89 🩺 Shell Shocked

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Yeosang glanced down at the patient notes, as he listened to Kim Sa Bu inform him of his brother's health.

But just as he was listening, he reached the portion of the notes where there was a big red sticker attached, and since Wooyoung didn't have any allergies...

'T-this is an assault alert...'

Doctor Kim nodded, his whole body language serious. 'When I examined him, I found blunt trauma rectal perforation and the bloods we took detected early stages of systemic infection, which I believe to have originated from anal sepsis.'

Yeosang's eyes widened. W-what... 'How did the surgery go?'

'He is very lucky that he was brought in when he did. Any later and I might have been having a very different conversation with you right now.'

Yeosang flipped through the theatre obs charts briefly before closing the folder and passing it back, feeling incredibly sick. From this diagnosis, it was impossible to ignore the elephant in the room. Wooyoung's state... He didn't want to think about what had happened to the poor boy when Yeosang himself was too busy to be there for him...

'I've got him on antibiotics and high precautions since his immune system is running overtime at the moment. He's stable at at the minute and he's been febrile so we're just going to keep observing. I'm going to revisit him tonight, but I'll drop in whenever I pass by to keep an eye on his condition.'

Yeosang nodded. He felt sick. It felt like his stomach had fallen through the floor. 'Thank you, Kim Sa Bu.'

His senior patted him comfortingly on the shoulder. 'Take some time off uni, okay? Your brother's been through a scary ordeal, and although the waters are smoother now, we're still in the raft. If your uni try to say that they can't reschedule your shifts, tell them to contact me and I'll take you on. Hongjoong has my mobile number, and I'm more than happy to take you on.'

Yeosang smiled through his worry, and bowed. 'Thank you...'

He ruffled his hair. 'You're a good kid. Be with your family. They need you more now.'

And with that he turned, putting his hands in his pockets and left him with the words that hit harder than anything else.

'Family comes first, Kang. Remember that.'


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