Contacting A Past Life pt.4

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Lmao sorry for the long wait, I got so slammed with so much. Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!


Error feels the room go cold.

"I come from UnderSwap. The ONLY UnderSwap. I do not go by Blue. If you want to stay alive, do not call me Blueberry. I will separate your skull from your spine and make sure you stay alive long enough to feel your body be pulled apart bone by bone." He glares at all of them before staring at Error again. "Now. You have something that belongs to me. Give it back." He holds a hand out towards Error. "I'll give you ten seconds to give it to its rightful owner."

The soul piece. Error's sockets widen in fear. He's the one who wants Ink. He's after the soul piece. Why? How? Error panics, is this why Ink's half of the soul disappeared? To hide? Why? What's going on? He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know what Swap is capable of. What will happen to him? The others? To Ink? He can't give it up, what will Swap do to Ink? Is this what happened earlier? Was that Swap peeking through? Is that why he knows Error would have the soul piece?

Keep him talking. I'm almost ready.

The near-silent voice of Creation almost has him visibly relaxing. Talking, he can do that. He just needs to buy them time. Time seems to catch up from when it felt like it slowed down. He can hear Swap at the number four. Error gulps and prays to anything that could hear him that Swap likes to monologue.

"Why did you say that you are the rightful owner?" Swap stops, blinking at the sudden question. Error pushes through his nerves. "I mean, I thought Ink would be the rightful owner of the soul. If that's what you're talking about."

Swap shifts his posture and leans his skull back as he glares at Error. "So you do have it. Give it to me."

Error glares back as he moves in front of Nightmare, the others not quite catching on. "You didn't answer my question." Swap raises a brow bone as if to say that he didn't find Error worthy of knowing the answer. Error decides to try a different route. "I mean, you aren't Ink, and I've never heard of you. If he's never mentioned you to me, his partner in balance, I don't think you are anything special." Something nags at Error to not reveal his relationship with Ink to Swap.

Something tells him that it would kill him if he did.

Swap visibly bristles at the jab. His face contorts into a scowl. "Of course, he wouldn't mention me!" He looks off wistfully, "He must have been in so much pain all this time. My poor, poor lovely angel." He frowns with a coo. "I regretfully couldn't stay with him, it's all the creator's fault. They took me away from him before we could wed." He growls as he looks around. "Now, I'm back. They need to watch their backs. I'll destroy them and absorb their magic, just like I did with the red-masked one."


Error dry swallows at the admission of killing Bani. Also, absorbing their power? Dear stars above and to the void below, what is this monster in front of them? He doesn't want to think about how devastating the fight between them and Swap would be. He doesn't think most of them would come out alive.

Killer coughs to cover his shock. He caught onto Error's plan, unsure of what buying time would do, but grateful for less heat on them. He points at Swap with mock shock. "You?!" Swap turns to him with a glare. "You're the dead fiancee that Ink told me about?!" Killer sweats slightly at the bullshit coming from his mouth. He hopes he's doing the right thing.

There's no redo if he screws up now.

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