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Willams POV

I wake up tired as fuck. It was early in the morning. I was working on my medical class project all night. I needed it to be perfect and it was perfect. Even though I don't have to turn it in until we enter school again in like a week. I just wanted off my back and done.

I worked really hard on it. Claudia also helped me with my project a little bit. She's been taking care of me since my twin sister Billie is on tour or whatever. Claudia has always been there for me.

I have always been ignored by my parents and my brother. But I got used to it, it's always been like that since I was little. Billie always got the attention and I was just there existing. It's like they forgot I was there or something. But Billie always tried to talk to me but can't since she's always on tour or with press or whatever. But our "relationship" has been fading. But I don't mind I taught myself a lot of thing about life. Like being independent, cooking, and so much more. I would like to say that I am successful. I mean I have straight A at school, never missed a day of school, in JROTC, i have the highest rank in JROTC, I play all types of sports, all types of clubs for school, and i have at least 10 different scholarships. But of course my parents don't know that because they never ask and they probably won't even care. The only Time my family remembers I exist is on our birthday or a holiday. But my work after school is very dangerous I sell my body to people at night. It was the only way for me to get the money I needed to survive. No one knows about my job but my clients and I.

I sit up on my bed and rub my eyes. I was waking up early I promised my Bestfriend I would help out at her house since my family isn't here. But I know I reality she taking me out for my day today I turn 17. Everyone of my friends are freaking out. Like shit it's just a number bringing me closer to the day I die. My sister is still on tour. I told Claudia and she didn't really want me to go but did. I mean I get it it's my birthday or whatever but still what's the point of staying inside. I much rather be with my Bestfriend doing our dumb shit.

I was about to get out of bed but was pulled back in bed. I start panicking. Who the fuck is in my bed. I turn around.

William: What the fuck!
Billie: Chill it's just me
William: Jesus you scared me
Billie: I'm sorry little sis
William: When did you guys come?
Billie: Like an hour ago
William: Oh okay

I was about to get back up but got pulled back again.

Billie: Stay I wanna cuddle
William: No I can't
Billie: Just stay today I miss you we never talk anymore
William: I have things to do

I get up before she pulled me back again I hear her sigh.

Billie: Willy please I want to hang out today, today is my day off come on please it's our birthday today
William: Well I have things to do.

I walk out of our room to our closet. I change into my outfit looking cute. I look at myself in the mirror as I check everything.

Billie: You look beautiful

I was going to answer when I hear a honk outside. My Bestfriend is here. I grab my shit running and when I mean running I mean running to here. I haven't seen her in a week. I pull her into a tight hug. We let go before we get in her car.


I come back home tired as fuck. My Bestfriend and I were doing crazy shit. She made my day to much fun her mom baked me a cake It was so good and cute.

I open the door to hear talking in the house. Me being me forgot that you can sneak up the stairs. But still I tried. I started walking softly but quickly but my dumbass knows there's no point in sneaking in the door and stairs is an open space no walls to hide behind. So basically every Can see you walk in.

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