1 🩺 A Special Day

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Eve ♡


Wooyoung dragged Yeosang and Hongjoong into their little living room and pushed them both onto the couch. He plucked the textbook and loose papers from Yeosang's hands and put them face down on the narrow coffee table, careful not to loose his place, and added the printed journal article from Hongjoong to the pile. He then picked up the remote to the television and stood before the two boys proudly.

'Okay so I know I've got about five seconds before you both start complaining, so just hear me out, okay?!' He took a deep breath. 'I would like to ask the both of you, if you know what today is.'

Hongjoong and Yeosang exchanged a glance, each just as confused as the other.

'No? Okay just me, I see... Well today, is a very special day!' he announced, grinning widely.

'Woo how is today special?' Yeosang asked, clearly itching to get back to his study. He looked at Hongjoong who just shrugged. Both the boys turned back their attention to the younger with fond expressions on their faces.

Wooyoung, who was almost jumping with excitement, turned and switched on the tv behind him. 'I'm so glad you asked. Today, is the first day in four and a half months, since we all had time off simultaneously!'

As the tv switched on, a completely white screen appeared. Yeosang and Hongjoong looked between themselves, the screen and their books that seemed to be calling for their attention.

'So to celebrate, this special occasion, I propose that we go out for dinner, and I have put together a powerpoint presentation to present to you just why we should do so.'

The boy's stared at the tv as Wooyoung changed the slide and the title, Why We Should Celebrate This Occasion popped up, decorated with animated fireworks that exploded over the word 'celebrate.' They both smirked, knowing full well that all Wooyoung had to do was ask, and they would go, despite being drowned with work.

Nonetheless it was very obvious that their friend had put in an agonising amount of time into the presentation, and neither boy could find it within themselves to deny him their attention. And so they watched with amused, fond expressions on their faces as Wooyoung excitedly moved to slide two, an animated slide transition dissolving the page and replacing it with the next.

An empty pie chart and a graph popped up underneath the title How much time we spent together last year.

'As you may well be aware,' Wooyoung announced in his best presenting voice, 'we only spent a grand total of nine point two-four nights together last year. Out of three hundred and sixty-five.' Information started popping up on the graphs, followed by a little frowning emoji in the bottom corner.

'Wait, where'd the point two-four come from?' Yeosang asked, cocking an eyebrow. He hid his astonishment and disappointment at hearing just how little time he'd spent with his friends. Had it been that little? Surely not...

Wooyoung pointed at him and winked. 'Babe I own a calculator. I did some maths.' He smiled widely, continuing with his presentation of the facts. 'That figure includes the nights we went out and one or both of you were called away. Moving on from that, did you know we only took three group photos last year? I didn't even have one of them! I had to hack Joong's computer to get the other one,' Wooyoung scowled, side eyeing Hongjoong.

'You hacked my computer?' he asked, shocked, his doe eyes widening in shock as they stared up from underneath his red ruffled fringe.

Wooyoung nodded smugly. 'See! I'm not completely useless.'

'Ya!' Yeosang's angry voice cut through the room like butter. 'What did we say about you calling yourself that stupid word?!' The further along his sentence he got, Yeosang's voice turned from sounding mad, to just hurt. He hated it when he put himself down. He raised his eyebrows, clearly waiting for Wooyoung to answer him, just as Yeosang always made him do.

Wooyoung's smile disappeared, seeing his friend's disappointed face. 'I know... I shouldn't call myself stupid names, just because my Hyung's are doctors...'

Yeosang looked at the blonde before him. Behind him on the screen were three photos of him and his friends. Wooyoung was right... It had been a long time since they had all spent time together. Hongjoong and him were always so busy and when they managed to get a day off, the stars never aligned. It was the one and only thing he hated about studying medicine.

'Woo, you're not stupid. In fact, your presentation is so good you already have me convinced.' Yeosang looked at Hongjoong who just cutely smirked and nodded in agreement.

Wooyoung however, did not seem so impressed. 'But you didn't even see all of it!'

Hongjoong stood up, took the younger by the shoulders and started pushing him towards his bedroom. 'How about we go now, and then watch the powerpoint later?' He didn't have the heart to tell him that he was actually on call.

Wooyoung whined. 'Hyung~~~! But Woo put so much work into it!'

'And Joong and Sangie will admire Woo's hard work later~~~. We promise,' he replied, equally as whiney and cutely as the younger.

Wooyoung groaned, cringing. 'Hyung you've been around the kids too much. You are becoming one yourself.' He turned around as they reached the door to his room, facing him before he squeezed the older's cheeks and booped his nose.

As Yeosang followed down the hall, he saw Hongjoong retaliate, attacking him with tickles and gentle pinches, both boy's laughing hysterically. It made his heart warm.

'Ya! How many times do I have to tell you two?!' Yeosang called down the hall. Running down into Wooyoung's room, he saw the two were now collapsing on the bed in fits of laughter as Hongjoong attacked the boy, and Wooyoung retaliated in their tickle war.

It felt as though they were children again, five and eight years old, without a care or a worry in the world. No stress, no responsibility, no deadlines, no work, and no difficult choices. Just the three of them, just like it had always been.

As the two boys looked up to see Yeosang come in the door, he gave them an evil grin.

'No fighting without me!'


I hope you like it! I'm already having fun lol. There are lots of things I should be doing rn, like studying cell anatomy for one, and replying to my hoards of missed texts for two, but like, I think I'm channeling Bangchan with my procrastination...


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