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Skip To Graduation

Y/n's POV

Today's the day we have all been waiting for. Graduation. I'm so excited but nervous.

Excited to leave school for a couple of months before going to college.

Nervous because I'm going to see Billie. I don't want to but I have to. I been doing my best to avoid her everyday. But today that I was looking at the seating chart for graduation I'm sitting right next to her. And with my classes to but I just ignore her. She's tried to talk to me but I just ignore her.

I was able to bury my Angel. I let Billie come because we'll she had a right to be there. I didn't want to take that away from her. It was heart breaking because she was so broken. We cried in each other's arms.

Teacher: Okay guys get in your spots to walk out. Remember you need to stay up until told to sit down

We all nod as we get in our line. Billie was behind me. I can feel her presence and her sweet smell of vanilla is starting to fill in my nose. I also know it's her because it's always been her behind me since rehearsal.

Billie: You look beautiful

I ignore her comment.

Billie: When are you going to stop ignoring me Y/n

I keep looking forward and ignore her.

Time Skip

Principal: Y/N Y/L/N

I walk up the stairs to the stage and grab my diploma from my principal.

Principal: Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell

She walks to the principal for her diploma. We both sat back down in our seats.

Time Skip

I walk walking over to my family when I felt some pull me back. When I turned around I see Billie.

Billie: Y/n hey
Y/n: Um hey i have to go
Billie: Please don't leave
Y/n: I have to go

Was all I said as I walked away. 

Three Year Skip

Billies POV

This is my first time coming to a strip club. I didn't want to come but my friends said I need to get laid. And well they aren't lying. I haven't done anything since Y/n. I still love her to this day. I lost all communication with her since graduation. But I still have hope of finding her.

I enter the club as I look around and there so many beautiful girls in here. I sit down on a table as I kept looking at the girls. But one catches my eye she was beautiful. I couldn't see her face since her face was facing me. But her body figure reminded me of Y/n. Like a lot but it can't be her.

After watching the mysterious girl for a good twenty minute she finally turned around. And my jaw dropped. But it just couldn't be her.

Maybe it's not I can't really tell since she does have a mask on. (Coronavirus y'all :) ). But her eyes look just like hers.

We make eye contact for a split second but she doesn't seem to react. As we keep our eye contact as she keeps moving sexually. My eyes disconnected from her eye and start making there way down her body. As I bit my lip.

Time Skip

I park my car in the back of the building as I watch the girls walk out. And then I spot her. I get out of my car and walk up to her. As I am walking up to her she taking off her mask. And it was her the love of my life. The girl I been looking for, for years.

Billie: So it is you

Y/n's POV

I look up to see Billie. My breath catches in my throat as I look at her. I couldn't believe it. I thought she was a stranger when I was making eye contact with her.

This can't be happening.

I haven't seen her in three years. But damn she looks so good. Although I do want to just punch her in the throat so bad.

Billie: Y/n
Y/n: I um I have to go
Billie: Please don't leave please I spent my past three years looking for you
Y/n: What?
Billie: Y/n I'm in love with you and only you it has always been you no matter how much I said I didn't love you no matter how much I try to convince myself I didn't love you I did and I always will love you please don't leave at least let me be your friend please

I just stare at Billie. Then I looked down to my feet trying to think.

Do I really want her back in my life? I mean I love her too I never stopped no matter how much I said I hated her. I always loved her to. But I won't give in to her so easy.

Y/n: We can be friends
Billie: That's works for me

I look at her and smile lightly.

But who would have known that in a couple of years we would get married and have beautiful children.

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