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Sorry this is pretty short.


I just finished watching 365. It was so fucking boring since I watched it like five times already. I mean come on the ending is stupid they could have done better. I just hate it. It I would have written it, it would have been so much better. Like so much better. But it is what it is.

I turn my tv off as I stare at my wall. It's been pretty boring today honestly. There's nothing to do really. I mean I already cleaned and shit. Billie won't be home until midnight most likely. So I can't do something today. Maybe invite Nelly over to hang out. I mean Billie won't know.

I pull out my phone and call Nelly.

Nelly: Hello?
Y/n: Hey
Nelly: Whats up?
Y/n: You wanna come over?
Nelly: Sure
Y/n: Okay
Nelly: I will bring some snacks and some takeout
Y/n: I will set up everything
Nelly: Sounds like a plan
Y/n: Yeah

I smile. An actual smile.

Nelly: Alright see you in a few
Y/n: Bye

I hang up and smile. Great! I have plans. I get up from the bed and rush down to the basement. There has to be things there. And guess what there was. I bring everything upstairs to the living room. I start setting everything up.

Finally after time of setting everything up it look nice and cute. There was blankets and pillows everywhere. It just looks so cozy really. I go to the kitchen to grabs snacks and drinks we have in the fridge.

After waiting a little more Nelly finally came. Her hands where full like really full of bags.

Y/n: Oh my god
Nelly: I got all your favorite snacks,chips,drinks,deserts, and candy. Plus takeout
Y/n: Wow

She smiles as I help her take some bags inside. We set the down next to us as we get comfortable on my set.

Nelly: Lets start with takeout?
Y/n: Duh

We grab our foods as my mouth waters. Pew Wei ginger broccoli my favorite. We open our food.

Nelly: So how's thing with Billie?

She knows about her cheating on me. She not happy about it. She try's to tell me to end it for the best. But I don't know why I haven't. But she respects my decision.

Y/n: Well i confronted her
Nelly: Really?
Y/n: Yeah
Nelly: And how did that go?
Y/n: She broke down asking for forgiveness and today she made me breakfast and shit
Nelly: She trying at least
Y/n: Yeah but it doesn't fix anything

She just nod as we eat in peace.

Nelly: What you wanna watch

I turn towards the tv as we look through our options. I see a show called Lucifer.

Y/n: What about Lucifer?
Nelly: I heard it a good show
Y/n: Well what are you waiting for?

We press play as we eat our snack and shit. I was having a really good time with Nelly. I haven't had this much fun since the beginning/middle of Billies and I relationship.

We were in the middle of watching Lucifer when I hear the door open and close. Nelly and i look at each other confused.

Who is here? What the hell? I'm sure I locked the door. Are we getting robbed? My thoughts where interrupted.

Billie: What the hell?!

Nelly and i both look back at Billie. She didn't look happy at all. She looks pissed. She was giving Nelly death stares. I look down to see she brought flowers and takeout.

Billie: What is she doing in my house?!
Y/n: We were just watching a show
Billie: I don't care I don't want her here
Y/n: Billie calm down
Billie: No she trying to take you away from me! What part of that do you not understand Y/n!
Nelly: I am not!
Billie: Yes you are! So leave my house now before I beat your ass!
Nelly: Doubt that

Billie looks even more pissed and she puts her things down. As she smirks.

Billie: Oh it's on

Billie charged at Nelly. Knocking her to the ground. As Nelly punches Billie But Billie grabs a good hold of her as she punches her back. They were fighting as I panic.


I try to pull her off but she wouldn't budge. Not until she basically beat up Nelly dragging her to the door by the hair. And kicking her body making her get out.

Billie: Dont try me ever again! I don't want you near my house or my girlfriend you hear me!

Billie then slammed the door shut. As I cry I fear.


I just cry as Billie pulled me in for a hug.

Billie: Baby she trying to get you what point of that do you not understand

I just cry even more. Why just why.

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