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Y/ns POV

Billie: Y/n baby wake up

I feel a hand on my upper thigh near my coochie.

Billie: Baby

She whispered in my ear as she bit on it a little. I groan and turn around and face her.

Y/n: What? What do you want?
Billie: Baby I crave your body

She started to rub my sides up and down biting her lip. But I look at her like she's dumb. As I turn and look at the clock on my dresser. Its literally 3 in the fucking morning.

Y/n: Billie Im tired I don't want to do anything

I said laying back on my pillow get comfortable.

Billie: Come on baby please

She said squeezing my butt. But I just really wasn't in the mood but I wanted to mess with her. So I slowly reach over and squeeze her dick. As she moans.

Y/n: Does that feel good baby?

I said puting my hand in her pants starting to slowly stroke her dick.

Billie: Ohh yes baby
Y/n: Yeah
Billie: MmMhH
Y/n: Well to bad Im tired as fuck

I said pulling my hand away laying back down in bed. As Billie gasp as she looked at me shocked.

Billie: Baby your messing with me!

I laugh out as I shrug my shoulders falling asleep.


Billie took a day off today to be with me. But honestly I wanted to be alone. Nelly actually wanted to hang out but obviously we can't since Billie is here.

Nelly 🥰😇🥺
Y/n: 💕🥰😍
Do you think we can hang out?
Not today sorry Billies off work 😐
That's a surprise

Billie: Who are you talking to?
Y/n: Hm oh no one
Billie: Y/n don't lie to me if obviously you were texting someone
Y/n: Billie please don't worry about it

I rolled my eyes. But Billie really didn't like that. I was going to walk away but she slammed me onto the wall hard. As I look at her shocked.

Billie: I'm getting sick and tired of your little fucking attitude Y/n
Y/n: Billie let go your hurting me

Which each word she kept pushing me more into the wall. And Billies very strong so it really does hurt.

Billie: Oh shut up your just week and can't handle shit
Y/n: Billie let go!
Billie: And you always wonder why I'm cheating! And you know what I do because you stress me the fuck out with your shit!!
Y/n: B-b-Billie

She let go of my scoffing as she walked away. As I start to cry because of my back hurting so much. All I could think of was Nelly.

I need her.

Like NOW!

I pick up my phone as I dial her number.

Nelly: Hello?
Y/n: Can you please come pick me up?
Nelly: Yeah is everything okay?
Y/n: Yeah i just need to leave for a few days maybe
Nelly: Okay

I hang up my phone as I think of everything that just happened. All I wanted to do was cry. I go upstairs to see Billie on her phone and I got my sweater because it's cold.

Billie: Where are you going?
Y/n: Out
Billie: Y/n where the fuck are you going?!
Y/n: I said out!

Billie got up and she threw her phone down. And walked towards me. Before I could move she slapped me across the face hard that i fell to the floor.

Billie: Your not going anywhere your staying her with me! That's why I got a damn day off!
Y/n: Well i didn't ask you to!
Billie: Better watch your fucking tone bitch!

Right then my phone ringed. But Billie got it out of my hand before I could hid it. She looked at it as her face turn even more angry.

She looked up at me before throwing my phone to the wall.

Billie: What the fuck did I tell you about hanging out with Nelly?!
Y/n: It's my life not yours! I can do whatever I want!

Billie just laughed before she started hitting me. Throwing punches at me. Kicking me.


She wouldn't stop. I just felt myself get weaker and weaker. Until I felt nothing. I stared at Billies angry face. Until everything went black.

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