A Crow to a Flock pt.2

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A NEW CHALLENGER! Horror was supposed to be in the story too, he would've gone with Lust. However, I couldn't quite fit him in nor did it make sense to leave Sage alone. He was written in the chapter before I went back and took him back out.


Reaper watches in awe as the blob steps into the doorway. It loses its form, spreading to fill the doorway with the ink it was made of. Reaper's breath catches at the soul fragment that floats in the middle of the doorway. He watches as the ink blob makes the doorway sturdier. Keeping it from collapsing in on itself as he grabs the scythe from his talons. He slips it in to rest between his wings and his bag as he walks through the doorway. He listens to the whispers of the fragment. Whispering a story of his brother, one he doesn't understand. He listens as it whispers to him as he finally seems to finish walking through that doorway.

It's only when he's fully on the other side does it clicks that he isn't in the safety of the Multiverse.

Reaper doesn't know exactly where he is, but he knows he isn't outside the Multiverse either. He's in an in-between place. The hallway is cold. Empty. His feathers ruffle at the chill. There isn't any sound he can hear, it's as quiet as the dead. It's very dark too, only the glow from the symbols on the doors seems to give light in this hall. There are so many doors, it reminds him of the AU doors in the DoodleSphere. They must act the same way if they give off the same magic. Reaper turns back to where the soul fragment floats, only to see it slowly falling. He quickly cups his hands under it, catching it before it could fall into the ink that covers the floor.

"I've got you. Rest now." He knows what to do in this situation. He's Death, after all. So he cradles the fragment, holding it close to his chest. "Don't worry, I'll put you back together, and then you'll be whole once more." His breath hitches as he tucks the soul piece next to his soul, "It'll be alright. Your big brother is here."

He tucks his soul along with his brother's fragment back into his chest, keeping it safe in his ribcage. He wipes his sockets, getting rid of any tears that threaten to show themselves when he has no time to cry. He needs to find his youngest brother and the others. His talons are cold and wet from standing in the ink, so he starts to hop, grimacing at the way the ink splashes up his legs. He pays it no mind as he hops around. A sound alerts him, and he spins to see the doorway closing, causing him to squawk in worry as it fully closes. He stares at the space for a moment before thinking. It shouldn't be hard to find a way back if the doors do work the way they do in the DoodleSphere. He chirps at the plan before continuing to hop around, looking for a sign of the others.

He would love to fly, but he may miss something from up in the air.

Reaper doesn't have to wait long before the sound of a voice fills the hall from behind him to the right. He turns, excited to possibly see his brothers, only for him to wilt at the sight of Lust walking through a door. He tries to make sure that he doesn't see his disappointment. Lust looks over at him in shock.

"Woah! Reaper? Is that you?" Lust jogs over to him before arching a brow bone, "What are you doing here? I thought you were at your house with Geno. It's nice to see you either way, man. Last time Horror visited, he said that you were dissociating hard, I don't think you even noticed he was there."

Reaper blinks, he didn't know that Horror visited. He looks down at Lust nervously. "A blob of ink brought me here. It was a message from Ink to follow it here. What about you? How did you get here?"

"Well, Dust came out of a portal doorway thing with Leo's gang." He jerked his thumb in the direction of the closing portal, "Sage asked us to help the others out, so I gathered supplies and went through the portal before it could close. The others had to stay behind to help Fell and Medic settle them in Medic's clinic. They weren't in good shape." He sighs, he would've liked it if Horror had come with him, but he had to stay with Sage. "It's strange, I wonder where the others are then, I would expect them to be on the other side of the portal. But I know that it's not likely."

"No?" Reaper questions Lust with a slight frown.

"Dust tends to wander off when he's overwhelmed. If it weren't for him holding Leo's gang when they were dolls, I don't think they would be with Sci and Medic right now." Lust looks around, just to study where they are as he sighs, "And knowing the others, with whatever is happening, they aren't going to stay in one spot for long."He looks off to the side, frowning at the sight of only doors lining the hall. "I guess we're on our own until we can find out where exactly the others are."

Reaper nods. "Makes sense, but we should hurry." He starts to hop down on the way of the hall, "I don't think whatever is happening is good. Blue and Ink appeared on my list one too many times for my comfort."

Lust stops, and his chest tightens with fear and worry, "What? What do you mean by that? Appeared on your list? Times? Are they-"

"They are alive. At least for now." Reaper doesn't look down at Lust as he continues to scan for any sign of the others. "Ink is still faintly on my list, but now there's no trace of Blue being on my list." Lust's shoulders dip a little in relief, "But I still think we should hurry."

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