chapter 16

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"taehyung-ah!" I yelled at the boy running around.

"Bleh!" He stuck his tongue out.

"Delete that at once!" I ran to him.

"How could I delete a voice of an angel?" He went inside the house.

"Taehyung seriously stop!" I said gasping for air.


I looked behind me to see jin holding yumi's hand.

"Yumi!" I exclaimed.

"Unnie!" She ran to me hugging my waist.

" I missed you so much." I picked her up.

"I missed you too unnie." She cupped my face


We both looked at jin.

"Oh ah thank you for watching yumi." I put yumi down thanking him.

"It's a pleasure, I'd do anything for namjoon." Jin bowed.

"Jin Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Taehyung-ah? What brings you here?" Jin gave a confused look

"Ahh, I just sent y/n here no big deal." He shrugged it off.

"Why'd you send y/n? Did something happen?" Jin asked confused.

"I'll explain over a nice cup of coffee." Taehyung smiled Brightly.

"Aish fine, let's go make that coffee." Jin smiled

"Y/n, you should go make yourself comfortable. I'll call you when dinners ready." Jin suggested.

I then nodded and took yumi and hand in hand we walked away.


Seokjin pov

"So how've you been?" Seokjin asked taehyung.

"Fine as always," Taehyung replied back.

"That's a relief, I heard you got into a fight with kook. Is it true?" Seokjin questioned taehyung.

"Yeah we did, but we're fine now," Taehyung reassured him.

"Oh ok then, what is it about y/n?" Jin asked.

"Ah yes, well I was dropping by namjoon hyungs place outside their gate. When I saw the driver, he didn't look like their regular. I didn't want to assume too soon so I followed him, that's when he made a left turn. Then and there I knew he was a kidnapper." Taehyung explained.         "Something was also suspicious too." Taehyung looked deeply at seokjin.

"What?" Seokjin asked.

"He didn't have a tongue." Taehyung said sternly.

"Proof?"seokjin asked with a face of disbelief.

"Here." Taehyung slid the phone across the table to seokjins side.

Jin then examined it and gave a disgusting look right away.

"Holy sh*t what is this!?" Seokjin exclaimed slamming the pictures on the table.

"I know right, it's odd." Taehyung looked further away.

"You have to tell namjoon, otherwise he'll discover it himself," Seokjin ordered taehyung.

"Meh, let him find out himself," Taehyung said sassily.

"What?why?" Seokjin asked confused.

"Won't it be exciting to see his reaction?" Taehyung exclaimed.

"What if yumi dies!?" Seokjin exclaimed

"Nah it won't come to that point, and it if ever would. Namjoon hyungs a tough guy he'll sort it out." Taehyung reassured jin

"You're crazy." Jin narrowed his eyes at taehyung.

"A crazy genius." Taehyung winked.


"Thanks for the coffee Hyung." Taehyung smiled at jin.

"No prob, tell jimin he owes me dinner," Jin ordered the guy.

"I owe you what?"

The two grown-up men looked at the man who came up to him.

"Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Hey!" Jimin came up to them

"Ah yeah you owe me dinner." Jin glared at Jimin.

"Was she that bad?" Jimin chuckled.

"She vomited my cooking." Jin crossed his arms.

"Aish, never again?" Jimin asked

"Never again," Jin answered.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked.

"He set me on a date with his cousin." Jin sighed.

"Well, you were eager to meet her." Jimin awkwardly smiled.

"Never again." Jin reminded him, making an 'x' sign with his hands

"Hyung, you still not over Yoon Hwa?" Taehyung asked.

"No... I just need more time." Jin sighed.

"Of course, we understand." Taehyung sighed.

"I'll get going, see you guys soon." Taehyung patted jin's back.

" Oh ok then bye tae." Jimin waved.

"Bye Hyung." Taehyung went in his car

And drove away.


To be continued

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