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Y/n let's put a loud scream as the truck crashed into her. Since the truck was so heavy it made Y/n's car flip eight times. Y/n hitting her head against the steering wheel with each turn. But luckily and thankfully in the hands of god the baby was safe. It was a blessing from god to make sure the baby didn't get one scratch.

Y/n's POV

I open my eyes to feel pain. My head was killing me. I lift my head up to see people trying to open my door that's all smushed up. The window in front of the car is all shattered.

Y/n: Help me! Please help me!
People: We trying hold on help is almost here

I just looked at the man nodding my head. I then looked down to see my bump. It looked normal but I don't know if my baby got hurt.

I slowly rub my stomach starting to cry scared my baby might be dead.

People: Oh my god she pregnant! We need to get her out quick!
People: Oh my god isn't that Y/n Billies Eilish's wife?!

I kept rubbing my baby bump ignoring what the girl said until I felt my baby girl start kicking. I couldn't feel more relieved to know she still with me.

Y/n: Shes fine! Please try to get us out of here!

Before they could say anything in the distance I saw red and white lights. I heard the ambulance, firefighters, and police sirens coming towards us.

Time Skip

Doctor: Your lucky you and your baby survive that horrible accident
Y/n: Yes I know
Doctor: We are going to keep you here for a week just to make sure everything is actually fine
Y/n: Okay
Doctor: Your wife Billie is here waiting to see you

I look up at him. Before looking down at my hands. I don't want to see her. Never again.

Y/n: Tell her we died!
Doctor: What?! Why?
Y/n: I caught her cheating on me that's the reason why I got in the accident

The doctor looked at me before looking at the door.

Doctor: Fine
Y/n: Thank you

One Month Later

Billie's POV

I woke up looking at all the beer bottle surrounding me on my bed. My head hurts I have a huge headache. But most of all my heart is broken. I can't move on knowing the reason she's dead is because of me. I even lost my baby girl. God she would have been so beautiful. She probably would have looked as pretty as Y/n. But now I will never know.

My fans have been so supportive of me. Saying how sorry they are for me. Y/n's death went all over the news. After a fan who was trying to help her get out of the car told news reporters. But the weird thing is that she said Y/n didn't look badly injured just some cuts and bruises on her head and arms. She even mentioned that Y/n told them the baby was fine when she was stuck in the car. She said Y/n was awake the whole time when she woke up 20 minutes after her car flipped. That she looked fine when they took her inside the ambulance. That she was talking perfectly fine to the cops who were asking Her questions before they took her to the hospital. She even took a video that was also all over the news. That went viral.

But I also wonder how that fan found out Y/n died. For all she knew she could have thought she was at home on bed rest.

Y/n's family want nothing to do with me. I called them and called but no one picked up I automatically went to voice mail. I even flew out to Texas to find out they had moved. I'm not sure where but their neighbors told me they left in a rush the week after Y/n was pronounced dead. But they didn't know where to.

So I don't even know if the love of my life was buried or if they made her into ashes with my baby girl.

I been drinking everyday until I black out. My family are worried for me. My mom tried taking me back home but couldn't. Claudia tried to convince me to therapy. But I don't need therapy I need Y/n! I want her here with me in my arms. Talking to me about her day. Kissing her beautiful soft lips. Making passionate love with her. I just feel so incomplete without her. I wear her clothes everyday because they all smell like her. I always spray her vanilla perfume on her pillow case every night like she did. I spray it on myself too so I can smell it all the time. I look at all the pictures and videos we have together on my phone. She always looked so beautiful and sexy.

I miss her contagious laugh. Her beautiful smile. Her cuddles. Her beautiful colored eyes I always get lost in. Her hugs. Just everything about her.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was my mom.

Billie: Hello?
Maggie: Have you seen the news?!
Billie: No why?
Maggie: They spotted Y/n pregnant in a grocery store shopping in Florida!
Billie: What?! No it can't be her
Maggie: It looks just like Y/n Billie
Billie: Okay mom I'm on my way to your house now
Maggie: Okay baby drive safely

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