122 🩺 Honesty

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Mingi sat cross legged on the couch in his and San's down, a hand painting laid neatly in front of him on the coffee table for him to look at.

Oh my God, Mingi, you can't be doing this...

Just looking at the blue and purple print with the smudge of colour in the corner made butterflies rise in his stomach, and Mingi couldn't ignore it any longer.

He leaned forward and put his head in his hands, raking his fingers through his hair.

And then the door opened.

Looking up, Mingi saw San walking in the door, dumping his keys down on the bench. But the moment he looked up and their eyes met, San's expression went from calm to concern.

'Min-ah, what happened?!' San hurried over, sitting down on the couch beside him and facing his whole body towards him.

Mingi felt guilty, and seeing how quickly San was to jump to his aid just made him feel even worse.

'Min-ah...' San urged, putting his hand on his arm. Glancing around the room, San seemed to be looking for any hint on what might have happened.

And that was when his eyes fell upon the painting on the coffee table.

Understanding started to show on his face. 'It's about Yun, isn't it...?'

Mingi crumbled. 'San I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, it was fine, I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling like this I feel so bad and I'm so sorry...' Words spilled out of his mouth faster than he could control, and the moment it was out, he thought San would be disappointed.

'You like him, don't you?' San asked softly, rubbing his thumb against his shoulder.

Mingi looked up through stressed, twinkling eyes, surprised at his tone of voice. 'I- I think I do... like, a lot...'

Panic tore through his body as the words rang true, but to his surprise, San just laughed. 'Min Min-ah, why do you look so guilty? There's nothing wrong with having feelings for Yunho.'

'But he's your best friend!'

'So? I don't see the problem here.'

With every passing second Mingi studied San's face, Mingi's stressed eyes turned from anxious to relieved. 'I- I thought it would upset you...'

But San just rolled his eyes. 'Oh please. A, no. B, I knew something was up from the moment I saw you two in the studio whispering like twelvies. C, I know you, Min. I think Hwa and I knew before you even had a clue.'

Mingi's heart felt like it had been relieved of all the worries of the world. Hearing that his feelings didn't overstepping his mark, Mingi felt like he could finally breathe.

'When did you realise?' San asked, shuffling closer. He leant against his side and rested his head on his shoulder, completely void of any resentful feelings.

'The day we made these...' Mingi said, pointing at the painting sadly.

San's head whipped around quicksmart. 'That was only a couple days ago?!'

'And? That was when I felt it. Nothing even happened. I was just sitting there, and suddenly it was like a switch, and he wasn't a friend sitting in front of me anymore. He was a man, and I felt so bad...'

San reached up and flicked him in the head.

'Ow!!! What was that for?!'

'For being an idiot. I can't believe you thought I'd be mad.'

Sulking, Mingi shoved him away. 'I was being concerned for our friendship, you insensitive twat.'

'What has liking my friend got to do with our friendship anyway?!'

'Ew, God you're such a man.'

'You love it.'

'I hate it, think more three dimensionally from now on, please.'

San laughed, trying to pull Mingi back towards him. 'I'll try~.'

And as Mingi finally let himself be pulled back and felt felt San rest against him once more, he thanked his lucky chickens that things had ended in laughter, and not tears.

'Thank you, Sannie... For not being mad... or weird...'

'Thank you for caring enough about me to worry~.'


A/N: 🥺🥺🥺

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