Chapter 29: The Crying DayDream pt.6

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Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez


"Up we go!" The faceless skeleton lifts him into a sling, one made from that long brown scarf with dark stains covering it. Paint? Dream doesn't remember what, but he does remember the scarf. The one that means comfort and protection. Dream snuggles into it with a small sigh. It's home, it's comfort. He feels himself grow boneless in the grip, relaxing into the warmth of the other person. "Comfy, yeah?" A hand comes to support Dream from below, acting like a seat as Dream nuzzles his skull into the ribs of the faceless one. Small tears of relief fall, being absorbed into the shirt of the other. "I'm glad you're comfy, DayDream. Let's get going. Blue said that he's bringing the picnic to our small garden with the others."

"[---]!" Dream looks over his shoulder at the new person running towards them. He can't understand the name they just called out, but they know it was the faceless's name.

The faceless one perks up with what feels like a smile. "Cross! Just in time!" Cross side hugs the faceless one. He notices the small skeleton strapped to the faceless one's chest. "Dream fluxed again."

Cross's expression softens as he crouches down to look at Dream in his sockets. Dream stares back with excitement. "Hey there Lil buddy. Do you remember me?"

Dream smiles widely with laughter. His little legs bounce with extra energy. He holds his hand out and grabs at Cross's fingers. He holds one tightly, not wanting to let go. Cross always has strawberries with him. He likes strawberries. "Crossy!"

Cross smiles at him. "Yeah, it's me. Crossy." He looks up at the faceless one with a weird expression. He stands up and Dream can feel the unease rolling off of Cross. "[---], he is asking to see Dream, again."

The faceless one goes still. Dream looks up at them, slowly getting bored and starting to chew on the brown shirt in his face. The faceless one looks down. "No, Buba. We don't chew on other people's shirts." He watches in fascination as a chew ring is created in the faceless one's hand. Dream latches onto it with excitement. The faceless one looks back at Cross. "Again? Doesn't he understand why we can't have that happen?" A hand is placed on Dream's back and pulls him closer to the body, not that he minds. It makes him feel protected. "He's already fluxed today, anymore for the next few days is dangerous. You heard what Medic and Sci said about it. And he can be a trigger to these fluxes. Look at what happened the last time his aura reached us, Dream fluxed and we couldn't calm him for half a day!"

Cross sighs. "I know. I've tried to explain that to him, but every time I try, Killer and Dust try to prove me wrong." Cross frowns as he rubs his face. "They always say the same things. 'What would you know?' 'That's just bull, age flux doesn't exist.' Or even 'Come on, age regression is a human thing, why would there be a monster equivalent? You're just making stuff up.' As if I don't know anything. I get it, health and science isn't my strong point, but still." Cross crosses his arms with a huff. "At least Nigh- he was willing to listen to me explain it, but he still just doesn't understand what it truly means for Dream."

The faceless one clicks their teeth. "Well. We'll worry about it later, okay? Right now, we have a picnic to get to. You know how Blue and Outer get about us missing them after the amount of work they put into this." Cross nods and they start walking from the house to the garden.

The faceless one hums on the way there. It's a song that Dream knows. Not one he remembers, but the tune is familiar. It reminds him of times when the faceless one would curl around him and hum Dream to sleep. When they would calm him down from tears, he knew that they used it when he was older. When he didn't flux, as they called it, he doesn't know what that means though. He feels a kiss being pressed against his skull, just above his crown. He looks up at the faceless one.

They smile down at him. Such a sad smile. He can feel the worry they feel, and he hugs them tightly. He wraps his little arms around the ribs as much as he can. The chew ring is left forgotten in the grass, becoming ink once more. The faceless one holds him close. Their face comes back into focus. That sunny eyelight with a vibrant purple heart. The ink stain that stretches across their skull, it's so pretty that Dream reaches up to touch it. The one holding him chuckles. Showing off that sunny yellow tongue before they poke it out at him. Dream responds with his tongue. They hold him closer, resting their skull against his.

"I won't let you hurt like this again, DayDream. I will always be there to turn to, Buba. Just listen for my voice, okay? Listen and run to me. I will protect you." They peer down at him with a strange look in their eye pips. Dream doesn't understand nor does he understand the feelings they are giving off. He looks to Cross, who looks somewhat confused.

Cross looks back at him. "Yeah, listen to [---], Lil guy. He's practically your mom."


Cross throws his arms up in surrender. "I'm just saying!"

Dream giggles before leaning into his mom. Mom. That sounds wonderful. He doesn't remember if he ever had one before. "Okay-



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