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3 Years Later


I am playing with Blair. My daughter who's four now. She so big and beautiful.

I get a phone call I don't know who is. My phone says it's a scam or prison caller. Who the hell would be calling me from prison?

I got up and walked towards the window of my house. I look at the phone number again to see it's the prison number. Then it hit me Y/n is lock up. Y/n is calling me, but why?

Y/n was found somewhere the police didn't tell me where and locked her up for domestic violence and other reasons I wasn't told.

I answer the call.

Billie: Billie O'Connell speaking
Person: Will you accept paying 3 dollars because of this call?
Billie: Yes I will accept the charges. Put Y/m through please.
Y/n: Billie is it you? I'm sorry about everything I really am you need to believe me. I want to see you and Blair
Billie: I don't know what you thought was gonna happen here but your wasting my time. There's no way that I'm-
Y/n: I know who killed your mother Billie
Billie: Fine I will be right there

I hang up the phone grab Blair and leave the house. I put Blair in her car chair and start my car.

My mom was killed 3 years ago after
Y/n went missing. It was a big impact in my life. I loved her so much and to know she's dead kills me. I mean why wouldn't it she was my mom she was my world.

I leave Blair at Finneas house and make my way to the prison. After a few minutes they let me in and I walk up to her cell. When i saw her she was reading a book. I stop in my tracks as she looks up from her book. She stares me down before looking to her left. I didn't see what she was looking at.

Y/n: Visitors aren't typically allowed entry in the cell block
Billie: They dont say no to me when I will give them information I need. So tell me what exactly am I doing here?

She looks at me before putting her book down and getting up walking towards the cell bars. She then rest her arms on the cell bars before looking at me again.

Y/n: Your mom Maggie Braid is dead
Billie: Why havent they found the murders yet?
Y/n: Well they are very good at hiding evidence at crime senses and they obviously did a fantastic job at covering it up making it look like a robbery but that's obviously a lie
Billie: And you know who it was the truth
Y/n: Yes indeed I do

She then looks at me dead in the eyes. I look her back. When it clicks.

Billie: Oh oh I get it you have demands
Y/n: The judge made me a promise before I came here he said I could see Blair again where is she
Billie: What the fuck are you talking about
Y/n: I want to see Blair
Billie: Your out of you god damn mind your crossing a lot of red tape especially when you talk about Blair
Y/n: Well then I guess we're done here

She gave me one last look before walking back to her bed.

Billie: You being in here is what you deserve I don't care who killed my mom
Y/n: Yeah But your still here

She said sounding bored and flipping the page as she continues to read her book.

Billie: I told you I don't want you near her at all
Y/n: Fine well then good luck finding you moms killer
Billie: Fine I will bring you a picture of Blair
Y/n: I told you I want to see my daughter not through a picture I want her here with me do that then we will talk

She says and looks back down to her book. As I stand there before I leave. I walk out the prison hurt and sad. Hurt because she's in here yeah maybe she hurt me but she wasn't in the right mindset. Sad because I didn't want Blair near her. But I mean she hasn't seen her in 3 years. She did give birth to her. God damn. I drive to Finneas house picking up Blair. I buckle her up.

Billie: Blair baby do you want to see your mom?
Blair: Yes
Billie: Ok then

Fuck it what's the worst that could happen. She fine nothing will happen I hope and believe.

We get to the prison getting buzzed in. In surprised they even let me bring her in. I set her down before the door open. They open as I tell Blair to say where she was. I walk in to see Y/n still reading her book as she stares at me.

Billie: Go on

I say and look back for Blair. As she walks out comes and grabs my hand. I look at Y/n as she gets up putting her book down walking towards us happy but slowly.

Y/n: Oh! Blair

Blair let go on my hand and walks towards Y/n who is now kneeling down on the floor.

Blair: Hi Mom

They hug each other.

Y/n: Come here my little princess

They let go but hold hands.

Y/n: I missed you so much baby

She looked at me and smiled.

Y/n: Thank you

She then looked back at Blair.

Y/n: I have someone I want you to meet

She walk into the cell towards the bunk that has a tent like thing.

Y/n: Abigail Baby come out I have people I want you to meet
Abigail: ok

I see a little 3 year old come out. She was the cutest thing but I was surprised. Y/n picks her up and walks towards me. She looks down nervously.

Y/n: Billie this is Abigail our daughter
Billie: What? How?
Y/n: I have explaining to do

She puts her down.

Y/n: Abigail show your big sister your little girl place
Abigail: Ok

They walk off into the tent fort thing. I look back at Y/n.

Billie: Explain
Y/n: Well when I left the house I was 4 months pregnant. I didn't know until well I came in here. When they found me dealing selling drugs
Billie: Why didn't you call?
Y/n: I couldn't I hurt you so much it hurts to look back Maggie's death fucked me up completely and I'm so sorry for everything I did
Billie: It's ok
Y/n: No it's not. I regretted everything from missing most of Blair's life and everything

I pulled Y/n and kiss her.

Billie: I never stop loving you baby now my mom I don't know what to say
Y/n: I'm a women of my word
Billie: As am I
Y/n: The night your mom died I was dealing with some special people they notice me as your wife and threatened me to kill your mom if I don't give them free drugs. I was at your moms house that night and I guess she forgot to lock the doors after dinner. Moments after I heard your mom screaming for help so when I got up to get a better look the killer walked right by my room your room. Wearing green leather just like that person on the tv. Who ever is running around like that who killed you mom

I looked down to the ground and back at her. But it can't be the only person I know But it can't be like how could she do that


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