The Blue of a Dream pt2

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"R-right." Blue's never stuttered like this before. Why is he so nervous? "Um... I called you here today because of an old tradition."

"An old tradition? Pray tell... Why do you need me here for this? Whatever it is, you could've done with Dream." Dream can almost hear the eye roll. He smiles, what he can hear is the curiosity in his brother's tone. He's always been interested in learning new things.

"Ah- see, that's the thing." Blue swallows as he looks away, "I can't do this with Dream."

Nightmare quirks a brow bone. "Oh? But you can do it with his brother?" Nightmare glares at Blue, "If this is something that could hurt Dream, you've got the-"

"No, no! I would never do anything that could hurt Dream!" Blue flushes as he rubs the back of his skull. "It's not anything like that. I- um... Hold on, I had something ready for this."

Dream quirks a brow bone from where he's hiding as he hears Nightmare sigh. "Oh boy, a piece of paper." Dream covers his face, praying that they didn't hear his snort. Nightmare's dry remarks have always made him laugh.

"Just give me a moment." Blue clears his throat before he starts to read. "Nightmare. You are the twin brother of Dream, and to my knowledge, the only living family he has. I wanted to do this somewhere private so people who could and would spill this to Dream cannot hear it." Nightmare nods uncertainly as he leans against the wall below Dream. "From where I come from in UnderSwap, and generally in the Multiverse, it is an old tradition to ask the closest family member, through blood or bond, for their approval in the joining of their two souls." Nightmare perks up, and Dream silently gasps. "I have asked you here today to hear me out and think about this. I, Blue from UnderSwap, wish to have your brother as my soulmate for the rest of our time." Tears fill Dream's sockets, "I know that we have only been together for a few years, but we have been friends since the day that he rejoined us from stone." He takes a breath. "In the grand scheme of things, I am aware that this is very little time. That we have very little time, for I am but a normal sans with being a part of the core three as my only major title, and Dream is a guardian who is to live until the Multiverse ends or until an heir can take over in complete perfection of their skill." Dream didn't know that was a requirement.

"Blue-" Nightmare stands up straight, his sockets wide in disbelief.

"I know this, but I still want to be his soulmate. Outside of my AU, I can live much longer than I could if I stay in UnderSwap. I love him dearly and want nothing more than to make him happy. I want nothing more for him to be happy. I promise always to protect him and to love him with all of my magic and soul. I promise that when I ask, should I get a negative response, I will understand and respect it. However, I ask you for approval. Should you find me unworthy to marry and to be Dream's soulmate, I will do anything you can think of to gain your approval. This I promise." Blue puts the paper into his back pocket before kneeling on the ground before Nightmare. "So, I seek your approval to marry Dream and to join together as soulmates."

Dream holds his breath as he stares at his brother from the roof. He tries to will his brother to say yes. Is this what normal people do? Is this how monsters progress their relationships? Marriage? Isn't that when one of them gets round for a long time? Isn't that when a smaller monster joins the couple? Dream knows Cross and Ink have explained it, but he can't seem to remember right now. His tears fall, and he's shaking with the ache to jump into Blue's arms and kiss him.

Nightmare stares at Blue for a minute. He lets out a breath as he smiles. He wants to laugh so much. Only Blue wouldn't be able to see how good he is for Dream. He's stopped having as many heart attacks about his twin's dangerous ideas because of Blue. Stepping closer to Blue, he places a hand on Blue's skull. Nightmare crouches down in front of Blue. "Blue, look up at me?" Blue looks up, tears in his sockets and his soul beating wildly. "You didn't have to give that whole speech. All you had to do was ask. I'm glad you taught me about this tradition, I didn't know and you could've taken advantage of that. Yet, you didn't. That is a show of your character. You are a wonderful sans, more than you give yourself credit for. As long as you don't do anything stupid, I think you'll live much longer than you think." Blue blinks in confusion as Nightmare finally laughs. "Your face is so blue right now, but let's get back on track. You don't need to prove anything, you have already gained my approval for both many years ago."


Nightmare levels Blue a look. "Blue, you are 431 and Dream is 520 in multiversal years. You both have plenty of time ahead of you. Don't get caught up on the far future, it will work out how it works out. That's all there is to it. Maybe you'll both grow old together, maybe he'll go before you. We don't know, nor should we know. Maybe you'll have kids, but maybe you won't. Don't stress it." He pulls Blue up onto his feet. "Now, Dream's ring size is 7.5, no silver since he's 'allergic', and nothing too big or fancy he doesn't like that. Says it looks weird. If you want to give him a stone, do something with lapis lazuli or sapphire, no more than one. He'll be too worried about breaking it and won't wear it if it's more than one stone. If you want something really special, either make it yourself or something that speaks to the two of you. Maybe you could talk to Smith to help you make a ring yourself."

Dream quietly leaves before he can hear the rest. Does he have this too? Who does he need to talk to? Who does he need to ask? Hopping through another portal back to the base. Does he go to UnderSwap? No, Blue hasn't been there since he joined the stars. Maybe some of his other friends? What if they tell Blue what he's planning to do? Does he even need to do this as well if Blue is already asking? Would it be common courtesy? Dream pouts, he really wishes he learned more about multiversal traditions in the past. He wipes his tears before he looks around the empty kitchen. Where does he go from this? Who does he go to for this?

"Dream?" Dream turns to Ink.

"Oh! Ink, I didn't see you there. Did you need something?"

Ink shakes his skull. "DayDream, no, but I think you need something." Dream tilts his head in confusion as Ink pulls something out of his pocket.

"Huh? What do you..." The words die out in his mouth as he stares at Ink's outstretched hand.

Ink holds out a box with a knowing and tired smile. "Go get him. I approve."


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