Chapter 30: The Crying DayDream pt.7

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Cry baby - Melanie Martinez


Error opens his mouth with a silent gasp. The tiny voice from Dream nearly breaks his soul. The pain, the hope. All in that one word. Mama. Is that how Dream saw Ink? Nightmare covers his mouth as he hears his brother call out to the disembodied voice of Creation, of Ink. The others watch as Error's threads slowly build up a shield around them. Fascination tries to overbear the horror they feel about the situation. Error focuses on how his finger weaves the threads, so interesting. He's never thought of these patterns. Looking closely, it makes sense how this would create a thick shield. He watches as a ghost of Creation makes itself known to him in ink on the floor. He watches as another version of Dream pulls himself out of the ink before flying right at Dream.

Ghost, the pure Dream. The one free from corruption. The one who knows how to defeat Shattered. The one made of Creation's tears. They float in front of Dream and hold him close. The familiar warmth of creation magic rolls off of him, soothing Dream's tears as he tries to get closer to him. Hallucination and Shattered recoil away. Knowing that things are going to get much more difficult now that Ghost is here. Shattered slinks away, waiting for the best time to strike again. He feels a creator nearby, he doesn't want to be caught on their bad side. He's seen what happens to creations when they get too close. It's bad enough that they seem protective over Dream.

Ghost cups Dream's face, nuzzling his cheekbone gently. The warmth of creation magic causes Dream to nuzzle back, longing for the warmth. "I look at you and I see myself, and I know you better than anyone else." Ghost pulls away to reveal his own tears. He smiles gently at Dream, and Dream forgets everything else around him. The horrible hallucinations are gone as he stares into Ghost, and Ghost stares back. "I have the same faucet in my eyes," Ghost rubs his thumb under Dream's socket, wiping away the tears he knows will come back. "So your tears are mine!"

There's a burst of positivity, pure and untouched by Shattered, it coils out from Ghost. It spreads out like a blanket, warm and comforting. Dream relaxes into the feeling before feeling himself break down at the sight of the magic. It is so much purer than his right now. He could never be that pure again. He can never be whole again. Isn't that a scary thought? Just when he had everything figured out, just when everything made sense. It's ripped away from his hands. He wonders if this is a sign for him. He holds himself close as Ghost hovers around, curling against the figure of Dream. Ghost holds him close. A reminder that there is light in the dark. That there is hope for a better day. A better future to come.

"They call me crybaby, crybaby." Dream looks at Ghost with startled eye pips. Ghost? A crybaby? But he has a reason to cry, he has every right to cry after what he's been through. "Crybaby, crybaby." Ghost looks away with new tears creating trails down his face. Now isn't that the problem? Ghost holds Dream close, hoping Dream will understand that he's just as worthy to cry as Ghost is. "I laugh through my tears, and I just let them drop."

Soon enough, it feels like someone is embracing Dream. Someone hugging him close as if there's nothing that could touch him anymore. Soft fingers caress his skull as he leans into the figure. It feels like his body is floating in warmth. The room no longer matters, his chains are broken, long forgotten on the inky floor. Dream leans into the soft flesh of the being holding him, hair tickling his shoulders and collarbone. Keeping his aura of a body close, like a parent comforting their child. Dream slowly brings his hand up to feel the fabric of their sleeves. Soft like silk, his grip tightens as he feels their hand draw circles on his back. He shakes in their embrace, feeling them pull him closer to their body. His skull presses into their chest as a gentle coo is heard from above him.

Everyone stops and stares.

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