Part 52

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Lauren pov

Dinner was going great, I could tell that her family was the traditional Cuban/Mexican family. Loud fun and open to people which made me feel so happy. But while we were getting to know each other I could tell her mom kept looking at me. Which didn't bother me more then concerned me. Camila's dad had to get up really early so he retired to his bed. Giving him a hug he disappeared up the stairs.

Camila and her sister went in the kitchen and went to clean leaving me and her mom in the dinning room with Lorenzo. Every so often I would look down in his bassinet and smile at him. Like he is so cute. But now me and her mom sat in the dinning room is silence for what seemed like forever before she said.

" Lauren so you run a business? you are so young 19 right?"

Nodding " Yes ma'am but right now my father runs it, but I do the trades the stocks the expansions so yeah I guess I run a large part of the company."

She nodded in approval, " So where are you going to be expanding to?"

" Right now I am working with one of the largest distributors in California. That will be one of the largest one that we will be making."

"Are you dating a man?" My heart started to beat so fast and my mouth got dry. Pushing my hair behind my ear I looked down at my hands and rubbed them together. " Wait are you" Moving her wrist down looking at me with her eye brow lifted up. " I am not going to judge you if that is what your into."

Looking up at her she smiled, " Yeah I am more in to women.." My voice shook a little like what would be her next question.

" Ok that is fine everyone deserves love you know. So about your business how large are you thinking of going?"

Sitting back in the chair relaxing " Well I want to go to the west coast, then we are going to expand to Texas then after that we will be going up north."

" Ok, so landscaping and construction?"

" Yes but we are going to be going into making the business that we have right here on Florida soil larger. Right now I have my Forman working on a building that will connect the two buildings and we will have tech support in the other building, from security system's, computers, tablets and all the way up, with some electrical works that will come directly from that building that will be experienced in small items."

" Wow so you have a plan that is always good, so what about the other ones that you will be opening will they be able to handle the ends and out of a home with the appliances and the construction are just one?"

I was about to answer her when I heard Lorenzo start to get fussy. Holding up one finger to excuse me and I went and picked him up putting him on my chest. " Hey buddy I didn't know if you were going to see me, you were sleeping so much."

I held him out and looked at his face and I could not believe that he was smirking, I mean a full on smirk. " What is so funny Renzo, did you wanna see me as well?" He stared up at me and kicked his fat thighs. " Right kick little baby." Bring him up to my chest and placing his head over my heart.

I looked up and seen Sinu looking at me and I could only guess what the hell she was thinking. She grabbed her phone and looked down, and if I was not mistaken this women was looking up something. Not making a sound I hummed to Lorenzo. " Lauren can I ask you a question?" She moved her hair to the side and I looked up to her.

" Sure you can ask me what ever." Smiling she put her phone face down and stared at me and smiled.

" You have amazing eyes," smiling I went to go thank her but she cut me off. " So I was wondering is that like genetics or like was it something that just you know happened like a fluck you kids would say?"

Biting my lip, I had no idea what she was thinking but I did have a feeling in my stomach that was not something I had ever felt before. " Well my moms are light brown and my father and brothers are dark brown. My little sister has light brown eyes more like my mother and well then there is me, I have green eyes but depending on what I wear they change colors."

Nodding she flipped her phone back over and looked at me not saying a words her eyebrow raised. " Yes see I was thinking it was genetics for you, you know cause your mami has a lower pigmented eyes so I guess it could past down to her kids."

" Yes ma'am I think that you are right." Going back to humming to Lorenzo and rocking him.

" He seems that have taking a liking to you." Nodding I smiled " Yeah but he isn't usually as nice he is picky with who he lets hold him, his mom, aunt, me and his grandfather and not to mention his God mom with her crazy self."

Looking up at her, I could feel that she is getting at something. " I guess I am just good with babies I guess." Nervously laughing because now I knew there was something behind the question that she was asking the only part I wasn't getting is what she was getting at.

" Yeah that could be true, so have you ever meet his dad?" Pointing at my chest where Lorenzo lied sleeping. Shaking my head no she leaned back. " Yeah that is what I thought." Rubbing my hands over Lorenzo hair, " Well Shane looks nothing like him, which I though was because he looked like us you know!"

" Yes he totally looks li...."

" No, no now I am think that isn't so true, I have greens kind of eyes and I thought, he had them like me, but then how does that really work when my kids all have brown eyes like there dad. So it would have made more since if he would have had brown eyes and straight hair. Shane is a Canada white guy with kinda curly hair, but still."

My eyes got big I could feel it. Before I could say anything Camila came in I let out the breath that I was holding in. " Hey mami, I am going to let you guys vibe out and go put Sofia to bed I will be back in ten. Ok?"

" That is fine mija I am getting to know your friend here."

Nodding " Hey Laur do you want me to take."

Pulling him close to me " No he can stay here until your done. If that is ok?" Nodding she turned and walked out and walked up the stairs. Turning back to the table her mom was leaning on her forearms.

" Lauren.... Lauren" leaning back and looking at sinu " So Lauren do you wanna talk about why...."

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