Going back

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You'd been quite the whole evening. You told Toby you would think about it and meet him back at the same island tomorrow. Hiccup had noticed how unusually quiet you were being . When you arrived home he had just woken up and was wondering around. You had decided to cook him dinner since he still didn't have the strength to go out yet. After a very silent meal you clean up the plates and help Hiccup back upstairs.
"(Y/n) talk to me." He says as you pull the cover over him "it's nothing." You reply "I'm not stupid."
"Never said you were."
"I know something is wrong." He crosses his arms "it's complicated." You sigh "did something happen with Fishlegs again?" He ask, slight bitterness in his voice, you snort "no, Ive already told you about that scenario with him being a dick." He thinks for a moment "did something happen when you went flying?" You freeze at his question "what happened?" He sits up and gestures you to sit with him, you do so.
"This is going to sound crazy but today after having a swim I met someone I never thought I'd see again...my brother." You didn't look at Hiccup but you knew the exact face he was pulling.
"He's been looking for me, he wants me to go home." You then say, Hiccup let's out a shaky breath "permanently." You finish.
Hiccup was lost for words for a moment "what did you tell him?" He then asks, you could tell he was getting tense "I told him I had a home. And it was here. He then asked if I would just go see our parents, apparently they've been worried about me. But I don't believe that."
Hiccup pulls you to his chest "maybe he's telling the truth." He says "maybe. My brother may have been raised like a spoilt princess. But he never acted like one." You shuffle closer to Hiccup, curling into a ball "I'll come with you, support you ." He says softly while running his fingers up and down your back "you know you can't do that." You reply "my fever is pretty much gone now, I'm just a bit weak but I'll be fine." He chuckles "I'm not risking it, if you're going to start going outside again you need to do it gradually." You remind him, he sighs "well bring your brother back to Berk for a few days while I do my 'gradual' activities." He suggests "no." You say sternly as you move away and lay down facing away from him.
He shuffles and cuddles up to you, pressing his chest against your back, tangling your legs together, one arm holding you tightly, his warmth immediately relaxing you "you already know what you're going to do, don't you?" He asks, his hot breath hitting your ear giving you goosebumps "yeah, I already know." You whisper, he chuckles softly and lifts his head to kiss your cheek before snuggling against you more "I trust you."


Toby waited...and he waited. He began to think you weren't coming then a dragon call alerts him. You land and climb off Mystique petting her head but not walking towards him "so, can I meet your dragon? Wait where's the other one?" He gives you a confused look making you laugh "the other one is Toothless and he's not actually mine, I'm riding him for someone who isn't well."
"Ah I see, what about her?" He looks at Mystique who is still glaring at him "this girl is mine, her names Mystique." You say petting her again "she's very skeptical of people though, and very protective. Take a few steps towards me." Toby does so and mystique immediately growls at him, lighting up her scales "wow you weren't kidding." He gulps, you laugh again "it's alright girl, this is Toby, he's my brother." You say to your dragon, she stops growling and cautiously takes a few steps closer then stops, you walk over to Toby and take his arm "now, hold your hand out and walk slowly over to her." You instruct "when you are a few centimetres away from her nose stop and let her come to you. She won't bite your hand off. Unless I tell her too." He snaps his head at you "what?" "I said she was protective." You roll your eyes and lift Toby's arm up. He slowly walks to towards her then stops when his hand is close.
Mystique sniffs him, she immediately notices that he smells like you, her pupils begin to dilate then she looks at you, almost in shock, you nod at her and she rests her snout against his hand, he flinches as she does, then looks to see her opening her bright yellow eyes, they gaze at eachother for a few seconds, Toby couldn't believe it, he felt like he was going to pass out, his knees go weak and he falls down, Mystique watching, clearly not impressed "nice of you to help him." You chuckle helping your brother up, she groans lowly and licks her shoulder "oh did I mention she's got a bit of an attitude as well?" You immediately feel her rough tongue slide up your face, your hair now wet, she laughs at you and proudly walks away to the lake to drink.
"Quite a character." Toby chuckles "so...what's your decision?" You wipe slobber off then turn to him "I will come see mum and dad, but. Not yet."
Toby cocks his head to the side "my boyfriend...he's not been well the last few weeks, he's had a bad fever and he's only just feeling better." You explain "boyfriend eh?" Toby wiggles his eyebrows at you making you punch him on the arm "shut up. He can start going out again but he has to do it gradually. He wants to come with me to meet them, but he can't rush into hopping back onto Toothless straight away."
"Oh so Toothless is his dragon." Toby clicks his tongue as he processes everything "yeah so, we will come in a few days, but I need you to tell mum and dad about the dragons. I don't want either of them getting hurt, and let me know their response, send me a mail. They will listen to you. Just tell them what I've told you, and to be honest, they need to start living in the real world." You scowl, Toby laughs "yeah tell me about it, don't worry sis, you can trust me, if not I give you permission to burn us all to dust." He smiles at you, you smile back he grabs you into a tight hug "stay safe okay?" He whispers "you too." You reply. You pull apart and he gives you a salute before running back to the forest.

