chapter 34

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"hyung..." Namjoon called out.

"Ahh is that so?" I raised my brow at him.

Didn't he use them as an excuse at my party.

"Aish, don't be jealous heiji. Namjoon doesn't love her but you." Hoseok said backing up namjoon.

"Yeah." I said dryly glaring at namjoon

Tsk this man has no manners.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying." Yoongi said

"Yeah, we get it." Namjoon said playing with his pen.

"I wonder what he's up to though." Hoseok said thinking of tae.

"He's recklessness might kill us all one day." Yoongi sighed.


Taehyung pov.

I walked with my men to the meeting room, I was meeting the woman who I could make my plan possible.

The doors opened letting us in, and I saw here.

The bitch of the game.

"Taehyung taehyung taehyung." I saw a smirk on her lips.

She then stood up walking to me.

"I got your message." She smiled genuinely. She then went closer to my ear. "And I want in."

"You know the deal, you get namjoon hyung back and I'll have heiji." I told her.

"I like the sound of that." She said smiling.

"How is namjoon anyways?" She asked me

"He's fine, inlove anyways." I told her.

"I kind of regret leaving him." She said sadly. "Lee min ho was a psycho,he loved me but not intentionally he only did it because he needed me for his plan."

"Yeah, I wish you too didn't leave namjoon hyung. And I wish hadn't got lazy and went to the black market instead of namjoon hyung." I sighed sitting on the chair we had in the room.

"Why?" She asked sitting down.

"That day, my Secretary had told me that day... That the black market was selling a girl." I said softly "and me, not thinking of it, didn't go."

"We're both fools." She said laughing.

"I agree."taehyung said. Back.


Heiji pov

"Aniyo, this one is nice."

"But I like this one."

"But this one is better."

Me and namjoon were debating on my wedding dress.

He wanted something grand and I just wanted something simple.

"I thought the wedding is going my way?" I rose my brow at him.

"But I'm just suggesting and your not the only one whose getting married." He told me cupping my face

"Aish, but I'm wearing it not you." I told him taking his hands off my face.

"Aish why is my wife si mean." He said pouting.

"Please stop doing aegyo, joon. I think I could've slapped you." I said holding myself back.

"If you hate it so much you could have ignored me." He said looking away disappointed.

"Aish don't worry, I still love you." I said kissing his cheek.

He then started blushing like a fool.

"Aish your so adorable." I told him kissing his face all over.

"I love you so much." I told him

" I love you so so so much." I kissed his nose.

"Namjoon?" I called out, because he was no longer responding.

"Ahh yes? Why did you stop. Keep on kissing me." He ordered

"I love you." I then I landed a kiss on his head


To be continued

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