Mans best friend

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Walking into the house the memories came flooding back. Nothing had changed. Still warm and cozy as you remembered it the other side of the room two figures stood, it was them. Your mother slowly steps forward "(y/n)? Is that really my baby girl?" She sounded upset, almost relieved. You stayed still. Hiccup squeezes your hand again, you look at him, he smiles and nods, you give him an uncertain look.
"My, you haven't changed at all!" Your father suddenly says, you glance at them both. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. You'd only been gone less than a year and they were acting like it had been way longer. Your mother clutches her chest as she slowly walks towards you. You hesitantly step closer, she suddenly runs and smothers you into a tight hug "I'm so sorry baby, I was wrong, we should have spent more time with you, I've been kicking myself every day since you left. I thought I'd lost you forever!" She continues to sob, not loosening her grip "ok, mum. Let's just talk." You reply, emotionless, she lets go then turns to Hiccup "and who is this handsome fellow?"
You don't say anything "hello, my name is Hiccup Haddock, chief of Berk." He smiles warmly and offers his hand, she shakes it "Berk? So that's where you're living?" You wince, you didn't want them to know where you were, you still didn't know for sure what their true intentions were.
"Well, I am (y/n)'s mother, my name is Valerie, and this my husband and her father Oscar." She says proudly 'how ironic' you though to yourself, mentally sneering at their proudness, Hiccup nods awkwardly "now take a seat, we have much to chat about!"

You and Hiccup sit down, your parents opposite you, starring intently at both of you. Toothless and Mystique were laying beside either of you, carefully watching the strangers in front of them.
"We are so glad you agreed to come back." Your father begins "we have missed you," you let out a snort "no, don't start on that. Since when did you even think about me unless you had to?" You glare at him, he sighs "honey, we know how we treated you. We didn't appreciate you. Made you feel like you didn't belong in this family, Toby told us everything. We've been looking for you for months." He explains "and those....uh?" He points the the dragons beside you, Mystique glaring intensly at him "those are dragons, dad. believe it or not. Unlike you, we respect them and know them. They aren't monsters. They are wonderful creatures." You pet Mystiques head, she instantly calms down and coos softly, you give your father a 'told you so.' Look and shuffle closer to Hiccup.
"Now darling, we understand your anger but we hope, overtime we can put it behind us and be a proper family again." Your mother smiles, you shrug "yeah, I hope so." She claps her hands "you've had a long journey, why not rest in your old room for a while?" She looks at you both "uh, yeah." You stand up leading Hiccup to your room.
Your room wasn't small, it was a fair size, full of books, small bed, a desk where you would draw. Hiccup looks around "this is cute." He chuckles, your cheeks flush "eh, it's just how I was, in my room most the time, just reading and drawing."
Hiccup turns to you "it really shows more of your personality." He says with a smile, you sigh and flop your bag onto the floor "they haven't touched anything. My bed the same as when I left it." You say turning to Hiccup "how are you feeling?" He shrugs "a bit tired but." You cut him off "feeing tired is normal, why not take a nap? I'll keep the dragons company for you." He looks at you hesitantly "come on, at least just rest." You take his hands "remember, Gobber said you were fine to come with me as long as you promised him you would take it easy when you could." You say sternly, he sighs softly wrapping his arms around your shoulders pulling you into his chest, resting his chin on your head "okay, what are you going to do?"
"Go for a wonder probably. See the guy I used to work for, maybe Hang out with Toby." You mumble into his chest "ok if you're sure you'll be okay?" He looks down at you, you smile softly at him "I'll be fine."

