A psycho plays with you as I die pt.1

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POWER - Ethan Gander
play this as i die - Ethan Gander


Swap spins around to see Creation standing there. Their expression is heartbroken yet not surprised. It's as if they knew this was going to happen. Did they? Maybe they did, the others don't know. Perhaps they knew something bad would happen and that's why they left. It would explain why they left the group. They needed to make their body solid again. Didn't they?

Creation sighs in disappointment. They have been the stability of this Multiverse for so long. Ever since it started to die when Ink let Creation merge with the very code of the Multiverse to keep it alive. When they became the foundation for their tree's shape. Creation stares down at Swap with tears in their eyes. Those green eyes stare, hoping to see that old beautiful soul their other half had grown to love.

But nothing is there now.

Swap beams at the sight of Creation. His socket seems to soften momentarily, a hint of their past together. "Oh, Darling! You're as beautiful as you were before!" The others stare at Swap with confusion. Does he know about Ink's creator side? Swap swoons, drinking in the sight of his lover from lifetimes ago. "It's been so long. Too long! Look at you! You're angelic!" He takes a moment to stare at them, cheekbones flushing. "Perfect as the day I left."

Creation flinches as if the word had hit them. Angelic? Perfect? No. They've done things that they aren't proud of. They've seen things that have changed them. They are not the same person as they were all those years ago. Creation was never perfect, they were as naive as a babe. They are no angel. They never will be one again. They're just pretending to be a bunny again. They've long since become a kistune themself. They've made peace with that.

Swap steps forward. "Come here, Darling." He holds a hand out, "Let me hold you once again, it's been too long darling." How he wants to feel the touch of the other once more. "Let's fix this mess that seems to have been made here. We can do it together, it'll just be the two of us! Like it should be."

Creation takes a small step back from Swap. "What about Gin?" They need to pretend to be Ink. They need to play another role. They need to keep Rewrite safe from this... virus. Play the role, rid of the virus, and keep everything working. Do it without harm. They cannot harm any AU... no matter how corrupted they are.

They've never had to think of an AU as a threat.

Swap frowns, closing his hand into a fist as he puts his hand down. "Gin... He'll be here!" He smiles as his sockets widen unnaturally. The touch of madness returns to lighten his eye lights as he chuckles. "We just need another rewrite, and then we'll be able to keep him with us. Forever." Creation's eyes widen as they feel the room start to tremble. Swap takes it as Creation's doing. He croons, "Love, no need to tremble. I know you are not a patient one, I know how much you hate to wait. Love, we need power, we need to have the power to rewrite first." He laughs. "We'll be starting very soon! We just need to get out of here first! Then, we'll go, and get the rest of your powerful soul from that... thing." He looks over at Error, and Error moves behind Cross. Swap stares at him in disgust, how did his beautiful angel ever get tied to that thing? "From there, we can finally live happily ever after, just like we always wanted. We'll go all out with the wedding ceremony like you wanted. Our bonding will be a day of celebration."

Creation stands there in silence for a moment before looking back at Swap in horror. "If you had my power, you use it like that?"

Swap's smile slowly falls, and he looks around in confusion. "Love? What's with that look? What do you mean by that?" Swap's expression goes blank as his jaw clicks. "It is what we've always wanted. That's what we've been waiting for. We wanted to be together, remember? We were getting married! We can finally get married!" He stops to take a deep breath as his eye lights widen in pure wonder and adoration as he stops and stares at Creation. "You have a soul now. We can have kids." His smile is a broken reflection of his old smile, "We can have a family together. Isn't that wonderful? A-and if anything bad happens, we can just redo it again and again!" His grip on his hands tightens until his gloves strain with the friction and pressure put on them. He looks at Creation with a crazed-longing expression, "Nothing bad will ever happen to our family, our kids. Not when I can control the rewrites!" His sentence bursts into giggles and the others look disturbed.

Creation glares down at him. "So if you had control over the rewrites, you would abuse it? You would hurt us with it? Why would you do that?"

Swap stops. "Abuse? Abuse that wonderful power? Hurt you? No, no love." He steps closer to Creation, his hands open to help him explain as he gesticulates. "I would never hurt you. I would NEVER hurt you or our kids. I would never hurt Gin. I would use that power to protect, take care, and love you for all eternity." He reaches up towards Creation with a desperate expression. "Why would I ever hurt you? You are mine like I am yours. From the start and end of this Multiverse."

Creation takes another step back, "No, please. Swap, don't do this..."

Swap smiles, all hints of corruption gone. It's just Swap, him standing at the altar, holding their hands. Looking at them, at Ink, with love and adoration, tears of joy ready to spill from those sockets. "My dear, my love, my queen..."

"Swap, please." Creation's voice is thick with unshed tears.

Swap brings his hands together, clasped against his chest in prayer to the only one he would worship. "My darling, you were my angel from the moment I first saw you. So small, so ethereal to see. A god among mortals. You were the one for me, I knew from the start. You are so kind, loving, and sweet to Gin and me."

"Stop. Please."

"And I knew I would follow you to the very end of time itself. I knew that you were the one I would follow till dust and beyond. You are a wonderful and caring being. You go out of your way to do right to those who don't deserve it." Creation looks away, a hand over their mouth as those damned vows return to haunt their mind. The others watch in confusion as what Swap is saying dawns on them. "I wanted to be everything you were. You guide me to follow, my light in the darkness we call life. I knew I would stand by your side as friends or more."

"Then can't you let me go?"

"I was honored that you would pick me, a mortal skeleton, as your husband. To hold onto everything that life throws at us. To be there for you in sickness and in health. Till death did us part and beyond that-"

"Swap!" Swap snaps his jaw shut with a click at Creation's cry. They stare down at him in fear. An AU with no fear and no sense of right and wrong are more dangerous than creators. "Please, you're scaring me..."

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