31 🩺 Just in the knick of time

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Yunho sat in his usual seat up the back of the Bio lecture auditorium half an hour early on the phone.

'Okay, Yunho, so just to make sure that I understand everything correctly, you want to pull out of your nominated courses that you are undertaking at the moment, and apply to have your student loan cancelled. Is that right?

Yunho felt sick. 'Yes, that is right.'

'Okay no problem. I can certainly help you with that. First, I will have to ask you a few questions though, is that okay?'


The memory of sitting with San at the Unibar last night bubbled to the surface. He'd thought that he was mostly okay after chatting with San and his friends over dinner.

But the minute San had asked him to tell him what happened, he couldn't help it. He'd cried in front of San - the first time he'd cried in front of anybody for longer than he could remember.

'Could you please provide a reason as to why you wish to withdraw from your program of study?'

Yunho stared off to the front of the empty auditorium. Why was he withdrawing?

Because my family are stifling me with expectations that I can't live up to.

Because I don't belong here.

Because I feel like I am suffocating.


'Hello? Sir?'


'Ooh?! Yunho?'

Yunho's head turned to his right to see that someone had entered the auditorium.

Still with his phone to his left ear, Yunho's lips parted a little in surprise. 'Mingi?'

'What are you doing here so early?'

Yunho glanced between the boy and his phone... 'I'm sorry, I have to go...'

He hung up.

Why did hanging up feel somewhat of a relief?

'Oh sorry! I didn't realise you were on the phone... Sorry!'

Yunho shook his head. 'It's fine. We were just hanging up anyway...'

'Oh...' He rested his hip against the seat on the end of the row awkwardly, about fifteen seats away from him.

'Are you going to sit down, or...?'

Mingi stuttered, seeming not to know where to go. Apparently making his decision, he started to turn to walk further down into the auditorium.

'Did San get home okay?'

Mingi froze. Turning, he'd only made it a few steps.

Yunho pulled his bag off of the chair to his right, and moved it to his left, a small offering for him to join him...

Mingi gave him a smile, before making his way over. 'Yes... He seemed kind of unsettled though...'

'Oh... Shit... I told him not to stress...'

Taking his jacket off, the same navy long coat he'd been wearing last night, Mingi draped it over the seat in front and sat down beside him. Dressed formally again as usual, Yunho couldn't help but be surprised at how drastically his whole look had changed.

His little jewelled stud had been removed, his hair nicely styled in place, and he wore no necklace or rings. He did however, still have the little black beaded bracelet daintily wrapped around his left wrist.

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