21 🩺 Almost, but not quite

838 78 61

San slung his bag over his shoulder as he left the locker room at work. He was already dreading the study load he would have to start when he got home, and knew that he wouldn't likely be sleeping that night.

He was allllmost out the door, when a voice stopped him.

'San! Wait a minute. Are you busy?'

San turned to see his boss walking towards him, equipped with an armful of paper.

'U-uh,' he glanced at his bag and imagined his pile of work back home on his bed... 'Not really... What do you need?'

'I was hoping you could drop all of this off at the post office for me? I know you don't usually do it, and I know you have classes to study for, but I was hoping you could help me out just this once...'

San nodded, holding out his hands. 'I'll do it, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow,' he said, forcing a smile onto his face, despite feeling so stressed he wanted to cry.

His boss dropped a ton of paper and some postal bags into his arms and smiled widely. 'Thanks San. Have a nice evening.'

And with that, he turned and left the building.

San didn't exactly have the greatest relationship with his boss. They often didn't see eye to eye, but although they had their differences, there was enough respect between them that things worked. Mostly.

Ten minutes later, San found himself lining up at the post office, documents in bags ready to go. But to his dismay, it was closed. Frowning, San peered inside.


There was a single sign on the door in printed script that caught San's eye.

Due to water damage, the PO is closed until end of day.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Oh well, he thought, turning around to head home. That was a waste of time. Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow.


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