Chapter 7: No, medicine shouldn't hurt

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Medicine By Kelly Clarkson, No By Megan Trainor. Misters, Mrs., and Mysteries! Please take your seats and grab your popcorn! Please welcome to the stage, Sage Dreamurr!

The screen crackles to life and Kitsune looks at Sage. Their hand makes a come motion. Sage stands up without question. She gives Leo a look and Leo nods before nodding back.

"She doesn't want anyone to stop her. If she's going, she's going her way." Everyone looks frustrated but one look at Sage lets them know to drop it. She holds calm anger, one that none of them have seen before from her.

"That's a good girl. Come here." Sage stops and glares at Kitsune. The title hurts her, it reminds her of what her AU had done to her in the past. "Oh~ Feisty. I wonder what you would say if you could speak properly. We could find out."

Sage's eye sockets widen and she nods. She makes her way through the screen as she grabs the sleeves of the winter coat. The winter coat that Classic had given to her. The one that Puff, Classic Papyrus, had gifted with his brother to her. Her navy blue flats softly tap against the ground with as little sound as they could make. She stands in front of Kitsune and looks up at them before noticing something above the two of them. Her eye sockets widen as she shakes. His whereabouts no longer go unanswered. She feels scared, for him and all of them. How are they to get out of this when their strongest ally is right there, a beautiful mess.

"Hmm? Did you see something up there?" Kitsune slaps her and Sage stands up straight with a glare as she shakes. "Speak."

"Don't you dare hurt my brother." She growls and everyone looks surprised at her full voice. Oh, how she's been waiting for this day. The day she could speak properly again. She has so much to say and so much to scream. She grabs the front of Kitsune's outfit before pulling them down to her height. She doesn't care about power. She doesn't care if it would get her killed. Actually, Kitsune seems amused at her anger. "And don't you dare call me a 'good girl.'" They smirk.

"Huh. It was true. Your confidence comes from your voice." Sage growls as she lets go of Kitsune. "What if I gave you a chance to get revenge on those who hurt you?"

Sage's eye sockets widen as she brings a hand to the cracks on her neck. The urge and desire roll off of her in waves that the others can feel. The anger and resentment. The way her fingers twitch as her eye lights start to glow. She movers her hand to grab at her winter coat. She looks away to hide from the disappointment of her mother and brother. She doesn't want them to see how much she wants to hurt someone else. Sage ends up missing the worry and amusement from them. Worry for the others and amusement for knowing that this was the moment they were all waiting for.

Kitsune only smiles. "That's what I thought." Kitsune disappears and Sage waits for a moment. She looks around before looking back up where everyone else can't see.

"Don't worry brother! I'll find a way up there!" Brother? I didn't know Sage had a Papyrus. They hear a faint cough.

"Don't worry. I'll be okay. Just do your best in this game. Okay?"

Everyone goes cold as Ink's voice trails down from above. Ink can only smile at her in hopes to relieve her as ink drips from the corner of his mouth. His arms and legs bent and twisted in a way that shouldn't be possible. Parts of his phalanges are only held together by threads of ink. Parts of his bones melted and drip with more ink. Something only he could do. As he is made of ink and paint.


Sage looks around again before backing up and running. She takes three steps forward before a bone pushes her up. She reaches out for Ink, only to miss. She summons a gaster blaster and catches herself on it. She crouches on it. As she looks at what she has. Strings, her magic, and- well. Now let's see. She has a stage, poles, hoops on a rope, long ribbons, strings, a mic stand, and things from the circus. This... She can work with this. She shakes her skull to stop the memories, this isn't the time to get stuck in a flashback. Nor is it the time to freeze from trauma. She has to save Ink, she has to return his favors. He needs to be saved just as he saved her. She uses her blaster to stay hidden from view above the stage, hovering higher and higher. She realizes that with Ink's condition, she can't actually move him unless he wants to fall apart. She gives him a worried look and Ink can only softly smile at her. 'Go.' Sage can only screw her face up as she tries to silently go closer.

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