HOLD ON! THERE IS A TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER. There is a mention of Rape. So, please be careful if you are sensitive to that. I will put a warning before and after if you want to skip.
I got no time - The living tombstone
Bury a friend - Billie Eilish~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ink softly sniffles as he holds his three boyfriends as close as possible. They hold each other and Ink together in one big group. Everyone tries to calm down while the screen is still black. Blue looks down at Dream before pulling Dream away from his rib cage. He cups Dream's cheekbones in his hands with a soft comforting smile. He needs to calm Dream so he can heal his spine.
"Dreamy, it's okay. That Ink will be okay, we saw that they had a plan to help. Okay? I'm sure things will work out there, then once this is done, we can find a way back home. That THING isn't you. You are our Dream, not that thing." Dream sniffles as his face scrunch up as a wave of comfort and acknowledgment crashes over him. He buries his face into Blue's ribs, and Blue winces when he feels something hard and stiff hit the side of his rib cage. Blue looks down to see Dream's arm frozen in stone gripping his shirt. "Dream?" His whisper is quiet and Dream shakes his head.
"Don't say anything. Please." His plea is soft enough that only Blue hears it. Blue frowns before nodding sadly. If that is what Dream wants, then he'll listen only for so long. If it gets worse, then he'll tell the others.
"Okay, DayDream."
The screen fades back in and the others turn back to watch. Fear taking hold of them like a dog on a leash. Restraining them from doing anything but watching.
Bolt gasps as he sits up from his bed. A startled cry comes from Chara as they get pushed off the bed. Bolt covers his mouth as he pants. He quickly swings his legs off the bed and tugs on a turtleneck before grabbing his jacket. He needs to hurry, he needs to get there on time. He needs to be there to save his brother. Chara watches him in pity, he's been like this since the last time he tried to save Tainted. Bolt straps his dagger to his belt and pulls his turtleneck over his mouth. Chara tells him to go eat, a reminder since Bolt would forget without Chara telling him.
"I got no time." Bolt slips on his boots before grabbing his scarf. He grips it tightly as he stares at it. Chara looks back at him in confusion. "He's got no time to live." He throws his scarf over his shoulder as he walks closer to the door of his room. "He's got no time to live and I can't let this be our goodbye." Purple tears draw to the corners of his sockets as he falters. He looks at his dresser to see the twelve small memory vials sitting there. "And I'm regretting having memories of my friends and who they used to be."
His tears slip down his face as he stares at the vials. He remembers the old Star Sanses before they became corrupted. Different from the Main Multiverse, Bolt wasn't fully a Star Sans. He was until Tainted had convinced him it would be safer for him if he stayed away from the Stars. So he became a part-time Moon Sans. Chara stares at Bolt in sadness as he also looks away. He misses the old Stars and Tainted. Bolt walks over to the dresser and grabs one of the few vials that seemed to glow brighter near him. He sighs as he slides down it.
A delusion that his brother would remember him through the vial. So he holds it close to him, praying that all the good memories of his brothers and him are in the vial. He turns to Chara in worry. How complete is Tainted going to be when they get him back? The other? Would the friendship between Tainted and Ghost ever be complete again? Would Tainted even trust anyone again? Would he remember them? Would Tainted fear touch after all the times he's died?
Bolt covers his eye sockets as he grits his teeth. He lets out a soft sigh before setting the vial back on the dresser. He composes himself to the best he can before heading to the doorway. The darkness under his sockets is noticeable. Seeing Tainted be destabilized more times than he could count, and holding him the last time, haunts him in his sleep. The lack of sleep gets to him, but he tries to not let it show.

The Stage is Set
FanfictionSo, I'm uploading this from my Ao3 account to my Wattpad account! So yeah! This is MY version of the Sans Au Multiverse. The X-event never happened, and Ink and Cross became close (like brothers, along with Reaper due to Ink being soulless, and the...