chapter 15

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I walked outside holding my bags, men in black surrounded me holding a un umbrella for me.

They walked me to the black car and I got in.

I was going to see yumi after a day, I missed her.

I looked out the window to see namjoon in front of the doors.

Looking at the car

His figure slowly faded away as we got further.

I was annoyed and irritated at him, first, he made me feel special and now he's treating me like trash.

Whatever... He can do what he wants. He owns my life, I'm just his toy.

The day I sold myself... I was already dead

Numerous thoughts came to my mind. I was feeling dizzy from the ride, and the rain didn't stop pouring.

I looked out the window once more, the trees soaked wet from the rain.

Just like that day...

~flash back~

I was on my way to my Foster mom's house.

It's not my home, and it will never be.

I looked around to see the trees soaked wet.

Beautiful... I thought to myself.

I let the rain hit my skin and soak me in water

"Life is so cruel," I told myself.

"I wonder how it would feel if I died?" I laughed to myself.

I was starting to become insane, was it went ng to become one with my mind?


I heard someone call out.

"Your soaking wet." The teen boy came to me

I just looked at him in awe, who looked rich.

"I can't let a gorgeous girl get wet in the rain." He handed me an extra umbrella.

"I'm already soaked," I whispered underneath my breath.

"Hm?" He looked at me.

"You might catch a cold." He took off his jacket.

"I'm already cold," I mumbled to myself.

He then put it on me and patted my head softly.

"Get home safe, you already have an umbrella and new jacket." He smiled showing his dimple. "Consider it a gift from a stranger."

I looked up at him and gave him a blank face.

He then looked back and looked at me.

"Bye, I have to go. Take care!" He ran back to his car and it drove away.

And with a thump, I realized he was my first love.

~end of flashback~

My phone rang all of a sudden, so I looked at who was calling.


I answered the call, not wanting her to be upset.

Yumi: eonni!
Y/n: yes yumi?
Yumi Are you on your way!? I really missed you! How's daddy?
Y/n: yes I'm on my way, I missed you too. And your Daddy's ok.

Yeah, he's better than ever.

Yumi: that's a relief, I hope to see you soon. Bye-bye eonni!
Y/n: bye bye see you soon.

And with that, she ended the call. I let out a heavy sigh, I'm tired as hell.

I heard a loud bang, I thought it was nothing.
But Then the car stopped all of a sudden, I looked at the driver.

He was dead.

I covered my mouth, trying to prevent myself from yelling.

"I didn't sign up for this." I thought to myself.

I unbuckled myself, I was about to call namjoon when I saw taehyung walk up to my door.

He gave me a smile and knocked on it.

I unlocked it immediately, I was afraid he'd kill me too.

"Ahh, we meet again," Taehyung said in excitement

"W-whats going o-n?" I stuttered my words.

"You almost died?" He said hinting at me.

"What the heck do you mean!?" I said aloud.

"Woah Woah calm down." He calmed me.

"Calm down!? How can I f*cking calm down?! My driver just got shot!" I exclaimed to him.

"Shhh, come to my car I'll explain." He handed me his hand.

I just looked at him in disbelief.

"Don't worry I won't kill you, I'll even bring you to jin Hyung." He reassured me.

I then blinked away the tears that threatened to come out.

I took his hand reluctantly and came down from the car.

"That's better, isn't it?" He smiled at me.

I gave him a small nod and walked with him to his car.

"Get her bags," Taehyung told a man.

He brought me to his car and I went in.

He sat beside me and gave me a small smile.

The driver started to drive, and an awkward silence took over the room.

"So..." Taehyung spoke.

I looked at him a bit surprised.

"What you just witnessed there was a shooting," Taehyung said.

"I know... I saw that." I gave him a look.

"The driver was an imposter, he was going to kill you." Taehyung took out his phone.

"How'd you know?" I asked him.

"I have my ways, I'm Kim taehyung after all." He said conceitedly.

My lips twitched to what he said.

My life is getting crazier and crazier, I'm sure I'm dead and God is trying to punish me.

I then bit my finger to make sure I'm alive.

And I slightly winced to the pain.

"So... could you sing for me." Taehyung pleaded.

I looked at him surprised.

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"Sing to me, your Savior." He gave me a boxy smile

"Oh um, right now?" I looked around where we were at.

"Yes right now," Taehyung said sternly.

"Oh uh, what would you like?" I asked him.

"Hmm, the one you were singing when we met." He brought up the past.

"Oh the time where you were going to shoot me?" I said sarcastically.

"Hey I said I was sorry."taehyung pouted.

"Yeah yeah ok."

And with that, I sang to him and I didn't realize he was recording it.


To be continued

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