"Where's the young lad?" Your father asks as you walk down the stairs "resting." You reply "oh yes, Toby mentioned he hadn't been well." You nod "he's fine now, just still has moments where he's tired. The fever drained him a lot." Your father nods "so how does he feel about it?" He asks as the two of you walk to the blacksmiths "about what?"
"You coming back permanently."
You freeze on the spot "I'm not." Your father raises an eyebrow "didn't Toby tell you that was the reason he was looking for you." You clench you're fists "yes, and I told him I have a home, with Hiccup." You scowl, your father shakes his head "you don't get it do you (y/n)?" "Get what exactly?" You take a step away from him "you really think that now we have found you, we are just going to let you go?" Your mouth falls open "why the hell do you suddenly care about me so much? It was always Toby Toby Toby, I was nothing to you!" You yell "you are my daughter (y/n) me and your mother love you more than you think. Deep down you know the reason Toby was..." he pauses "yes because he's a boy, only boys can be chiefs in your stupid world." You spit "girls mean nothing, all they are used for is marriage and giving you power. I'm not moving back here." You cross your arms glaring at your father "wait." It suddenly clicks in your mind "is the only reason you've been looking for me is so you can marry me off to some chiefs son?" Your father puffs his cheeks out avoiding eye contact "no." Was all you said before turning on your heels heading back to the house but your father grabs your arm "it's not just about that (y/n), we do love you. But we have found the perfect match for you! It will be good for our village." You snatch your arm away "good for you, yes. Always about you, never me." you yell "Hiccup is no good for you, darling." Your father replies
"you don't even know him, all he's done for me. He was there for me when I had no one. He listens, he actually cares, he treats me like I'm a human, not a shadow in the wind! He's the reason I'm actually happy!" You snap "we are not arguing over this. You will marry Arthur in 3 weeks." "Like hell I will." You run back to the house into you room, slamming the door making Hiccup jump "woah, what?" He asks rubbing his eyes "we need to leave." You mumble, grabbing your bag "what's happened?" He stands up gently taking your arm "they only wanted me back so they could marry me off to some chiefs son. All they care about is their pride, not me." You sigh, picking the bag up "we need to go, they won't let me be with you. They want to marry me off to someone else. I can't." You look at Hiccup with sad eyes, his face softens "okay, let's just go." He takes your hand gently and the two of you run down the stairs "Toothless!" Hiccup calls, no response, your stomach dropped, this wasn't a good sign.
Suddenly Mystiques roar echoes through the air, you dart your eyes around trying to find her "Mystique!" You scream. Villagers were gathering around the corner, you run over, shoving them out of the way to see the two dragons shoved into a cage "what the hell? Let them go!" You run to the cage but someone pulls you back "let me go you asshole!" Squirming against the tight grip was no good. Mystique looks at you and lets out a loud cry, Toothless curled up close to her. You finally slip the grasp running to the cage flinging the door open "stop!" A loud voice erupts over everyone else, you freeze and turn to see your father "dad, please. Don't hurt them." You beg as he walks over, Hiccup runs over only to get stopped. "They are the pets of Satan." You father growls lowly "no they aren't! They are gentle creatures!" You snap back "remember how many times they burned our village down? Took our livestock, and how many men have been killed?" His face reddens as he gets angrier "it works both ways, There must be a reason they attack you! They don't do it unless it's self defence. Hiccup knows. His village used to be the same! But they made peace, and now look." You point to Toothless. "That Night Fury is his best friend, they trust each other with their lives. They have a bond no one else can understand. They always protect each other." Your Father turns to Hiccup "then what happened to your leg?" He looks down at the metal "protecting my people." Hiccup replies "I almost died, but Toothless saved my life. He was my first real friend. I grew up lonely, but after I met him. My life turned out for the better. We've traveled the seas, discovered so much about the world. Sir, please. I promise. Dragons aren't what you think they are. They are kind, and." He pauses looking deep into Toothless's big green eyes "the most loyal creatures, a mans best friend." Silence filled the air, Mystique crawls over to you, nuzzling against you in fear "dad, please just trust me." You plead hesitantly taking his large hand, he looks deep into your eyes then down at your dragon whom was curled around your body protectively "this is Mystique. You shot her down years ago. I found her, healed her in secret, found my first best friend too. She makes me happy, Hiccup makes me happy. Don't you want that?" You ask. Your father lets out a deep sigh "of course I want that." He places both his hands on your shoulders "I've done wrong, and I know that. Me and your mother, we were always so focused on preparing Toby for being the future chief, keeping him safe, we left you out. It was wrong and." He stops "dad, I know you regret it but you need to understand. Not every child will grow up to want the same things you do. Maybe if things were different I would. But I felt left out. I tried to get your attention but you barely acknowledged things I did. I'm not saying you rejected me, because you didn't. I just felt like I was always in the way." You feel the tears burning against your eyes as you speak "I love you (y/n), so much, but the marriage has already been agreed."

You look up at your father, hot salty tears now flowing down your cheeks "dad, if you love me like you say you do. Please. Just let me go." You whisper, his eyes widen "I...mean, just tell them I never came back here or something. Please let me be happy. Don't make me live a lie." Mystique lifts her tail, gently tracing it across your cheek, trying to wipe the tears away "I promise I'll come see you as often as I can, don't let whoever this village is know where I am. Besides can't you just marry Toby off ?"
"We've been struggling to find someone for him." You father sighs "you will." You reply "he's not that ugly." "Oi!" You roll your eyes, Hiccup walks up to you, taking your hand into his "sir, I promise on my life, I will continue to protect your daughter. I've never met anyone like her before, she means everything to me." You feel your while body shaking as your father purses his lips, thinking of what to say "ok." Your eyes widen "I understand. I'll let you go home. But you have to promise we will visit each other. And I also promise to never harm a dragon ever again." He finally smiles, you wrap your arms around his back, sobbing into his chest "thank you so much."

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