The Use of Blue pt.3

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LAST CHAPTER! Stars, this has been a journey, one I am going to relive due to editing... smh. Anyways! I hope you have enjoyed the ride! This is only part one of the series! Here's to a break, editing, more short stories, and the next installments!Uminaoshi - MaretuDARLING - Maretu




He's so scared.

He's so scared.

Don't let it show. Don't show it. Don't let him see it. Don't let that thing in Dad's body know it. Scared, but put on a brave face. Hide it and run. Get that thing out of Dad. He has to save them now. He needs to save his siblings. He needs to save his dad. The soldier in him screams for him to destroy, to kill. The screams ring and echo back into his brain. He wants it to stop, he wants to tear it out of his head. He's never killed before, he doesn't know if he's ready to do that. He knows it's a step to something he isn't sure he can do. He knows he can't bring himself to kill Dad. Not the man who raised him many lives over. Please, please stop demanding him to do so. He wants to run and hide, run away to find Maman. He wants his maman. He wants his maman to be here, that's how he knows everything will be okay. He wants the comfort of his maman; to feel it again, just for a moment. That soldier in him roars that he needs to fight for his mom, friends, and the small apple that now has wings.

That he has to fight for the rest of the Multiverse.

He wants his dad.

Here the small soldier boy stands; too small in these large boots. Smooth hands wear the gloves of calloused hands as if they were his. He stands before his Dad. The man who gave his code to him. The man who has raised and continues to raise his siblings and him. He doesn't know how to fight. He's only learned how to defend. Yet this bigger body moves as if it has been fighting for years. He wonders if his older self has ever known peace. The type of peace he's had since waking up in the In-Between. He knows that it falls on the two of them, they need to fight so that he can rest and his older version can know peace. They need to fight so he can go home with his dad. He needs to fight. The son, no older than six, must fight the being he came from all those rewrites ago. Here the scraps of the original must fight the corrupted original. The son of a Creator must fight a creation that is now a puppet for some evil power.

He knows he won't live through this.

He realizes this as he dodges another attack. He snarks back, pretending to be his older self; pretends to be something he is not. He swings, aiming a fist below the belt. He understands this could be considered an underhanded tactic, but his Maman told him to do what he can to survive. Survive, just long enough to save his maman. Or for his maman to save him. He's so scared. Yet he must not crack. What would that thing do if he knew? Poor soldier boy stuck in this fight that is not his. He's fighting for people he doesn't know; people he loves all the same. His maman must know by now; he is here, not the older version who owns this body. How the room tries to push him out of the fight means Maman must know.

He is so scared. He is terrified, what if he dies? What if the save star doesn't save him this time? What if this is the only chance he gets? What if he dies without seeing his maman again? That terrifies him the most. He wants his maman. He wants to curl up against him and be held. He wants to be in the kitchen with his maman and cook pasta. To stand on a stool and knead out dough for garlic bread. Why is he here fighting? Why did this have to happen? He dodges another attack and his body reacts by swinging out another attack with his sword, but he pushes out walls upon walls of bone attacks. Making a maze that he can move and control. He remembers when he first showed that attack pattern to his maman, she was so proud. Well, he was a she in his rewrite.

He runs around in the maze, slamming the being into bone walls. He needs to buy time. For what? He doesn't know. But something is saying to get more time. Yet the soldier, the older version of himself, screams to turn around and face Swap head-on. To fight him. To rip out what is left of his soul and destroy it. Eat it. He slows down, crying out in pain as the older version of him screams, getting louder and louder. He grips his hair, nearly pulling it out as he tries to return to the group. He needs the older soldier to stop! Just stop! He needs the older to stop, screaming, fighting, stop trying to take control. Stop it! Stop it! It hurts! Doesn't the older soldier understand? They can't fight like this! He can't even focus enough to run straight. They need to hide, and figure this out. Why did the older soldier choose to run into battle? Why didn't he listen to the small apple with wings? Or their other friend, the one with heart freckles?

Why can't he just-

"Blue!" The yell makes his ears ring as his stomach churns. He looks around to see the one their shared brain calls Killer push him out of the way. "Move!"

Poor soldier boy.

So brave for the age of six.

Being so scared yet fighting despite that; fighting a fight that should not be his. He falls over from the push; falling like a child, tears ready to fall. He's scraped his hands. He can feel their sting. He holds in his whimper, his body hurts. That fall made his body ache. He needs to be a big kid and shouldn't cry over a fall like this. Maman isn't here to kiss away the aches; not here in front of that thing. He watches as this skeleton that his maman loves very much takes an attack that would've killed him.

He hates it.

The older soldier screams at him. How could he let this happen to Killer? A friend of theirs. Someone that Ink, their mom, loves very much. How could he think of crying for their mom when he does nothing to fight? How could he cry in pain when Killer has almost taken an attack on his soul? He whispers back to that older soldier that he's only six. He's only a child. Why shouldn't he cry? It hurts so why shouldn't he cry? He wants his maman. He wants their maman. He would make the poor soldier boy feel better with a kiss on his aches and scratches; then a small candy.

Yet, Maman is not here.

He doesn't respond to their call.

He sits up instead, watching as Killer hits the floor, a sword stuck just below his soul. Killer bounces. Flung back by the impact force of the sword. Killer's mind goes blank with pain, he can only let out a squeak of pain. Killer hopes that Ink isn't watching; only that he knows how Killer protected his son. Killer kept his promise, he kept Blue safe. He will always try to keep his promises. Blue tries to call out, but before he can, his maman grabs him, encasing him in ink and moving him far away from the fight. He feels the room shake as a roaring scream drowns out the older soldier. He watches the being try to follow them before a loud slam gets between them all.

The last thing he sees before walls of paint block off everyone is Killer sinking into the floor below. Barely alive, only saved by the determination coursing through him. The save star clicks, and he hopes that means he didn't have to see someone die. Not someone close to Maman. Guilt and shame flood him from the older soldier in his mind. How could he let this happen? How dare he be so incompetent that he got someone killed, or almost killed.

He isn't sure if Maman could take another heartbreak.


A giggle rings out from the hallway. Tiny footsteps run over towards the closed door. Her mommy told her to go wake up Daddy. Papa and Oppa told her to yell in his ear. She doesn't wanna do that! That's mean! Or maybe that's just what her Akhees wanted her to do. But she won't! Daddy doesn't deserve that. Tiny footsteps toddle over to the door and she struggles to get the door. She's too small! She huffs, trying to reach it with a jump. 

"Here, Ru."

The door opens, and she giggles. Mommy always seems to know when she needs help! She nods her head at her mommy in thanks, and she stumbles into the room. She looks around before finding a lump on the bed. Silly Daddy! She can hear him snoring on that tall bed and wonders how she'll get there. She pouts. She wants to get up there too! Looking around, she stares at the bed. It's climbable! Oppa doesn't call her a little monkey for nothing! She squeals as she makes her way up to her daddy. Once situated, she pats him on the face.

"Daddy, up! Wake up!"

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