Chapter 9: The love of a favorite toy

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Teddy Bear - Melanie Martinez, All eyes on me - Or3o, Love like you - Caleb Hyles (mixed with) Adriana Figueroa, Do you even? - Jorge Aguilar II and Elizabeth Ann.

Error watches Ink's soul closely as he wonders where Ink could be. None of them noticed that all the props, backgrounds, and extras were made of Ink. Cross stares at the three laying with Grillby before turning his attention to Error and his brother's soul. He studies it and lets his shoulders fall slightly with relief.

It isn't cracking, and Ink isn't dying. Not on their watch. Not that he could. Cross involuntarily shudders as he remembers the times he's watched his brother melt into his namesake before coming back with nothing more than a laugh. Dream and Blue try to help Grillby with the others but Grillby shakes his head. He can take care of the three. Besides, they can't touch Leo, he'll accidentally burn them.

Nightmare and Killer are discussing what to do and what to try with Dust. They need to find a way out of the box and get to Ink. They can't just keep watching this. Dust doesn't say it, but he doesn't have hope that they'll escape. If these are creators, then what could they ever do to the creators?


Dust can see that they're going to be stuck there until the creators let them go. Which he doesn't think is anytime soon. He pulls his phone out to see if he could contact Sci, Classic, or Horror. Dust clicks his teeth as he puts it away, no service. Leo involuntarily holds onto Green and Sage a little tighter before relaxing. Pulling them as close as he can without hurting them. He needs them just as much as they need him. The screen crackles to life and everyone's attention is captured quickly.

Blue stands up and looks into the void of white. "Is anyone there?" Blue steps closer to the screen. He worries about where Ink is, his Ink has a fear of white spaces... Wait. His Ink? He shakes his skull to get the thought out.

They're all a little freaked out at the red strings dangling loosely from the ceiling. A silent reminder of who's in power here. As much as they want to just pretend their strong protector can handle them, all of them know that those strings cause Ink to shake in fear because of who pulls them. He's been on the end of those strings for too long. Most of the time, Ink can hide away his fear in anger, but not all the time.

Error looks down at Ink's soul when he feels a soft pulse. Like a hand squeeze, he wonders if they had made a soul bond in a past rewrite, he doesn't remember if they did. Would they last through rewrites?

He doesn't know.

Error looks back up at the screen to see quite a bit of ink fall from above the window. It puddles in front of the window and everyone stops as the rest of it joins the puddle. They watch in sick horror as smaller puddles of ink slowly slither over to the main puddle before disappearing into it.

Dream joins Blue at the window and places his hand against the putty-like glass. He recoils at the feeling before placing his hand back onto it. It's strange, but Dream thinks that it would make sense to be a putty substance. It makes it harder to escape if it won't shatter.

"Ink? Is that you?" Dream squints a little before Error feels another pulse. They all wait with bated breath before collectively sighing as the ink moves around. It isn't quick, but Ink slowly starts to take his form. "Come on, Ink. You're doing good!" Dream wonders if his words can even be heard.

Error moves closer and Ink has half of his form, but it isn't solid just yet. He places one hand on the glass. "Kiki."

The Ink-shaped blob turns to what they think is to face Error. He reaches out to Error. Ink's hand is ivory black as he struggles to form a solid form. He reaches for comfort he knows he can't have, but wants so desperately. Cross gently takes Ink's soul from Error as Error brings both hands to the glass. He presses against it, wishing that it would disappear so they could leave. Nightmare and Killer hurry to Error's side and press a hand onto the glass as well. The three of them wishing and waiting.

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