Part 57

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Lauren pov

All week me and Camila have kept in contact, With the occasional fuck. I would call every morning and talk to her through out the day, and at night I would call and make sure that I talked to Lorenzo. On most night he would fall a sleep with me on the phone and that had to be my favorite part of the day. But It was the end of the week and I had no school but I did have softball practice and I'm on my way to start fixing the wires and shit at my building. ' Fucking mice'

Looking at my watch seeing that it was five thirty and I know that Camila had to be getting up. Facetiming her, she picked up and smiled.

" Well was up beautiful?"

" I was calling to tell you that for most of the morning I will not be in reach."

She frowned at me and looked to her left. " Why is that? Do you have to work?"

Nodding getting in my truck and started to back out of the garage and onto the street. " Yes I have to go work on this building for the next few days."

" Wow was this something that you were already working on?"

Stopping at the light , " Yes actually it and it would have been closer to being done, but now I have to go in and rewire all the basement thing and make sure the draining system is placed where I wanted it."

She smiled and pushed her ear behind, " So can I see what your working on?"

Turning into the new cove that I was designing and smiled. Driving four miles from the main road. " Lauren did you hear me?" Looking at the phone I smiled.

" I want to see Lorenzo before you go to work." Shaking her head not bringing it back up she turned the phone to him. " Hi baby boy, I won't be able to see you tonight I have a few thing that I will be working on. But I will miss you so much little friend." Getting out of the truck and closing the door, drinking from my water bottle. " I will try to call you a little late but I am sure that you will be at work." I have been doing a lot of self actualization and I found that I am scared to even tell Camila that her son is actually mine. Because who the hell am I to come in her life and be like ' hey yeah that kid that you carried for almost nine months, yeah that is my kid.' And while I knew I owned her the truth it was not something that I was trying to take lightly.

I have been working on how I wanted to tell her. I wanted it to be when she really knew me you know. Like all the bad and good and still thought I have the potential to be the best version of myself. If that made a bit of since, and in the back of my head it was telling me that I was just being a coward and that I was to afraid to let her know that she had a child with a person that is different. And that's on self hatred. Its so fucking sad that I am to afraid that she would regret having a child with me. So now like a big ass dummy I have crated a routine with him so at least I was a part of his every day life.

" Well that will be fine, I will talk to you when you have the time. Have fun at work and be safe no playing with live wires." Laughing at her own joke she is so damn cute.

" Yeah no I don't plan on it. I'm not sure if I want to you know..... end my life."

" Yeah I get that, you know I was told that it would be painful if you do it by electric. I am sure there are much easier ways. Just kidding, just kidding that's a little dark humor. Anyway have a good day and really be safe."

" You as well, I got to go." Hanging up the phone and walking over to the foundation of the building and going down the make sift stairs. " Well point me in the direction of the issue Jason." He jumped and held his chest.

" Next time announce your damn self Lauren you about to give me a damn heart attack." Slapping his shoulder and laughing.

" Well I don't know what you want me to do I came down the stairs. Next time I will jump for the steps." Sticking up his middle finger, " I'm sure that your heart will recover. Anyway what is the issue I have somethings that I have to do."

Walking over to the box and he started pointing out where the issues were a long the foundation. " Lauren are you sure that you want a pool in the basement?" Nodding " Ok fine while you are re running some of the grounds and socket's I will start with the pool infinity right?" Nodding " Cool I have the boys already dig the hole for it. It will be five feet deep and lengthen at twelve feet and twelve feet wide also there is a glass door that I will put up today as you are wiring."

Going to my tool bag I got out all the wires for the electrical and started to re run it. " Oh and the guys are coming now they are about to start of the first floor and that should be do by Sunday and then will the go to the second and third all together the next day. But I do want to tell you that the building is massive for what I think is to be a house. Or should I say mansion."

" That it is and I will be adding to the basement so I want it almost as large as the whole first floor." Going back to what I was doing on the cold concert.

" Also so you will be able to heat the pool that is what I am running now. Also there is a plan for a sauna in the corner. Can I come over for who ever this is for."

Smiling over my shoulder to the man that has become on of my best friends and reliable partner. " Of course you can."

"Bro you still not going to tell me who's house this is that you have me working over the weekend in."

Raising my eyebrow and looking back down at my work. " Sure I will tell you, it is mine." Going back to splicing my wires.

" Damn, do you really think that you need 5000+sqaure feet? I mean you have fucking ten rooms and almost the same amount of bathrooms. Plus you have a whole fucking race track the back yard and a inground pool that they actually finished. Oh and that doesn't include the place space that you want on the side of the yard and that is 500+sqaure feet."

Nodding " Yeah I know its a big place, but I want to have room so that I don't want or need to leave, plus when I have a kid or something making sure they have the extra room."

" I guess how that makes some kind of since but, this is a lot of rooms still."

Nodding for the next few hours we worked and all the re wiring was finished. By the time the other workers came it was a little after 2 and I was ready to go home. Saying good bye to all the men I got my trunk and left.

Getting to the house I went to my Room, took off my clothes jumped in the shower. Because it was about to be time to go see Camila.

(CAMREN) The LINES I'D CROSS  (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now