chapter 14

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I then looked at him surprised, I didn't think he'd asked me that question. It was strange to hear it from him, yumi didn't even... Well, I don't think she knows.

"Oh ah, look at the time." I stood up and laughed nervously.

"We should get dinner ready," I informed him.

"I guess." He stood up as well.

We walked through the quiet hallway, lost in our own thoughts.

"I don't feel like calling you namjoon." I stopped looking back at him.

He then tilted his head confused about what I said.

"I'll call you ajusshi," I said smiling.

He just smiled at me and continued walking.

"I don't like it," he said plainly. "it makes me look old." 

"oh, I'm sorry."I apologized

I followed right behind him.

That's when I heard a loud bang, I'm sure namjoon Heard it too.

He looked at me with a sharp expression.

"Run quietly, go hide." He ordered me.

I looked at him confused.

"Go!" He said in a loud whisper.

I then took one last glance at him and ran.

I've memorized this entire manor or mansion. I don't know what's the difference, but what I'm saying is I know where I can hide where the shooter won't find me.

I got behind the thick curtain in the living room.

I opened the camouflage wooden door and went inside.

I sighed in relief

I then heard faint noises and then a loud bang.

It felt like hours in there, I looked at my phone.

30 minutes passed, are they playing cat and mice?

And then another bang, this time it was in the room.

"Y/n!" I heard namjoon call for me.

Was he hurt or was he the one who shot the gun?

I came out as he repeatedly called my name.

"I'm here," I stated.

He had a gun in his hand, that's when my world stopped.

I looked at him in disbelief, he then hugged me.

I couldn't move, who is this man?

Am I lucky or cursed?

Was God punishing me?

So many useless thoughts came to my mind

"W-what are you?" I asked still shocked knowing he called a man.

"What?" He realized the hug

"Are you satan in disguise?" I asked tears welling in my eyes.

"What are you trying to say here?" He asked raising a brow.

"You killed a man!" I exclaimed.

He then crossed his arms and looked at me sternly.

"And so what if I killed a man?"

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Would you have him kill us first?" He looked at me. 
"You must be surprised I took someone's life right now, but you won't only witness this now."

I looked at him in disbelief.

A man then came up to him

"Sir excuse me." He pardoned himself.

"We need to discuss something real quick." He looked at me.

Namjoon then nodded.

"Have someone escort her to her room, guard the room make sure she doesn't go out,  " Namjoon ordered.

"Yes sir." The man nodded and left.

"I have to go, I'll send food to your room." He told me.

I just looked at him blankly.

"Ok... " I bowed and left with the two men."

That whole night I spent watching various dramas. Like goblin, hotel del Luna, what's wrong with secretary Kim, moon lovers, the two worlds and train to Busan.


To be continued

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