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I feel Billie leave the bed as she stretched. She's been very stressed lately. I'm not sure why. Ever since quarantine started she seems to be getting annoyed easily. I mean I don't blame her being stuck with our five kids is really tough. Especially since there home all day and most of them are very lazy and working from home. She hasn't had her alone time for her to relax she always up and down the house.

So Billie is always cleaning and yelling at them to help. But of course they really don't and if they do they don't do a good job so Billie has to do it. I help her when I can but I been at work working late hours. I feel bad but Billie says not to. That she knew what she signed up for when she had our kids.

Our oldest child is eighteen we had her when Billie was fifth teen and I was sixteen, our youngest child is six.

Adela Maggie O'Connell

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Adela Maggie O'Connell. Eighteen she is a famous designer.

 Eighteen she is a famous designer

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Alberto Patrick O'Connell. Fifth teen he is famous teen soccer player.

Edicet Isa O'Connell

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Edicet Isa O'Connell. Twelve she is a famous actress.

 Twelve she is a famous actress

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Hedinson Julio O'Connell. Nine he is a famous painter.

 Nine he is a famous painter

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Nicholasa Ilsa O'Connell. Six she a famous kids model.

All of our kids are three years apart which is crazy. They all have amazing talent. We didn't forced them into anything they just found there love for it. And it couldn't make me happier.

They are all so beautiful I still complement Billie everyday for popping out the most beautiful babies in the world. I mean look at them.

We have three girls and two boys. I think it's kinda cool because we made a pattern. We had a girl first then a boy then another girl then our last son then our last girl. They are all very well behaved but when it comes to cleaning they are some lazy motherfuckers.

But today I'm staying home all day so let see what this day brings.

I see Billie get out of the bathroom in just her towel as I walk up to her. I kiss her neck as she then kisses my lips.

Adela: Mommy!
Billie: What happened Adela?

She sighs and rubs her head. She hasn't even gotten dressed and the kids are already bugging her. I'm never really home to see what happens.

Our daughter walks more into our room.

Adela: I'm hungry what are you making for breakfast?
Billie: Really? Are you serious? I'm not even dressed I just woke up. And your asking me what's for fucking breakfast?
Adela: I'm sorry I'm just hungry

Billie sighs as she closes her eyes taking a deep breath.

Billie: I will be down in a few to cook your breakfast
Adela: What are you gonna make?
Billie: I don't know
Adela: Okay well look at me I'm talking to you

Billie turned around and looks at Adela.

Billie: Damnit Adela your eighteen you should be able to cook your own fucking breakfast! You have hands! You know what eat what ever the fuck you want Adela
Adela: Okay fine

She walked out of the room upset. As
Billie just get upset. She shakes her head and get ready for the day.

Billie: Are you okay baby?
Y/n: Yeah just tired
Billie: Are you sure
Y/n: Yes

She walks out the room as I follow her.
We got to the kitchen as to see all the kids making a mess in the kitchen eating their food. I look at Billie to see her look like she going to explode.

Billie: Oh my god are you serious? We are not gonna die of coronavirus. You know what we gonna die from? We are going to die of fucking hunger!

She says annoyed. I wrap my arms around her and rub her sides.

Y/n: Baby calm down

Billie shakes her head as she starts to cry in frustration and being overwhelmed with stress.

Billie: I just can't anymore I need a break
Y/n: Baby go rest i am here I got it don't worry just go rest

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