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So this is technically chapter 49 (if you take away the two A/N. Kinda want to finish it on chapter 50.
It's probably going to be a long one as well👀 hope you guys like it🥰

The bright beams of the Sun rays force you to open your eyes. Groggily sitting up you take a moment to wake up properly, you look around the room. You were alone. Then it hits you. Today was the day.
Someone knocks on the door lightly "come in!"
You call, getting up. Valka walks in with a large smile on her face "morning! You excited?" She asks, you nod "excited and rather scared."
"Understandable, but hey, it's going to be a perfect day!"
You grin and walk over to Mystique, she purrs happily as you hug her "come on girl, let's go for a good old fly!" Her pupils dilate and she coos happily "your eggs will be safe here." You say reassuringly.
"Make sure Hiccup doesn't see you, apparently it's bad luck on the big day." Valka chuckles "and don't be long. We've only got 3 hours!"
"I won't, just me and my girl time!" You call, Mystique peeks her head out the door, with the coast clear she signals you to jump on. You do so and she takes off into the sky, disappearing in seconds.

Time was counting down, you were enjoying the peaceful early afternoon sun, Mystique gliding gracefully across the clouds. You lean down hugging her around her neck, squeezing as much love into her as you could. She picks up her pace, going up and slowly turning onto her back, you let go spreading your arms out widely, taking in a long deep breath. This was your freedom and you loved it. The two of you could fly for hours and never get bored. There was so much to see, and you wanted to go there.
You get back to Berk, Valka rushing you inside hoping Hiccup wouldn't see you, she starts fussing with your hair which was now knotty and all over the place.
Now your hair was done, all you need to do is put your dress on and you're ready to go. But you had a bit of time, so you sat in silence thinking to yourself, a sudden wave of nausea hits you making you quickly jump up and run upstairs.


Hiccup was finishing getting dressed when his door flies open "brother!" A voice yells, Hiccup finches and turns round to be engulfed into a bone crushing hug "oh it's been years, Hiccup. I've missed you!"
"Dagur for gods sake, let him go!" A female voice shouts, Dagur let's go "Dagur?" Hiccup wheezes "you bet! Got your invite you stud, you! And here we are!" Dagur beams, Heather rolls her eyes.
"Glad you could make it." Hiccup says, offering them both a smile "well, I couldn't miss this." She chuckles "you ready?"
"Never been more ready for anything in my life!" He beams proudly, Heather smooths down the fabric on his shoulders which Dagur had creased.
"young Hiccup Haddock." Hiccup looks over Heathers shoulder to see Mala stood in the doorway, holding a little boys hand "Mala! It's so good to see you, you look well!" He exclaims, she smiles "you too." She walks over "and this is George, our son."
"Nice to meet you, buddy." Hiccup kneels down holding his hand out, George takes it cautiously, shaking it slowly.
"Yo, Hiccy! We've only got half an hour before we begin!" Ruffnut calls, scribbling something down on his board, chicken tucked under his arm "I know, Tuff." Hiccup laughs "Dagur? My man!" Tuffnut high fives Dagur "Hiccup didn't tell anyone you guys were coming!"
"Surprise!" Dagur chimes "you're looking well, Heather, and lady Mala!" He bows at the two women "thanks Tuffnut, you too." Heather replies awkwardly. "Now now, guests are starting to gather so let's get you in place! Chop chop!" He shuffles everyone out of the room. Gobber then walks in.

"Ay, was that Dagur and Heather?" He asks, Hicucp nods "ran into Heather last week, gave her an invite, wasn't sure if they were going to come, but I'm glad they have." Hiccup replies. Gobber steps closer, resting his hands on the young chiefs shoulders "look at ya, all grown up. Not a young mischief anymore but a strapping young man, about to get married. Feels like only yesterday I saw you for the first time as a tiny wee newborn, and I'll always remember the moment you took your first wobbly steps, your father holding onto your hands as you stumbled along." He sobs "you've grown up too quick, stop it!"
"Gobber, it's okay." Hiccup says softly "I can't thank you enough for all you've done. You've always been like a second father to me." Gobber wipes his eyes. "Thank you, Hiccup. look at me, I'm a mess!"
"Just emotional, not a bad thing." Hiccup laughs "shall we get this show on the road?"
"Yes! Just try not to cry when you see (y/n)." Gobber chuckles.

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