chapter 33

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Authors pov

3 days later-

"What!?" Taehyung stood up confused.

"Hyung..." Jungkook called out to the guy

"This can't be happening.." taehyung said in frustration

Taehyung and the others found out on the newspapers about kim namjoon and lee heiji get together as a couple and soon to be married.

"Taehyung-ah, its-"

"Just a few days ago I was with her, we had lunch together." Taehyung said cutting jimin off.

"She smiled at my face... She sang to me everytime." Taehyung said tears coming out.

"She held my hand.." he said remembering the sweetest memories he and heiji had together.
"Sh-she... She gave me a hug..."

Tears fell down his face, disappointment fazed him quickly and his expectations have died down.

He asked himself,where did he gone wrong?

He planned everything right, he planned to steal her heart and make her his.

Then he figured it out, it was namjoon...

Everything was going fine, she has already been moving on, she was near forgetting him. But namjoon came back to steal her again.

"It's all you fault..." He mumbled.

"H-hyung? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"It's all his fault." Taehyung said huskily.

"Taehyung, calm down." Jimin said about to go to his side.

"Don't come near me." Taehyung said darkly.

"Taehyung-ah."jimin said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, hyung." He said sadly leaving the room and out of jungkooks manor.

"Shouldn't we stop him?" Jungkook asked.

"He might declare war on us out of anger kook, let him calm down." Jimin explained.

"But won't he do something stupid?" Jungkook exclaimed

"It's better than having war with our best friend." Jimin patted jungkooks back.

"Yeah... True."

Meanwhile with heiji and namjoon.

"You want to get married in two weeks?" Heiji asked.

"Yeah, the faster the better." Namjoon smiled at heiji.

"Aish." Heiji pinched namjoons cheeks

He then chuckled lightly.

"Well, I don't want to dress all fancy or anything." I told him. "I always wanted a simple garden wedding." Heiji told him.

"Then that's what we'll have!" Namjoin said to heiji.

"Ahh really!?" Heiji exclaimed excited.

"Its my birthday gift to you." He told me. "I wasn't able to be with you on your special day, so I'm going to make up now." Namjoon smiled proudly

Heiji  held her chest touched, she was about to kiss his cheek when she got a phone call.

"Oh sorry joonie, I have to take this."heiji stood up smiling at him.

"Ahh ok, I'll wait for you." Namjoon said to her.

She moved away from namjoon to see the i.d caller and then answered.

Phone call.

Taehyung: where are you?

Heiji looked at her phone surprised to her taehyung talk grumpily.

Heiji:huh? I'm at namjoons place.
Taehyung: meet me at your house now, this is urgent.
Heiji:wae? What's wrong?

Taehyung: I'll tell you when you get here it needs to be said here.

Heiji: ok..

End of phone call.

"Namjoon-ah, I have to go something urgent came up." Heji told him.

"Ah is that so? Take care then." He told me smiling.

"Babye." Heiji waved at him.

Heiji pov

I got out of namjoons place into my car my men following behind.

I wondered what could have been so urgent that taehyung needed to see me.

I got to my home and went inside.

I looked around but no taehyung, I went in my kitchen and then saw him.

A bottle of whiskey, a cup full of the whiskey and a gun.

He looked like he had been crying.


"Where did I go wrong?" He asked me.

"Eh?" I said not understanding.

"I did my best right?" He asked.

"I did everything I could." He stated.

I then assumed that he got dumped by a girl and went to his side to comfort him.

"Aish, gwenchana gwenchana." I told the guy. "You'll find someone better." I patted his back.

"Then how come you still don't love me?" He asked.

I then paused in place.

"What?" I said to myself.

"I've been with you the whole time,why don't you love me? I gave you everything I could."he said head down

Does he think he's talking to the girl or me?

"Tell me!" He yelled startling me.

"Ta-taehyung calm down." I told him rubbing his back.

He then pushed me away from him.

"See! Your doing it again!"he yelled at me looking at me straight. "What have I done to not deserve you!? I loved you, I cherished you, I made you laugh and smile, am I not the reason of your joy!?" He asked me grabbing my shoulders.

"Is... Is this about me?" I asked.

He then laughed turning around putting his hands of his hips.

"Your always so oblivious to everything." He said bowing his head from behind me. " Your so oblivious that you don't know you've pierced my heart." He turned around looking at me.

"What are you trying to say here?" I asked so confused.

"I love you lee heiji!"

Taehyungs note
(I've been loving you since day one, since the day you sang.
I've been loving you this whole time right under your nose, but still you don't notice.

I've been loving you through out the snow and storms, I've loved you through fall and spring.

But why? Why do you choose him and not me?

Why do you love him and not me, the man who stood beside you, the man who supported you.

Why could you not see me as a guy to you?

You broke my heart, and left me for him.

Should I just put a curse on him and you?

Should I?)

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