part 53

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(The pov will go back and forth)

Sinu POV

As me and Lauren were sitting in the dinning room I could not shake this feeling that something was different. I seen this face and this was the first time that I have ever meet her. So how could that be and as we talked I got to know a little about her.

She is a business women that is not afraid of getting her hands dirty, was successful in her own right at just the ripe age of 19, this girl is a teenage that has a company that she practically runs. While learning all of these things it was something.

And over the next few hours I just kinda studied her and the way that she interacted with my family. It was amazing how nice she is even after all the hard questions. But there was some questions that were still on my chest.

Camila had went up stairs to tend to her sister while Lauren held Lorenzo. While she held him she kind of had him facing away from me. But every so often I would look down at his face and up at hers and... I thought I was going crazy.

My grandson had her lighter brown hair, green eyes and her cheeks. But there was no way, how could he look so much like Lauren. This was impossible right? and yet here they are. I know the usually mom wanting to pry but come on who wouldn't.

And with all of these similarity's I was really questioning a lot. One I knew for a fact that my child had him since I was in the room. Two the time frame for Shawn seemed to line up and then again... then again.... I know in my heart as a mother that there is something... I don't dare say wrong but their is something that is not adding up. Because if 2+2=4 then why is 18+19=3... the math is off somehow.

Lauren looked at me and she looked so confused or lost and while it was never my intention to confuse the girl, But if she thought that she was lost then I guess I am the constellation. I leaned up on the table and smiled at her. " Lauren...." I paused because I know the next question I was going to ask was going to send her for a loop.

" Lauren..." she looked up at me trying not to frown. " So Lauren do you wanna talk about why.." and this is the part that I paused because after I said what I said there is nothing I could do to take it back. She looked scared but did not breath a word. " I wanna know why does." Looking at my grandson and back at her. " Why does he" Pointing at Lorenzo " look like you?"

I seen everything around her shatter to pieces and she looked down at him and looked into his eyes. I watched her take a big breath as if I knocked every ounces of oxygen out of her lungs. Her breath labored as she pushed the air from her stomach. The silence that fell over us was so chilling it brought a feeling of cold and forlornness.

I waited for an answer and while I waited I wondered if I was ever going to get it. Then it hit me.. I asked her a question that I am more then sure that my daughter has no idea, none at all and if she was to answer it.....

" Mami. Mami what is wrong?" Camila can in the dinning room from the kitchen. Smiling she had a glass of wine and was looking between me and Lauren. I hadn't answered and she looked at Lauren, " What is going on with her?" She looked at me and up at Camila and shook her head and stood.

" ummm she was just telling me about how cute you were when you were a kid..." Camila smiled and pushed hair behind her ear and looked up at her. I have never seen her smile with so much joy or happiness. This was a new side to my child my first born, my bestfriend, and then hit me if I get the answer to this question right now and I was to keep it to myself it would devastate her, and if I was to tell Camila would she lose this person that she is turning into.

My baby was happy and I never wanted to jeopardize that, Right now was not the best decision. " Right but I don't wanna show her without your permission."

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