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Billies POV

They are both 18

I can't believe I just cheated on my girlfriend. But I loved how it felt having sex with him. God I felt like I was on cloud 9. But the guilt is hitting me like a brick. What am I going to tell her? Should I tell her?

I walk into the house to find it dead silent. I look around and don't see Y/n. Maybe she's sleeping? Or at her friends house?

I walk into the our room to see her sleeping peacefully. I change and get in bed with her. I wrap my arms around her tightly as I kiss her lips then forehead. My eyes tear up when I look at her before closing my eyes. How can I do such a horrible thing to her. She didn't deserve it. She's been so good to me.

I wake up to see Y/n she was crying. I sat up and went to her.

Billie: Baby what's wrong?
Y/n: We are over you hear me over
Billie: What? Baby why?

I felt tears fall from my eyes. This can't be happening. No I can't loser. She's the live of my life. I love her to much to let her go.

she slowly turned around and looked at me. She had hate, disgust, and hurt around her eyes.

Y/n: You cheated on me with him! You think I wouldn't know? I walked in on you guys yesterday and

Her voice cracked as more tears fell from her eyes. She shakes her head as she looks at me with disappointment.

Y/n: i loved you i tried to give you everything but I guess it wasn't good enough

She cried more as she grabbed a suit case in the closet. It was already packed and full. My eyes widen as I realized what is happening.

Billie: NO BABY PLEASE! Don't leave me

She looks at me one more time then walks to me kissing my lips softly and passionately. When she breaks the kiss she looks at me before she smiles sadly.

Y/n: I love you but i just can't be with you I'm sorry

She walks away and that was the last time I saw her.


I walk into a cafe. Y/n showed me this cafe. I still miss and love her. I know it's been five years since we last saw each other. I miss her touch, kisses, hugs, smell, laugh, and everything else about her.

I haven't been able to get in contact with her. She blocked me on everything. I only see her when people post pictures with her. And my god she looks so beautiful and happy.

I sit down on our usual table we would sit in.
(In or on? I don't know)
I drink my coffee slowly as I look at pictures I have of us on my phone.

My head shot up when I heard the door open and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was her. But she wasn't alone she came with a girl. They were holding hands and laughing. I couldn't help but feel my heart drop. She found someone else. I just keep watching them as tears fall from my eyes.

I pack my things as I was about to leave I look back only to meet her eyes.

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