A week passes, Toby had mailed you explaining he told your parents about the dragons, mum fainted and dad froze, but they got used to the idea, and they were prepared for anything as long as they could see you again. That tugged at your chest, maybe they had really changed but you wouldn't know unless you saw for yourself.
You were packing a few things for the trip, Hiccup comes into the room, he was still a bit tired but doing a lot better, out the house more doing a few chief duties, not sleeping as often during the day and riding on Toothless again, generally much happier.
"How long will it take to get there?" Hiccup asks as he hands you his book of dragons, something to read if need be "honestly not sure, Toby said it took him 3 days on boat to get to the island where we met, but on a dragon it will probably be half that, a day maybe?" You shrug "doesn't seem too bad, I've travelled longer." He laughs, you turn to him "I'm so glad you're better." You press your nose against his chest and sigh softly "me too." He whispers, you look up and kiss him softly, he smiles into the kiss then pulls away "shall we go then m'lady?" He flashes his dorky grin "indeed we shall."

Valka hugs you both goodbye, wishing you well on your journey. After a couple of hours of flying, the nerves began to kick in. You didn't know what to expect. Was it all a trap? You had told Hiccup to be extra cautious and not let the dragons out of his sight.
After stopping off for the night and flying again the next morning you finally see it. The village. Your old home. Your stomach drops more the closer you get. You land near the entrance, a pair of guards immediately pull out their swords making both dragons growl defensively "put those swords away!" You yell pulling down your hood and sliding off Mystique, Hiccup stays on Toothless "I'm sure you've been informed of my visit. And the dragons." The two guards stare at you for a moment "(y/n)?" One of the guards mouth falls open, you nod "I am here to see my parents, excuse us please." You turn to Hiccup and nod, he climbs off and walks up to you, the guards part, making enough room for the dragons to walk past, Hiccup takes your hand "ready?" He whispers, you sigh and nod, Mystique rubs against you cooing softly. You walk past the guards Toothless giving them a gummy smile before snapping his teeth back out making them both jump, he laughs lowly "Toothless, behave," Hiccup warns, the dragon rolls his eyes. Everyone immediately stops as you walk through, most of them were scared. Two big dragons in front of them, one of the two glaring warnings at everyone while the other one didn't seem too bothered, he was more curious than anything, his big green eyes exploring the scenes around him. You arrive at a large house, Toby opens the door and runs over tackling you to the floor with a hug, Mystique snorts hot steam out of her nose lowering her head so it was inches away from his face, he immediately lets you go, she helps you back up and scoffs at the young man "don't lie, you remember him." You giggle, she looks away then notices Toothless with his head stuck in a barrel and shakes her head, Hiccup sighs and starts trying to pull it off, he eventually does, Toothless was covered in squashed apples, not pleased "that's what you get for being nosey." Hiccup tsks, Toothless glares at him, launching an apple at him with his tail "hey!"
"Children, stop." They freeze "uh, sorry." Hiccup flicks the apple off only to immediately get another one mushed against his face, extra squashed of course. Hiccup let's out a loud groan and turns to the dragon raising a finger at him to which Toothless laughs and begins bobbing his head up and down "are they always..." Toby begins but you cut off "this childish? Yep." You reply, Toothless stick his tongue out at Hiccup then turns his attention to Toby, tilting his head with wide eyes. You hold your hand to Hiccup, he takes it, nervously clearing his throat.
"Hello, I'm Hiccup, sorry about that, my dragon is, well." Toothless cuts him off with a low grumble "well he's just Toothless, you must be Toby!" The two men shakes hands "I must be, I'm glad to see you are looking well, my sister said you had been poorly." Toby was speaking way more politely than you'd ever heard him before "yeah, still a bit groggy but, I'm pretty much 100 percent now." He laughs awkwardly, you smile softly, he was blatantly very nervous and he was never good at hiding it, but it's one of the many things you loved about him.
"Pleasure to meet you, Hiccup, my sisters famous boyfriend." He looks down at your locked hands, a small smile twitching up onto his lips, you sigh at your brother "anyway, mum and dad are inside, they've been excited!" He gestures to the door. You swallow hard, feeling your hands start to sweat. Hiccup squeezes your hand tightly and whispers "it's going to be alright. You'll be fine. I'm here" you look at him, he smiles sweetly and kisses your cheek. You take a deep breath as the two of you step inside, Toothless and Mystique close behind.

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