see you at dinner?" She smiles weakly at him, he nods "of course, like always." He rests his hand on her shoulder, she nods, punches his arm and walks out. Hiccup runs his hand through his hair, letting out a long exhale. You take a deep breath and walk towards him
"Oh (y/n)!" He jumps "all finished at Gobbers?" The worry on his face was stuck there like glue, Astrid wasn't kidding "yeah, what are you doing?" You ask, acting like you heard nothing "oh, I'm just patrolling around. Y'know. Incase anyone needs me." He says nervously "shall we go eat?" You ask, trying not to laugh "sounds good." He speed walks past, you grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks, he turns round, you smile at him, his cheeks immediately flushing red "are you sure you're okay?"
Hiccup bites his lip, slowly moving his arm to take your hand, locking your fingers together "I'm fine now." He says smiling squeezing your hand for a few seconds before letting go.
Later that night, the two of you stayed up,l late laying on his bed on your stomachs looking through all Hiccup's journals. You were amazed at just how much he had discovered, all the places he's been too "I swear you've been across the whole world." You exclaim excitedly kicking your feet, Hiccup laughs "something tells me, the world is so much bigger than we all think." He picks up a page he wrote about the ship graveyard. The place he found the dragon eye.
You roll onto your back, staring at the ceiling "I wonder what's out there." You say, closing your eyes, Hiccup rolls onto his side to face you and whispers "Maybe one day, we can find out, together."

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