Chapter 31: The Crying DayDream pt.8

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Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez

Error looks on in awe. Creation holds half of Dream's soul as if it was their child. Error feels tears in his sockets slowly fall, he wonders how things could have gone. If nothing went to shit, would things be better? Would things ever feel okay again? With Creation holding Dream, it feels like everything will be okay. He lets his shield fall apart. Nightmare feels something in his soul give. He feels his tears fall, burning him as they drip into the floor. All of them let out a sigh of relief, that there was no big fight between them and Shattered. Cross lets his swords fall onto the floor before walking out from behind the pillar. He rubs his tears away with his sleeve as he stares at Creation and Dream. Feeling like a child waiting for their mom to comfort them, Cross walks over to them. His feet drag, shuffling so he doesn't trip, he gently grips the pant leg of Creation before whimpering. He looks over at Dream before reaching out to him. His emotions are shot, his mind is lagging, and he just wants to sleep for a week. Maybe eat a few cartons of ice cream with his friends. Cross just slumps down on Creation's leg before crying. Killer sighs as he leans against the pillar, keeping an eye on Cross and Dream.

Nightmare crumbles into Error's arms, letting his breathing hitch and stutter as he tries to stay strong. After some time, they make their way over to the others. Nightmare looks up at his brother with tears. He is feeling brave but so nervous. He needs to speak. The words need to come out. Dream whimpers at the sight of his brother, clinging to Creation as he tries to hide. He trembles but doesn't let himself cry. He can't let himself cry. He can't be weak, not in front of his mom. Not in front of his brother. If they see that he's weak, he'll be left alone. They'll leave him, and find a new guardian. His face scrunches as he tries to keep his tears in.

A hand cups his skull, and a thumb gently rubs against the top of his skull. "Cry, my baby. Just cry, baby. Just let your tears drop. It's okay, baby. You're safe here, I've got you, baby. We're not leaving you."

Dream feels his sockets fill with tears. His shoulders shake as he hunches further into Creation's body. He adjusts his grip on their shirt. His aura wobbles as his breath hitches. A whine comes from the back of his throat before sobs are torn from it. Loud, painful sobs are torn from him as he cries. He screams out in pain between gasps for air. He claws at Creation's shirt, and they curl around him with their tears falling. Creation coos gently, their magic swirls around the group, creating small memories out of ink. The others watch in fascination as different versions of Dream and Ink play and laugh around them. The different interactions of Dream and Blue as they danced around each other. Nightmare's face twists with pain as he realizes just how few rewrites he spent with his brother.

Nightmare turns to his brother, he gently grabs at Creation's pant leg. "Dream... I'm sorry."

Dream moves to reach for his brother, his aura fluctuating with the influence of his brother's aura. His hand reaches out, gently touching his brother's hand before crying out in pain. Nightmare feels himself croaking out a whimper. He pulls his hand back, taking a step back, he doesn't want to hurt his brother. Never again. Nightmare falls to his knees before bowing lowly, lowering his skull down to the ground. His ribs heave with his breathing as he starts to spill how he feels.

Error walks away to give them privacy. It isn't his business to know what they need to talk out. He's known that this has been a long time coming. He sighs as he rubs his face. He stares at his fingers, making sure that his sockets aren't bleeding. He pulls Cross away from them too. The two of them sit near Killer. Killer smiles down at the two of them, gently patting Cross on the shoulder. He stops for a moment, staring out at something before frowning. Killer taps Error's skull before pointing close to the group. Error follows his finger before tapping Cross.

"Look, Cross. Look at that."

"What?" His voice wavers as he tries to take a deep breath.

Cross sniffles before wiping his sockets again. He blinks. He follows Error's finger before letting out a gasp. They watch the memories of different rewrites, some come closer, and others sink back into the ink floor. One catches his attention as he watches. He watches as a version of Ink holds another version of Dream's skull close to where his midriff would be. Cross watches as that Dream relaxes, sprawled out on their couch, his sockets wide with wonder. Cross stands up, slowly getting closer to them to see it clearer. He wants to see all of the different rewrites of his brother and friends. Yet, this one pulls at him. Pulling at him to get closer to it to see what's happening. Killer and Error follow in curiosity, having called Cross's name to get his attention and he gave no reply.

Cross steps into a puddle of ink, the floor is no longer as solid as it is back where they came from. He stops in front of them, watching as the two recreations of his brother and friend talk. He marvels at his brother's wings, they look so soft. He stares at Dream's wings as well. He wonders if he ever had wings before. Killer and Error catch up to Cross, staring at the two with wonder. So this is a rewrite, Another telling, another version of the people they know. Killer wonders what could be different in each rewrite. There's so much to learn about, too many questions that Ink would never answer for them. Error takes off the glasses, his eye pips grow wide with wonder as he stares at the recreation of Ink.

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