Part 65

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Camila pov

It had been nice over the last few weeks with Lauren's family as well as mine. We had came up with a routine. I would drop off my son in the morning, by lunch I would have talked to Clara and Lauren. On Wednesday and Friday my mom would go over to the Jauregui's and have breakfast while hanging out. Were I guess they talk about mom things, who really knows what older Latin ladies talk about when there kids leave.

its now August 25th

It had just went on my first break when my phone rang. At first I thought it was Lauren but looking at the caller id and it was Shawn Lorenzo's dad.

picking up:

Camila: Hi what's up seems like it has been a while?'

Shawn: I know I have had a brutal schedule at school, but l wanted to let you know that I will be in town in a few days. So I was wondering if I could come hang out with my son for a while?

Camila: Of course, what days are you thinking?"

Shawn: I come in on the 27 and I want to see him for the next few days, and I know that you have been hanging out with Lauren a lot and I would like to get to know her as well, I mean if that is ok and if you feel like it is time.

chuckling a little he was always thinking about how other's feel.

Camila: Of course you can meet her and her family I am sure that we could have a cook out at my house or hers. I will ask her. its going to be a great time. Hey.... are you going to be coming with your family our yourself?

Shawn: just me, I am coming and staying with my friends out there.

Camila: Ok great, I am about to call Renzo talk to you later.

Getting off of the phone with Shawn I called Lauren's mom, and told her about that Shawn would be visiting in the next few days, she was excited to meet him. She came up with a plan to have a cook out at there house, I agreed it would be fun they had a larger yard and pool, So a pool party it was. With all close family members.

After seeing my son, I hang up and went back to work, It was not a long day honestly it seemed to have went by fast. It was after five and I was on my way to Lauren's parents house. Pulling in to the parking lot and getting out of the car. Knocking on the door, " Come in Mija." I heard Clara from the other side of the door.

Walking in the house and to the living room. Walking over to the swing Lorenzo legs started kicking when he seen me. " Hi baby, did you miss mommy?" Getting him out I turned to Clara. " HI, thank you how was he?"

" As usually perfect he ate more the usual but one extra bottle, I think he might be going through a growth spurt." Rubbing my face on his " Camila I think he might be tall." Nodding " Yeah me too, I guess he will get have gotten that from his dad."

Clara stood up "possibly, so he will be here in a few days! Are you excited?"

Shrugging, " not really for me but for my son, I want him to know his dad. He really is a good guy." Smiling " I'm sure he is amazing." She turned " Oh and your mother called me letting me know what they wanted to bring to the cook out. I am just so excited for a reason to cook and have a party and what better excuse them my little baby over there." She smiled at Lorenzo.

Getting out my phone I called Lauren " Hey beautiful I was wondering when you are coming home?"
Lauren: I will be home in about twenty minutes, I have a few orders that I need to go over with Jason to finish up this weekends project.
Camila: Oh I get it, it must be big! So when can I see it?
Lauren : It is going to take a few more months they are doing the ground work and After I will show you. Sooo what is this I hear that Lorenzo's dad is coming into town and there is going to be a party.
Camila": Yes and it was your mom's doing I think she just wanted excuse to throw a good party. I smiled at Clara.
Lauren: yes she is always looking for ways to cook. So an I going to see you are do you have something to do?
Camila: I was going to wait but I know that your busy and I don't want you to rush I will see you tomorrow."

I heard her sigh over the phone " Ok I will see you tomorrow your right I don't want rush through this and I will call you later tonight to say good night to Renzo. Ok?" Smiling " Of course and I will talk to you later Lauren have a great day. " She said it back and hung up the phone. " Well I guess whatever she is working on must be big." Clara nodded her head " Yes her and her father are the same when it something big the get pretty wrapped up in it. But I am sure she will be here later. What are you guys planing on doing?"

" I think we are going to hang out with my family for a little and then get ready for bed, I am so tired." Patting my shoulder " I know the feeling; well let me walk you out to your truck and get you loaded up."

Smiling she grabbed the bags and I carried the baby after we got everything in the truck she kissed Lorenzo's forehead and turned and gave me a hug. " I will see you guys later drive safe." Getting in the truck and backing out of the drive way and making my way home. As soon and I pulled in the driveway my little sister Sofia came running out. " Karla I heard there is going to be a party at Laurens house. Is that true?"

Getting out of the truck and opened the back door and started handing her bags. " Yes that is true Shawn is coming to see the baby and it has been a while so they though a party would be fun." She eagerly nodded " Yes for sure." Her big smiled shined in the sun light. I still could not believe my first baby was growing so fast it was like it was just yesterday I was trying to teach her how to walk so that she could play with me.

" How was school baby?" She turned to me and smiled, " it was fine we are learning about biologics, which I think is pretty cool. You know that we are made up of mostly water? Could you imagine losing all that water? We would be dust." Laughing I shook my head and we started heading into the house. " Hey is Lauren going to come over?" Over the past few weeks Lauren has made a point to come over and hang out with the kids, play games with my little sister so that me and my mom could get a little break. She has been a God sent, I have found I have been less tired and able to enjoy all the small things.

" And no Sof''s she is working on a big project and she is going to be M.I.A for a little but I am sure she will come when she has time. Is that ok?" Nodding " Yes I get it she needs some rest and to finish work too." We finally got in the house and I walked up the stairs to take a shower.

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