1o4 🩺 I'm Sure

669 61 14

Yunho and Mingi sat in the car outside the general practise clinic. It was well past dark now, and as they sat, Mingi took deep steadying breaths.

'We don't need to go in, you know that, right?'

Mingi glanced over at Yunho, who was giving him a concerned expression. 'But we came all this way..'

'It was like five minutes.'

'But still. And, I have my lab assessment in a few days before placement...'

Yunho unbuckled his seatbelt so he could turn and face him. 'Mingi, you know that you are technically still doing yourself a world of good by sitting here in the car. You don't have to go in if you don't want to. It's not like sitting here is doing nothing.'

Letting out a soft, frustrated sigh, Mingi sucked his bottom lip in and bit into it a little. 'I can do it. You made all this effort... I can do it.'

And Yunho smiled. 'I know you can do it. But it's not because there was any effort getting you here whatsoever.'

Within a few minutes, Mingi was following Yunho in through the back door of the clinic and down towards the room he'd seen last time he was here. He felt nauseous and terrified, but the moment he was about to stop in his tracks, turn around and leave back through the way they'd come, a hand slipped into his.

Mingi froze as his heartbeat suddenly spiked. He glanced down, staring at their hands for a moment, seeing the way they looked, and noticing how it felt to have his hand against the velvety smooth skin of Yunho's...

Butterflies rose in his stomach, but this time, not from lab anxiety, and Mingi had to shut his eyes to try and regain control.

Only after a few deep breaths did Mingi open his eyes again. He glanced at Yunho, who was giving him a warm, encouraging smile in the dark.

'You can do it,' Yunho whispered, before leading him further into the clinic.

The door was open, and the first thing Mingi noticed was the table...

But along with his immediate fear, he couldn't help but flashback to being right here, gazing at the way the moonlight reflected on it's smooth surface as he ran his fingers over the top. He remembered the way it shimmered, and the way that from the bottom of his heart, he'd believed it in that moment to be beautiful.


Glancing up at his name, Mingi didn't realise how close they were. He could feel Yunho's warmth beside him, and wondered how he hadn't really noticed that feeling before...

'I'm not going to let you suffer, okay? Do you trust me?'

And Mingi somehow found himself nodding without any forethought.

Yunho smiled. 'We'll just go slow, okay? I promise I'm not going to scare you.'

Nodding, he let Yunho lead him into the room and allowed himself to be sat down on a stool.

And as their hands parted for Yunho to go to the cooler, Mingi refused to look.

'Min, when is your lab examination?'

Mingi knew he was distracting him. Of course he did. But as he gave his response, he realised that somehow, it'd had the tiniest effect.

Yunho came back with a box, placing it down on the table. 'Really? Should I go on the day and wait for you to finish?'

Mingi shook his head. 'No. It's not a big deal...'

And Yunho softly exhaled in amusement as he worked. 'It's a huge deal, what are you on about?Too bad~. I'm coming.'

Standing back, Yunho took off his gloves and washed his hands before coming to sit next to Mingi. He held in his hands, two fresh pairs of gloves, but when Mingi reached for one, he moved them out of reach.

'There's no rush. Your skill isn't what you struggle with, it's the presence.'

Mingi, who's eyes were glued on Yunho not wanting to even glance at the table, felt so nervous in his situation that he felt as though he were shaking.

And then he realised, he was shaking.

Yunho reached out and took his hands in his own, rubbing some warmth into them. 'Do you maybe want to look at the table...? Just for a second?'

Mingi bit his lip. No. Noooo no no no. No I don't...

'Do you trust me?'

Mingi nodded, ever so slightly.

'Good. Take a peek... It'll be okay, I promise.'

Mingi sure hoped so.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his head ever so slightly towards the table. He saw the glow of the moonlight first, and then a brown narrow appendage...

Mingi snapped his head back, leaning forward a little, and somehow, he didn't even realise how he'd come to have his head against Yunho's chest.

Yunho reached up and stroked his hair a little, chuckling softly. 'That was really good. I'm proud. But I think you can have a bit better look than that... Do you think so?'

Mingi wanted to cry. He was becoming more and more stressed, but he didn't want to make this a whole waste of time. And so, leaning back, he tried for an attempt two.

Brown... narrow... textured... button...



Mingi turned his head all the way, and immediately laughed. His panic instantly leaving himself in a massive flood, he heaved an enormous breath and smacked Yunho in the chest. Reaching out, he dug his fingers into the cold on the table.

'Did you refrigerate Scruffy?'

Yunho laughed, but tried, and failed, to hide it. 'Now he knows what it's like to live in the snow, I guess.'

Mingi rolled his eyes, and glancing back to Yunho, he saw a proud smile on his lips.

'You're so brave. You'll be fine. I know you will.'

Mingi wished he could be as sure of that as Yunho sounded. 'Was the specimen thing just a lie so that I'd come in?'

Yunho bit his lip for a moment, glancing down. 'I- well... actually, no, it wasn't...'

Mingi took a deep breath. nerves had returned, but they weren't nearly as bad as before. 'I can do it. I trust you.'

And when Yunho glanced up, Mingi knew that even if he couldn't do it, Yunho wouldn't let him suffer.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm sure~.'


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