Part 60

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Lauren pov

I walked Camila's family outside and took Sofia to the bathroom to change into her swim suit After I got the stuff my mom asked me to do before they got there. Putting out the cold salads and getting the rice and beans off of the stove and put it in the bowl. After walking it out I went back the Camila who was sitting in the dinning room feeding Lorenzo. " Hey I am going to finish walking out this food and I know your mom brought the snack drink and I put it away." Nodding she looked down at her son.

" I think that he is getting tired you wanna put him to sleep?" Walking over to her and grabbed him out her arms.

" of course" Right when I grabbed him my mom walked in. I heard her close the sliding door " Laur? Mija where are you?" She hadn't seen me I walked in the Kitchen " Mami I know your getting older but you couldn't see me."

Slapping my arm " Don't insult your mother like that.... Oh sorry" Looking down at the baby. " I didn't see you there little one. May I hold him Camila?"

She nodded " Of course you can."

The babies eyes were closed, " Hey little one I really wanted to meet you, are you really going to just sleep." He started blinking, I watched him and her.... It was so sweet. " Oh come on let me see those eyes I bet there are just like your mothers. Lorenzo, baby boy, hii don't go to sleep just yet." I could see that he was opening up one of his eyes and looking up at my mom. At first she was swaying with him in her arms... Now there was a pause...

" Camila can you go take out the stuff from the kitchen please?" Camila nodded her head " Don't worry I have him." Smiling she went in the kitchen.

" I guess I should go help her!" I stated walking toward the mom to go to the kitchen.

" Lauren Michelle Jauregui." I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at the floor before turning around to my mom. " Now I know that I was born at night, but it sure as hell was not last night. I think you may have some explaining to do."

I had not said a word, I just stood there looking at her not confirm what I thought she thought or even denying it. " So you are going to stare at me Lauren, is that what your going to do? What the hell! why?... I am only going to ask this once!"

Shaking my head I knew that was a lie she well most definitely going to ask more then once. And I was hoping someone would come in the house so this next part would not happen. " Lauren why does this child have your eyes?" Looking down at the ground and rocking back and fourth on my toes. " So you would rather look at the ground then to give me an answer! So your going to make me ask?!"

Looking back up at her, " You only get this quit when you have something you want to hide, Like the time you thought that we didn't know that you had something to do with that kid braking there arm out of the tree. Or that time you kissed that girl who lived down the street. So do you have something to tell me? Lauren I am not sure that you are ready to have this conversation, but we have to have it, because if this mean what I think that..."

This whole time I haven't said anything and it seemed like her rant was going to keep going on. Do I owe her and explanation. Sure. do I want to give her one.. NO, NO I do not. " Ok I guess you are not going to say it and I will have too."

Closing my eyes I waited to hear what she had to say " Lauren this child looks a lot like you, and while I know that you could have trouble having kids, the doctor had never once said It was impossible. So again do you have something to tell me?"

I heard the sliding glass open " Hey Laur are you coming outside your dad is done on the grill, and he and my dad are talking sports and I don't think I can take much more of this." My mom looked at me and down at him and kissed his forehead.

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