Adventures are over?

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It's never a truly dull day with the gang, you had all been out for the day, exploring new islands, seeing which dragons inhabited them, Fishlegs of course was documenting every single time a dragon appeared, which island it was on, colour, approximate age. You were surprised his hand hadn't fallen off from all the writing he'd done.
The moon shone through the trees as you all walked through a forest, you hadn't noticed until now how late it was. You'd been out pretty much all day. Snotlout was once again arguing with the twins "you are such liars!" He spits, the twins shake their heads "it's a fact, Snotboy! How are you so dumb?" Ruffnut tsks at him
"I'm dumb?! Have you two looked at your reflections in the water lately?"
"Guys, that's enough." Hiccup sighs "we should probably head back." He pats Toothless's side as they continue walking, the dragon lets out a loud yawn "or find somewhere to camp and leave tomorrow morning."
The forest was pretty packed, only a small trail to walk across, but you'd always found them beautiful places, although, at night it was more spooky than anything.
"Hey!" Tuffnut nudges you "have you heard the legend story of the melted Viking?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows "don't talk wet." Snotlout barks "that's a made up story parents tell kids to stop them from sneaking out at night." You stare at Tuffnut, intrigued by his words "no, I haven't." Snotlout groans loudly from behind you "you don't want to know, it's rubbish! A story...for kids!"

"Alright guys, relax." Hiccup chuckles. They approach an open area and start setting up the camp. A little while later, Ruff and Tuff were attempting to scare everyone with creepy legends, Tuff was using the fish he was cooking as a prop, swinging it a bit too violently causing it to fly off the stick, hitting Snotlout directly in the face.
"Ugh, disgusting." He grunts throwing the fish into the bush behind him, Mystique quickly diving in to retrieve it for herself to enjoy. You weren't really listening to the stories, you were tired from exploring all day, Mystique walks back over, laying beside you, licking round her mouth in satisfaction, you lean back against her, stretching out your limbs, nothing beat a good long stretch.
Hiccup sits next to you, without a second thought you shuffle forward placing yourself in between his legs, pressing your back against his chest, head leaning backwards resting against his collar bone, he snakes his arms under yours, folding them across your stomach.
Over the sound of the fire cracking and the twins constant rambling you could have sworn you heard a screeching noise "did you hear that?" Hiccup opens his eyes "hear what?" You cautiously look around "I swear I heard something, it was like a screech." You lean forward trying to hear it again "no one else seemed to hear it. Forests make all kinds of noises." He says, trying to ease your building anxiety "no, that wasn't just a noise." Just then. You hear it again "that. There." Hiccup still didn't hear anything "are you sure it's not just your mind playing tricks on you? It has been a long day."
You shake your head, Mystique suddenly roars making everyone jump, you quickly stand up and turn round, in the shadows, eyes. Lots of pairs of eyes. And they were red.
"I told you I heard something." You hiss "I swear to god they better not be what I think they are." Snotlout mutters, followed by a gulp "woah, that's a lot of red dots." Ruffnut takes a few steps closer "Ruff, stop," Hiccup warns "they look tiny." She coos "come here little guys!"
"I don't know why you bother trying to tell her not to do something, we all know she will do it anyways." Snotlout scrunches his nose, the creatures in the shadows let out another screech "oh god it is them, run!" Snotlout bolts towards Hookfang "I don't know about you guys, but I'm perfectly happy with flying now, not in the morning, why are you all stood there? Let's get out of here already!"
From the shadows emerge a pack of Speed Stingers "oh hell no!" Ruffnut backs away quickly "they must be hunting or something." Fishlegs says "no time for an analysis Fishface! Get on ya damn dragon and lets get the hell out of here!" Snotlout calls, you weren't going to argue with that, you quickly mount Mystique and she takes off into the air.

"Hiccup, the stingers have got the twins surrounded!" Astrid calls, you all look down and sure enough the pack were circling round the twins and their dragon "of course they have." Snotlout sighs "alright bud, blast near them to scare them off." Hiccup instructs Toothless who nods and blasts on the area near the packs leader. The dragons back away a bit "Ruff, Tuff, get on your dragon, now!" Hiccup calls, one of the singers quickly runs past, striking Ruffnut on the leg "oh thor, not again." Her whole body goes completely limp. Flopping to the floor.
"Yeah yeah, I got her." She swoops down pulling Ruffnut onto Stormfly's back "stingers have a real liking to you." She laughs.

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