A Brother's Call pt.5

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Rescue me - OneRepublic


He hops over to where his scythes hang, placing them on a table before rushing to the bathroom. He opens the cabinet behind the mirror, grabbing the rolls of gauze, the healing creams, and bandaids. He hesitates to take anything else. He doesn't know what condition Ink or Cross are in. What about Blue? The others? Are they alright? Does he need to bring more? Splints? Does he need to carry things to restart a soul? These questions remind Reaper how much he hates how he can't heal others. It's against his nature as Death. He shakes his skull, this isn't the time to think about this! He can't spiral now, not when he's so close to getting everyone home.

He reaches to grab some gauze patches too, just to be safe. He hurries out of the bathroom, placing everything on the table next to his scythes before hopping into the kitchen. He pauses at the sight of Geno standing there, holding out a bag full of food and water bottles. Geno doesn't meet his gaze before shrugging. His shoulders shake as he tries to hold back tears. He wants to go too, but he knows he can't. Geno's soul is too weak to go into danger. They only got it stable a week before the others went missing. It still hasn't been enough time for his soul to withstand everything. Going with his crow may bring Reaper more pain if he dusts. So, he does what he can. Prepare more food, give water, and hope to any other god or creator that they keep Reaper and everyone else safe.

Reaper isn't the only one who's missing a brother after all.

Reaper gently takes the bag from Geno's hands. He watches as tears bubble in the sockets of the one he loves with all his soul. He sets it aside before holding Geno's hands in his. Bone to bone, no gloves to lay between them. Geno blushes, still not used to it even after all these years. Geno tries to hold back from letting his tears fall. Instead, he looks up at Reaper with a sad, strained smile. He sends a pulse of determination to Reaper, hoping he understands.

"Bring them home?"

Reaper nods, holding eye contact. "Of course."

"Stay safe."

"I will."

"Come home to me, alive."

"Always, love."

Geno's breath shudders as he looks down at his feet. He doesn't allow himself to cry. Not when Reaper needs him to be strong. He needs to be strong so Reaper knows it's okay for him to go. He needs to be strong or else he won't let Reaper go. Not when it's so dangerous. Ink? What happened to Ink? What of his brother, Error? What of Blue? He was there when Blue's name appeared on Reaper's list. He doesn't want to lose another person. Not another person who has stolen a piece of his soul. Not a person so tied to him. Not his soulmate, not after they had just become soulmates, married in all but in name. He watches as Reaper's face falls into his line of sight.

Reaper coos softly, kneeling to look up at Geno's face. He doesn't want to leave Geno alone either; not like this. He has to go though. He needs to bring their boys home. He needs to bring their friends home. He doesn't know if anyone else can. This may be the only shot they have to get them home. So he moves to hold Geno close to him. Holding him tightly as he feels Geno's tears soak into his robes, and he feels Geno lay his skull on his shoulder. He croons, pulsing love through their bond. He gets an echo of that pulse from Geno before pushing their foreheads together. They both close their sockets as they breathe, just for this moment.

Geno pulls away with a sniffle, wiping his tears away. Reaper looks away, giving Geno the comfort of not seeing him cry. Geno's never liked people seeing him cry. Geno takes a deep breath before moving his hand to guide Reaper's skull to look back at him. He nods, the silent conversation they have now concluding; an understanding. Geno leans forward for a kiss. Not one of a goodbye, but one that is a promise. A promise that one half will wait. That the other will go. One will worry. The other will try to be safe. One will cry, and the other will make sure it isn't one of grief. Reaper pulls away before searching Geno's face for any doubts, any reason that he would need to refute.

He doesn't find any.

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