2 🩺 Chance Encounter

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Eve ♡



The three boy's clinked their glasses together and downed their drinks - all non alcoholic due to each of them having work the next morning, and Hongjoong actually being technically on call - not that he'd told the youngest that...

Beep beep beep - beep beep beep - beep beep beep - beep beep beep -

The little buzzer on their table started buzzing indicating that their dishes were ready to be collected.

'I'll get it!' Wooyoung insisted, getting up and shoving both of the eager boys back into their seats. 'It's just food. I can get it. I'll be back in a sec babes.'

Grabbing the buzzing little square from their table, Wooyoung stood up and made his way over to the counter. It was quite busy in the restaurant and he had to bump past more than a few people to get to the serving counter.

However, suddenly, a particularly strong 'bump' rammed Wooyoung into the counter, causing him to smash his hipbone painfully into the counter.

'Oh shit, sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Ya! Ma! Watch where you're going! Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!'

The commotion behind him drew Wooyoung's attention as he rubbed his hip, the throbbing almost unbearable... 'Yea yeah, I'm okay, don't worry ab-' his voice trailed off as he looked at the person who'd bumped into him. '-out it...'

The perpetrator was a guy about his age with dark jet black hair, wearing jeans and a black shirt that only had the bottom few buttons done up, causing his chest to flash a little as he moved...

Wooyoung swore that the only reason he'd noticed the boy's chest, was because he also was wet with alcohol...

It was then that he realised that someone must have run into this person, spilled their drinks on him, and caused him to collide into him. 'Are you okay?' Wooyoung asked, managing to somehow find his voice. He picked up some napkins off of the counter and handed them to the guy.

Accepting the napkins and dabbing at his check and shirt, the handsome black haired male gave him a smile and shook his head. 'It's fine! I'm fine. I'm so sorry, are you sure you're okay?'

Wooyoung nodded, eyes transfixed on the beauty before him.

'That's a relief. I guess I should go get cleaned up then... Sorry again!'

Before Wooyoung could even speak, the stranger turned around, brushing at his shirt with a disgusted look on his face, and made his way towards the bathrooms.

Wooyoung finally heaved a breath when he was out of sight, still rubbing his hip. He'd momentarily forgotten all about the pain, but as the throbbing returned, he knew that it would be painted with a nasty bruise.

Wooyoung quickly gave the buzzer to the person at the counter and picked up the food tray. Hurrying back, he sat down at the table and gathered his friends' attention.

'Guys, I was just assaulted by the sexiest man I have ever seen in my life.'

Choking on confused laughs, Hongjoong and Yeosang both picked up their spoons to take their portions of the hotpot before them.

'Umm, okay- I have a question,' Yeosang said, eyes blinking in confusion as he looked Wooyoung up and down. 'Assaulted how exactly?' Dipping his spoon in and scooping out some of the spicy looking meal, Yeosang blew on it to cool it down. 'And secondly, like, cute sexy, or daddy sexy?'

Hongjoong slapped him sharply in the chest, causing him to drop the soup back into the pot. 'Ya! We're in public.'

Yeosang shrugged. 'I noticed. Thank you for that, Joong.' He dipped his spoon back into the pot, side eyeing his Hyung as he did so. 'Okay so back to Mr. Sexy assaulting you. Which was he? Like, Hongjoong's first crush, whatever his name was? Hot but cute? or like... that guy that used to stand outside your work, Woo, with the tattoos who looked like he could make you cum just by looking at you?'

Hongjoong choked on his soup, but couldn't help laughing afterwards. 'I remember that guy! What the hell was he doing there every single day?!'

'Trying to pick up Wooyoung. I'm sure of it,' Yeosang replied, finally putting his soup into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned as he savoured the taste. It had been so long since he'd eaten out.

'He was not!'

'I mean, he probably wasn't posting letters and paying bills, every single day of the week,' Hongjoong said, nodding as he realised that Yeosang probably had a point.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. 'You have no idea the number of people that come through that post office on the daily, alright? Like Sue! I've served Sue every day this month, no joke. She even brought me a container of pasta bake on Monday.'

Yeosang rolled his eyes, re-dipping his spoon. 'Wooyoung! Tell us about the guy! For God sake!'

Hongjoong laughed while Wooyoung scowled. 'Fine. He was like, half and half? Looked hot as, but also kinda sweet. Someone ran into him and spilled their drinks on him, and he bumped into me. You should have seen the way he went from 'aww baby are you okay,' to 'what the fuck was that you prick,' and then straight back to 'aww I'm so sorry are you sure you're okay?' I died.'

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow. 'You don't look dead to me.'

Wooyoung groaned. 'Whatever, doc. I'm dead, okay? I'm alive, but I'm dead.'

Yeosang nodded, replying while dealing with a mouthful of piping hot chicken he had immediately regretted putting into his mouth the moment it burned his tongue. 'Me too.'

'See! Yeosang and I relate on these things, and he's a doctor too!' Wooyoung used the ladle to take a serving of the soup, unable to stop himself from stealing glances around the room to look for the mystery guy.

'D'you reckon he's here with somebody?' Hongjoong asked as he spooned out some rice from the big bowl, glancing around the room curiously.

Wooyoung shrugged. 'Dunno. Probably though. Isn't everyone?'

Hongjoong scanned the room and suddenly stopped as he saw someone he thought he recognised.

In the far corner, he could see a tall dark haired guy sitting on a barstool leaning over a small round table. He couldn't see who the boy was talking to, but the person in his view looked familiar...

'- Joongie~? Joong! Hello? Who are you looking at?' Wooyoung asked, suddenly waving his hands in front of his face, snapping him out of thought.

'Oh sorry. No I just thought I recognised someone, that's all.'

'And did you?' Yeosang asked without looking up from the food.

He glanced over again to see the boy's side profile. He couldn't put his finger on where he'd seen him before, but then again, he saw that many people on a daily basis that he wouldn't be surprised it was just a patient's brother or father or someone. Possibly even a look-alike.

'Don't think so. Guys I'm hungry. Let's eat!'

'No complaining there. Woo, point out your sexy mystery man if you see him,' Yeosang said, pointing his spoon menacingly at the boy. 'No point keeping the eye candy to yourself. Right Joong?'

Hongjoong just smirked but didn't reply.

'That means right.' Yeosang didn't put his spoon down until Wooyoung nodded in agreement.

The youngest rolled his eyes. 'Okay! I'll point him out. Now let's eat!'


A/N: Aww I've missed writing this fun stuff. heck. Should probably sleep now lol
Niteeee xxx

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