A Means of Contact pt.1

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A gentle warm hand rests on Dream's wings. It feels like home, like warm sunlight. It reminds him of Ink, of Blue. The hand moves gently down his wings, they curl around stray feathers and straighten them back into place. Dream slowly lets his wings fall but doesn't let go of the ring. Nor does he look up. He can hear someone stepping closer.

"Dream," it's Error. "Ink's taking care of Yani and Blue. They've moved away from us." Dream just sniffles but refuses to look up at anyone. Error looks over with a grimace before kneeling next to Dream. "There's someone here who wants to talk to you."

Dream looks up to see Creation sitting before him. Those eyes are filled with tears as they look down at Dream. They gently pick up Dream from the floor and cradle him close to their chest. Creation presses a kiss to Dream's skull before pulling away. They rest their chin against the top of his skull. Their voice spills out in a pained croon. "I'm sorry." There's so much they want to say, but what does Dream need to hear? They don't know, Rewrite holds that part of their soul. "My little star is not gone. He isn't allowed to die like this. Ree made sure." Dream looks up with fresh tears as he stares up at Creation. "My little star just needs a moment to heal. He will come back. I'm sorry that this has scared you. My dear Dream, it's going to be alright."

Dream watches as part of their face melts with dilution. Tears make their face run. Creation nuzzles their cheek against his skull again as they slowly rock Dream back and forth.

Killer whistles as he watches Yani be flung into the air before being torn apart by Ink. "I'd say that even if Ink knows Blue isn't dust, he's pissed at Yani."

Cross wipes his sockets as he nods. "That would make sense. We all used to joke that Blue is Ink's kid." Error gives Cross a look, "Hey, Ink has obvious favorites sometimes no matter how much he denies it. And that happens to be Blue." Cross dusts off his jacket as he watches Creation take down the makeshift shield. "He always got babbied from Ink before the truce. He still does sometimes."

Dream sniffles as Nightmare helps him stand up. "That's right. You would think Ink was Blue's creator if you saw what Ink does sometimes." The others still, then look at each other. Dream glances at the four before turning to his brother, "What's with that look? Why are you doing that?" He grips Nightmare's hand on his shoulder tightly. "What aren't you telling me."

It isn't a question.

Nightmare holds Dream a little tighter. "We... um... have a theory." Nightmare doesn't make eye contact with Dream as he helps Dream walk closer to the group "We think that Blue may be" Nightmare is cut off with a loud screech as Creation's soul flies back into Error's pocket.

Cross grumbles, "Why is it every time someone is going to say something important, we're cut off?!"

"Guys, look!" Killer points over at where Yani is, "It's just like what Ink did to Shattered!"

They all turn to where Yani is suspended. His armor is gone, torn apart piece by piece. Small ropes of ink wrap around individual ribs before pulling them away from the sternum. As each rib is broken, snapped to open the rib cage, they can see Yani's soul fluttering in fear and pain. In horror, they watch as Ink takes apart Yani's spine vertebrae by vertebrae. Each disk breaks off before the next one leading up to the ribs. Dream watches in satisfaction as a spike of ink is shot through Yani's soul. Grabbing it tightly before increasing pressure with no remorse. Cross looks away as he listens to Yani's pleas to stop killing him so slowly. To get it over with.

Ink doesn't give him the satisfaction.

Ink slowly continues to squeeze the trembling soul. He squeezes the soul until he hears the soul creaking against the pressure. Just as the first few cracks start to deepen, Ink lets go of all the pressure. Something's caught his attention. Yani takes a moment to breathe, confused about why Ink is sparing him. Before Yani can even run his mouth, Ink finishes the job. The soul shatters before Yani's body turns to dust. The continuos wails lower into whimpers as the room grows cold with grief.

"Woah..." Cross stares where everything used to be as the room dies down, "I don't think I could look at Ink the same way. That was brutal."

Killer nods stiffly. "After so long of being around him as his boyfriend, it feels wrong to see this version of him." Killer looks over at Nightmare and Dream. "I mean, I never underestimated him, I knew he's strong and protective, but damn. He's fierce when pissed." He scratches the back of his skull as he makes eye contact with Error, "I mean, it's hard to remember that Ink can do things like this when he is so excited about every little thing he sees happen in the Multiverse."

"Yeah, I get it. Ink was so proud of me learning how to paint, hung it on the wall and everything." Error flushes as he remembers the picture, "He always looks so happy when he stares at it, it's hard to think that Ink is the same as this one."

Nightmare nods. "He's always giving off such a warm aura. Loving, welcoming..." Nightmare shivers before moving closer to Error and Killer. "This one is hurt, angry... There's too much here for it to feel like Ink, but it still does, you know?"

Killer nods. "I think so."

All of them look around as they hear a groan. It's softer and makes the room still. The ink on the floor and pillars starts to warm with hope at the sound. Dream looks around for Blue, finding him moving around. He's slightly covered in ink as he's healing. Cross blinks back tears as his friend starts to stand up.

"I don't believe it. Blue's still alive!" Cross starts to run over to him, dragging Dream along.

"No... STOP!" The room trembles as the voice rings out.

Killer looks over at Error, who is staring at Blue with horror. "Error? What's wrong?"

Error takes a step away from Blue's direction, a hand covering the pocket holding Creation's half of their soul. He shakes his skull, "Something's wrong. Something's over there waiting for us. I don't like the feel and neither does Creation."

Nightmare tenses before turning to face where Dream and Cross are, "GET AWAY FROM BLUE, NOW!"

Dream and Cross turn around in confusion before the ink between Blue, Dream, and Cross explodes.

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