part 16

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Lauren POV

OMG I had such a good time, and so did well I would say Normani if she wasn't tormenting herself with self loath. I mean come on I get it she like DJ I mean shit I would to if well I didn't look at her like a goofy sister. I didn't want to be where she was, ' no fucking way it looked like Dinah ripped her damn leg off or something.

" Mani ok you look so fucking sad I mean she did talk to you when you we were about to leave." Shaking her head.

" No I told her that I was sorry again and she walked away and got in the car. Welp I guess there is no way of getting that back. FUCK." She said loud putting her hands over her face. I have never seen my best friend like this, I mean ever Dinah did a number on her.

I can't lie to see this kind of emotion for her was a relief " I was starting to think that you were a heartless little bitch, the mighty Mani has been captured, so Bestie what is your next move?" Uncovering her face she looked at me and smacked my arm. " Ouch" Rubbing it "so?"

" So what Laur what the hell can I do?"

Now that was something that I could work with this was on of those rare moments that Mani need me and not the other way around. " We can do a whole Mani intervention and talk it out and come up with the next move so by the weekend yall have the girl that you want."

" Lauren that sounds like some shit I do for you." Nodding " I guess I have no choice." Shaking my head I mean she wanted her and she was going to have to put the work in.

" It is going to be so different from when you had people chasing after you, you will be doing the chasing so I hope you have some good running shoes. Because from the looks of it your going to have to work really hard to get back in DJ good graces."

Biting her nails " you can do this Mani. So what is your option about Camz?" She breath sigh of relief. It was funny she as panicking and we haven't ever started. Oh Mani your going to be working harder then you have in every relationship I thought to myself.

" Well I think she is beautiful, smart kind a great mother and she has so much patients. With you and Renzo which is amazing I mean shit your you Laur." Pushing her she laughed " But she seem like she is real and you need that. But you know that I have to ask." Pausing I stopped the car and looked at her.

" Does she know that you have a little problem?"

Playing with the bottom of my hair, " what do you mean?" Yes I was playing dumb but who really want to tell the girl they just started talking to that you have a mild anger problem, we all have It anyway, so I mean what the hell is the big deal right!

" Lauren you are the farthest away from bring dumb so what your not going to do is act like a month ago you almost put Matthew Charles in the hospital. I mean the boy said some out landless shit to Chris and you lost your shit. You broke his fucking leg his arm and ankle, so did I say almost what I meant to say is that you put someone in the fucking hospital." Nodding I thought back to that day and well Matthew is a dick.

" Oh shit what about that time in the school when you dragged that boy out of the locker room just to brake various parts of his body. Your fucking luck that Chris took the fucking rap for you with that whole Matthew thing, if you dad would have found out that it was you." shaking her head.

* flash back

I know my dad had been warning me since I could remember Marcus you have to be in control, for if a person in not in control of ones self how can they assure people they are in control. That was when I was eight and I pushed a boy off a jungle game for making fun of my friend. STUPID fucking Andrew. The same speech when I was nine Marcus you can not just go around punching peoples kid even if they did cut you in the lunch line.

And shit my favorite ten when my doctor told me that I was not a boy but a girl with boy genetical. I had just started dressing how I felt and I was going to a public school. " Marcus they should have named you Mavis your little boy girl, your so weird. How did you go from one of the tough boys to a little girl in a summer." Fucking Travis Scott what a fucking numb. Lets just say that he had to get his jaw reset and wired. That time my dad freak the fuck out, you can not fucking dislocate people face Lauren you can't do that. If this shit happens again I will be sending you to a private school.

Oh and he kept that promise because two weeks later some girl tried to touch my dick to see " if it is real" I slapped her so hard she fell, and I was off. But the fucking kicker was that little bitch should have been charged for sexual harassments, but the school did nothing so before I left I made sure I made quite the impression. Flicking the principles desk knocking over all the front desks stuff including the computer and ripping the plaque off the wall. Fuck you Lakeview elementary.

Then I went to a private school and it was great no one really knew me and the ones that did were scared of me. Then one fucking day I couldn't take this kids bullying and I beat his ass in front of the whole school. Lets just say that wanted to expel me but I was amazing academically and in sports giving me a full ride in the eleventh grade.

" Lauren are you even listening to me right now?" I had missed everything and I didn't want to be that ass, but well yeah.

" Sorry huh?"

Rolling her eyes " I said that you dad would have sent you away if he found out that his nineteen about to be twenty year old beat the shit out of someone yet again and you would have been charged if that guy thought they would have believed him." Smiling right who would believe that a 5'4 one hundred and ten pound girl, and beat a six foot one hundred and sixty pound man up.

" So bitch you need to find a better way to let out your anger you don't want Camila to see that shit at the wrong time and think that you would hurt her or the baby."

" I would never do anything like that Mani, I haven't lost my shit in a while well except Matthew but that was in defense of my brother. Its been years that I actually." Touching my arm

" Best friend, I know that but I know that when it come to people you care about you lose you since of understanding, and place. Lauren I fear that you will lost your shit In front of her not on her. Camila seems sweet but I have no idea how she would act if you did that, plus she has a son and the first thing she is going to go into is protection mood and it would be from you."

Biting my lip. " you were going to lose your shit in that pizza place I seen it."

" But I didn't I realized that they were there and I didn't want them to see that side of me. Mani but I will make sure that I get in sports or running something to let out the frustration, Promise." Holding my one hand to my heart and the one in the air. Smiling at me.

" I trust that you will make sure your in control and when you feel like you can't Lauren you need to get the fuck out of there fast before it goes dark." Nodding pulling out on the street and started to drive to my house.

" Now that we got the serious out of the way Mani?" She looked at me, " So did you ever you know fuck Dinah?" Her mouth fell open, I guess I got my answer.

" Damn Mani you talked to her for three weeks and didn't hit, well that crazy usually with the ladies you work faster then that." Shaking her head she played with the hands.

" I didn't want her to think it was just a fuck like everyone else. It was different she is different." Putting my hand on her shoulder we pulled in my house driveway. " Well we have the till the weekend to see what we can do about the one that got away.

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