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I wake up tired as fuck! Being 5 months pregnant is hard!

Struggling to do everything. I got pregnant 2 and a half months before schools ended. My ex girlfriend Billie who is intersex and is the father but we broke up before I could tell her about it. She didn't love me anymore but I just accepted it. I mean I can raise the baby by myself I have my families support that's all I need really. Today's the first day of school my senior year. I was excited to see my friends again. We couldn't really see each other since I left the country to go visit family in Guatemala. I just got back home yesterday morning. I was tired and exhausted. But anyways.....

I got ready for school. I wasn't embarrassed of being 17 and pregnant. I was excited happy it has always been my dream to be a mom since I was little. No one at school knows I'm pregnant but my friends so today I decided let's tell everyone the news. I mean I'm proud to be pregnant what's there to be embarrassed about I mean yeah the father isn't with me but fuck it. I put on this outfit to show off my bump.It was a green open button up, with a dark grey tank top, and jeans.

My bump was popping out but it was so cute. Since my boobs got bigger I have way more cleavage than before so my boobs look way bigger than before. I Dutch braid my hair back. I look in the mirror and smile at how cute i look and walk out the house. My Bestfriend Brisa picked me up. We past by Starbucks drive thru to get breakfast. We get to the parking lot and talk while eating.

Brisa: Oh my god your bump is so cute!
Y/n: i know she driving me crazy
Brisa: I can't wait to meet her and spoil her little ass
Y/n: i can't wait till she out so she can stop kicking me every minute!

I finished my breakfast and I rub my belly.

Brisa: You ready?
Y/n: Yes now let's go show off my beautiful bump

We get out of the car and head to school. Everyone look at me with their eyes widen. Some whisper and look at me as I roll my eyes. I get to my locker that changed places for some reason. Brisa got me my schedule when I was gone. I look at my classes smiling because I got all the classes I wanted. I head to my first period. I walk in as everyone's eyes are on me. But I brush it off and look at the seating chart sitting down in my seat not giving a single fuck about my partner. I go on my phone scrolling through Instagram. When I hear my name being called.

Billie: Y/n?

I look up to see Billie. I look at her and smile looking back down at my phone again. Great she's my partner awkward.

Billie: Y/n?!
Y/n: What do you want?
Billie: You pregnant?!
Y/n: Surprise?
Billie: Who's the father?
Y/n: You are
Billie: Why didn't you tell me?!

She looked hurt.

Y/n: Because the day i was you broke up with me so I just didn't tell you

She was going to say something but the teacher interrupted her. For the rest of the lesson Billie was just staring at me and my bump. I just Ignored it. The rest of day went by so far all my classes are with Billie and she sits next to me every time but I really don't care. It was lunch time I was starving my stomach was growling really loud in my last class. But the school lunch was trash. But I didn't want my baby to starve. So I got someone lunch and started eating it. But obviously my baby didn't like it making me nauseous. I look at Brisa giving her a face before running off to the bathroom. Where I find Billie making out with some girl in my way. She looked at me confused as I look behind her to see all the stalls where occupied. As I look around as Brisa came in running. I see the trash can and rolled my eyes running to it Brisa by my side as I threw up. It wasn't pretty being pregnant is so hard and annoying. Once I was done I put my back against the wall and rolled down on it starting to cry. Brisa came towards me as Billie looked worried. Billie came towards me as I cried.

Billie: Y/n are you okay?
Y/n: Do i look okay this is all your fault!
Billie: How is it my fault?!
Y/n: If you didn't pressure me to lose my virginity and have sex that night this wouldn't be happening
Billie: I didn't pressure you!

I got up grabbing Billies hand as she help me but I let go the second I'm up which made her sad. As I wipe my back and ass. I looked her dead in the eyes

Y/n: I wasn't ready I didn't want to but I didn't it because you wanted it so badly!

I said breaking down again grabbing Brisas hand pulling her out of there. We got to our table as I cried my eyes out. I felt eyes on me I turn and see Billie staring at me sadness in her eyes. The rest of the day went by and basically all my classes are with Billie and her sitting next to me. I walked to Brisas car stopped by Billie.

Billie: Y/n
Y/n: What?
Billie: Please look at me

But I didn't I kept looking down not wanting to meet her eyes.

Billie: Y/n please

But I didn't so she grabbed my chin making me face her. As she looked at my lips leaning in but I push her away. She looked at me hurt and confused.

Y/n: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! You were literally making out with someone in the bathroom who I don't doubt it's your girlfriend! IM NOT YOUR TOY! Just because I'm pregnant with you baby doesn't mean you can come and kiss me when ever the fuck you want! YOUR DISGUSTING GET OUT OF MY FACE!

She looked at me hurt as tears well her eyes. But I started to feel dizzy. I looked at her not being able to focus she looked worried.

Billie: Y/n?
Y/n: I -

Is all I get to say before I fall to the ground face forward hitting my bump fist and everything went black.

Billies POV

I rushed Y/n to the hospital she doesn't look good. It scared me I still Love her what I did was a mistake. I didn't want things to finish. I was in the room with her as the doctor walked in. He was talking her out I was confused.

Billie: Where are you taking her?
Doctor: I'm sorry but with high stress levels and the hard hit to the ground when she fainted she lost her baby

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