Angles Fall, Warriors take their place pt4

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Angels - Vicetone



"-ss." Who's there?

"-ross." Huh? Why are you coming closer? Where are you? I can't... I can't see you. Don't come closer, I don't know who you are!

"Cross!" That's my name. Isn't it?


I sit up as fast as I can. What a strange dream that was, right? Patting my chest, I don't feel an arrow in my chest. Looking around, I'm... at home. That's our fireplace and there's the throw blanket. But I thought... I guess it was just a nightmare. It felt like weeks, but a glance at the clock... It must've only been an hour or two. What a wild imagination, maybe no more tacos right before bed. If they caused me to have a dream like that, maybe it isn't the best idea to eat them before sleeping. Maybe it was the spiciness? I feel gross. My body hurts so much, why am I so low on magic?


* No one seems to be here.

Frowning, I get off the couch. Something is wrong here. There's always someone here at the main base. Usually Dream or Blue. Sometimes it's even Epic when he spends the night. Did we move bases again? Were we supposed to? When was the last time we went to a different district to look over for a week? Was it last week? Two weeks ago? Maybe they left me to sleep? No. Ink would've carried me over to the next base. He's done it before. But... Isn't he... Then where is he? There's no one here. It's almost... dead.


I can't think like that. Just because no one is here, doesn't mean that... They could just be busy! Yeah! It's almost time to harvest the tomatoes and squash! Not to mention the starberries that Outer loves! Maybe Blue is in the garden? Yeah, Dream and Ink would be there with him. Lust and Outer are probably out and about. I really shouldn't overthink like this! Grabbing my shoes, I push the door open. I keep the door open with my back as I put on my shoes, they'll need help bringing in our harvests.

"Ink! Blue! Dream! Why didn't any of you wake-"

No one's here.

No. No. That can't be right. They are supposed to be here. They couldn't have left me. No. NO! They wouldn't leave me. Shut up! I can't cry! I'm supposed to be strong! Why can't I see? Stop! I don't want to think about it! Whoever you are! Be quiet! They didn't leave me! I didn't drive them away! I didn't scare them away! Ink promised! He promised to stay with me! He promised! We promised that wouldn't ever leave anyone behind! We promised! My sockets are screaming from the pressure I'm forcing on them. When did I start squeezing my sockets shut? The grass is so wet. Everything is too much. Please, please, just get out of my head.


Who? Ink? Is that Ink? Stars above, please. "Ink?! Is that you? You came back for me! I'm so-"


It's all on fire. Why is it all on fire? All the AUs! Everything! Everyone! They're screaming! It is so hot and so loud! Why are all the AU islands on fire?! What aren't the doors opening to let the Sanses out?! I can hear them banging on the doors! Let them out! Please, please let them out! They're burning alive! Let them out! Why isn't Ink doing anything?! Why is he just standing there?! Why can't I move?! What?! Why can't I move?! Please, let me go save them! I have to save them! Please! Let me go!

"Ink! Let go of my legs! Please! We have to save them!"

"Stop." What? "Cross. Just. Stop."

Looking at Ink, I choke back a gasp. What happened to you brother? Why do you look so... Dead? Why are you covered in dust and paint? What happened? Where are the others? Why are your eyes white?! Where is your color?! Vials? Where did they go? Soul?! What about your soul?!

"Home." Ink? "Everyone is right back where they belong." Home. The big AU mansion here in the Doodle Sphere, of course.

Stress falls away. "Oh good. So they're back in the house? We have to get them so we can save everyone else!"

"No." No? "Not in my house. They are home. In their AUs."

No... No, please... Epic. Blue, Dream. "We aren't we saving them?! They're our friends! Our family! Ink! We-"

"YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH." His tone is so... what? What did I do? "X-Tale Sans. You have done nothing but ruin this Multiverse from the moment you were brought into it. You have done everything to get in my way. You. You are nothing but a burden. Look around you. Look at the destruction you caused. Look at the aftermath of the war you started. Nothing but selfish. I offered you freedom. You used me and abused the power I trusted with you." He looks down at me, when did I fall to the floor? I can't see any color, no eye pip, I can't tell how he feels. Are these just lies? Or is this how he thinks of me? "X-Tale Sans. You have burned this Multiverse to the ground. This tree will burn to ash with all of us in it. There is no way to save us now. So just stop. You have done enough damage to us."

"You were never my brother. You betrayed Reaper and me. Did you ever feel guilty about what you've done? I hate you. I hate you so much Cross. How could you do this to me? How could you do this to any of us? Did you even cry when you watched Epic turn to dust in your hands? By your hands? This is all your fault. EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT. ALL OF IT. YOU MUST REPENT. REPENT, CROSS. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT! REPENT! R E P E N T!"

I can't! What did I do?! I can't. I can't. What?! Who? Why? I can't-



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